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The Treaty of Versailles

 In July 1918, the Allies started winning
more victories and gaining more ground
from Germany.
 By the fall of 1918, new members of the
German government wanted to negotiate
for peace.
 One by one, the Central Powers started
backing out of the war.
11 Month, 11 Day, 11 Hour
th th th

 On November 11th, at 11:00 A.M., the

Allies and Germany agreed to an armistice
– Armistice: a cease-fire agreement where
neither side wins or loses.
 Kaiser Wilhelm II is overthrown in
Germany, and a republic is formed.
– Wilhelm blames the Jews and Socialists for
Germany’s defeat.
Entente Powers Military Total Deaths Military
Deaths Wounded
Australia[1] 61,928 61,928 152,171
Belgium[2] 42,987 104,987 44,686
Canada[3] 64,944 66,944 149,732
France[4] 1,397,800 1,697,800 4,266,000
India[6] 74,187 74,187 69,214
Italy[7] 651,010 1,240,010 953,886
Romania[13] 250,000 680,000 120,000
Russia[14] 1,811,000 3,311,000 4,950,000
Serbia[15] 275,000 725,000 133,148
United Kingdom[17] 885,138 994,138 1,663,435
United States[18] 116,708 117,465 205,690
5,696,056 10,353,813 12,809,280
(Entente Powers)
Central Powers Military Deaths Total Deaths
Austria-Hungary[19] 1,100,000 1,567,000 3,620,000
Bulgaria[20] 87,500 187,500 152,390
Germany[21] 2,036,897 2,462,897 4,247,143
Ottoman Empire[22] 800,000 5,000,000 400,000
4,024,397 9,415,397 8,419,533
(Central Powers)
Casualties During World War I
(in millions)
Country Mobilized Casualties Percentage

Austria- 7.8 7 90
Russia 12 9.15 76
France 8.4 6 71
Germany 11 7 63
Italy 5.5 2.15 39
Britain 8.9 3 34
U.S. 4.35 .36 8
The Big Four
What the Big Four
 Get rid of Germany’s military.
 Germany pay them money (reparations)
 Put their Army in Germany until $$ was
Great Britain
 Agreed with France
 Wanted to make sure Germany was strong
to keep it from becoming Communist.
United States
 Wanted democracy and self-
determinations of nations.
 Wanted a international body to keep
peace in the world.
14 Points
 Woodrow Wilson’s plan for peace.
 Wanted to make democracy safe for the
Results of Treaty
1. War Guilt Clause
 France and Britain forced Germany to
accept responsibility for starting WWI.
 Germany was mad, but could do nothing
about it.
2. Germany Lost Land
 France takes back Alsace and Lorraine
from Germany.
 France keeps army in Germany until
Germany pays up.
3. German Military
 Germany was forced to disarm
– Could only have 100,000 soldiers
– Navy could only have 12 ships (no subs)
– Could have no air force
4. Reparations
 Germany was forced to pay the Allies
money to help rebuild after war.
 Total amount was $33 billion dollars!!
– $392,433,486,462.40 today!!!
– They had 50 years to repay all the money.
5. New Countries Created
 New countries were created out of
Germany, Russia and Austrian-Hungarian
 Countries were created based on language
6. League of Nations
 International body created to keep peace
throughout world.
 Problems:
– Had no military force behind it.
– United States and Russia did not join.
Impacts of Treaty of
1. Germans Felt the Treaty was
 They could not pay the reparations.
 The terms of the Treaty were disrespectful
 Punishments made their economy go
down the toilet
2. American Isolation
 America did not agree with what Pres.
Wilson did.
 The Senate voted against the Treaty and
joining the League of Nations.
 The US spent the next 20 years ignoring
what was happening in the world.
3. Colonies
 Colonies wanted to gain independence
from Europe as a result of the war.
 People started fighting and demanded
independence one by one throughout the
4. End of Empires
 No more huge empires
– Austrian-Hungarian
– German
– Russian
– Ottoman

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