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Toddler Development

Ms. Rachael
Example Slide
Level 1- Remembering (periodic table)
Periodic Table
● Activity Name- Quiz
● Activity Directions- Students will see a blank periodic table and will be asked to
fill in the correct elements from memory by filling in the elements they know
● Level of Bloom’s: Level 1: Remembering because it involves memorizing and
recalling basic information.
● Technology alternative: Students will take the quiz on Kahoot, Quizlet, or
Google Forms instead of on paper
● Multiple Intelligence Used: This activity uses the linguistic intelligence
Level 1- Remembering
Name of Activity: Description of Activity:

Doing a kahoot about what we know about toddler development. Easy questions
and not that many.Tech Alternative (how can we use technology instead?):

This is a tech activity.

Why does this activity meet this Level of Bloom’s Taxonomy?:

Because this is bringing up questions about toddler development.

Which Multiple Intelligence does this activity use? Why? This one is linguistic
because is it working on written language. Reading and answering questions.
Level 2- Understanding
Name of Activity: Hand dominance activity

Description of Activity:

Drawing a turkey with the opposite hand and cutting it out.

Tech Alternative (how can we use technology instead?): watching a video about
hand dominance in a toddler.

Why does this activity meet this Level of Bloom’s Taxonomy?: The students get to
understand what a toddler is feeling when they are developing hand dominance

Which Multiple Intelligence does this activity use? Why? Spatial because they are
doing a hands on activity and realizing.
Level 3- Applying
Name of Activity: write a potty training song

Description of Activity: Write a potty training song that helps a little toddler go to
the bathroom. It can rhyme or not just something that helps.

Tech Alternative (how can we use technology instead?):

We can watch a potty training song on youtube and sing along.

Why does this activity meet this Level of Bloom’s Taxonomy?: We are applying
what we know about potty training and putting it into a song.

Which Multiple Intelligence does this activity use? Why? Musical because we are
writing a song and singing it.
Level 4- Analyzing
Name of Activity: Comparing steps with a tall and short person.

Description of Activity: 2 Students will walk a certain amount of steps. One will be
taller and one will be shorter. Then we will discuss about it.

Tech Alternative (how can we use technology instead?):

We can use a simulation that does the same things.

Why does this activity meet this Level of Bloom’s Taxonomy?: we are comparing
something so that would be analyzing.

Which Multiple Intelligence does this activity use? Why? Linguistic because they
are discussing, and talking with each other.
Level 5- Evaluating
Name of Activity: debating about toddler leashes

Description of Activity: I will bring up ideas about toddler leashes, and we will
discuss about weather its a good thing or bad thing.

Tech Alternative (how can we use technology instead?): we can do a discussion

board online. It's the same thing but online.

Why does this activity meet this Level of Bloom’s Taxonomy?: because we are
debating about leashes and talking with each other.

Which Multiple Intelligence does this activity use? Why? Linguistic because we
are talking and working together.
Level 6- Creating
Name of Activity: Create a creative food plate for a toddler

Description of Activity: Grab a piece of paper and create a CREATIVE food plate
that has all the important food groups to help develop a toddler.

Tech Alternative (how can we use technology instead?): go to google docs and
create it on there.

Why does this activity meet this Level of Bloom’s Taxonomy?: we are creating a
food plate and working it out.

Which Multiple Intelligence does this activity use? Why? Spatial because we are
taking it into the real world.

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