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Fundamental of Human

Resource Management

Chapter 6, 7

 Effective Recruiting
 Recruitment challenges
 Recruitment sources
 Selection process
Effective Recruiting

 Recruiting -The process of seeking sources for job candidates.

 For recruiting to be effective, the organization needs to have several elements in place
 thorough job analysis
 accurate job description
 understanding of the organizational strategy
 a strategy for finding qualified applicants inside or outside the organization that possess the
qualifications listed in the job specification
 Employment branding makes the company name stand out when applicants are
researching employers
Recruitment Challenges

 Too Many or Too Few Applicants

 Organization Image
 Job Attractiveness
 Internal Organizational Policies
 Recruiting Costs
 Inadequate Technology
Recruitment Sources

 Internal Recruitment Sources

 Employee Referrals an Recommendations
 Advantages of internal Recruitment
 promotes good public relations
 builds morale
 encourages individuals who are qualified and ambitious
 improves the probability of a good selection because information on the individual’ s performance is readily
 is less costly than going outside to recruit
 helps with recruiting entry‐level workers
 reduces orientation and training costs
 when carefully planned, can also act as a training device for developing middle top ‐level managers
External Recruiting Sources

 Advertisements
 Employment Agencies
 Executive Search Firms
 Schools, Colleges, and Universities
 Job Fairs
 Unsolicited Applicants
 Passive Candidates
Advantages of External Recruitment

 ?
Online Recruiting

 Employer Websites
 Job Boards
 Social media
Selection Process

 Screening Applicants
 Application Forms
 Weighted application forms
 Online application forms
 Preemployment Testing
 Work Sampling and Performance Simulation Tests
 Assessment centers

 Interviewing Applicants
 One‐on‐One Interview
 Panel Interview
 Behavioral interviews
 Stress interviews

 Background Investigations, Medical and Physical Exams

 Employment Offer
Preventing perceptual errors

 Impression management
 Interviewer Bias
 Realistic Job Previews

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