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Урок англійської мови для 9 класу

«Inventions in our life»

Русакова Катерина Олексіївна

Тарасова Ірина Олександрівна
Warm up activity
1. Do you agree that in 1876 Alexander Graham Bell invented
2. Do you agree that Karl Benz produced the world’s first petrol-
driven car in China in 1654?
3. Do you agree that in 1895 the Lumiere brothers patented their
cinematography and opened the world’s first cinema in Paris?
4. Do you agree that Sergey Korolyev designed the first mobile
phone in 1957?
5. Do you agree that in 1981 Bill Gates created Microsoft-DOS
(Disk Operating System)?
Let`s check answers:

1. Do you agree that in 1876 Alexander Graham Bell invented telephone?

2. Do you agree that Karl Benz produced the world’s first petrol-driven car in China in
Disagree: Karl Benz produced the world’s first petrol-driven car in Germany in 1878.
3. Do you agree that in 1895 the Lumiere brothers patented their cinematography and
opened the world’s first cinema in Paris?
4. Do you agree that Sergey Korolyev designed the first mobile phone in 1957?
Disagree: Sergey Korolyev designed the first artificial satellite in 1957.
5. Do you agree that in 1981 Bill Gates created Microsoft-DOS (Disk Operating System)?
4Ocean mobile skimmer

4Ocean mobile skimmer is an

intelligent device for cleaning
oceans and coastlines. This
machine can gather plastic and
other floating garbage. 4Ocean
mobile skimmer helps ocean
creatures to live in normal water
and also improves ecology.
Grass lamp

Grass lamp is an innovative

device that has been designed to
develop the décor of a home
interior with natural elements.
Grass lamp can bring warmth in
the user’s homes.

Water Purifier bottle

Water Purifier bottle can make

polluted water clean. Bottle has a filter
inside made with activated coal with
an electro-positive charge. When the
water passes through the filter system,
it removes bacteria, chlorine, metals
and also any weird tastes for your
4Ocean mobile skimmer

Recording #1: A garbage patch in the Pacific ocean is a

collection of plastic and floating trash from different
countries in Asia, North America, and South America.
Cleaning that garbage is quite the daunting task, but
with technologies like the 4Ocean Mobile Skimmer, we
may be closer to solving this issue. Some of the plastic
found in the patch is over 50 years old, and includes
fragments of toothbrushes, water bottles, pens, baby
bottles, cell phones and plastic bags.
Grass lamp

Recording #2: If you want to have a part of nature

right inside the house designed to be placed on the
wall to represent a modern and eco-friendly
atmosphere of the home interior, the grass lamp
can help you to make your dream true. Helping the
grass to be grown on the lamp, the user can connect
directly with the nature. Thin and light plastic has
been used to make some space for the soil, and also
water container and areas to be lightened.
Water Purifier bottle

Recording #3: These water purifier bottles can be

very useful for people who live in areas without
clean water, for example, in Africa. The quality of
water is too bad there, that`s why people often die
either of poisoning or of thirst. You also can use
this bottle during your trip to different countries, or
during camping.
Speaking activity
Розташувати винаходи від 1 до 10 залежно від вікової групи
(adults / teenagers / children)
a skateboard,
a personal computer,
the Internet,
a car,
a vacuum cleaner,
a refrigerator,
a mobile phone,
synthetic diamonds,
a ballpoint pen
 Which invention is the most important for
 What does it mean in the life of (adults/teenagers/children)?
 Which invention is the least important for
 Could (adults/teenagers/children) live without it? Why?
Conditionals, type II

IF + Past Simple, … would + infinitive… .

Example: If people didn’t have the ballpoint pen, they

would write with goose pens.
IF + Past Simple, … would + infinitive… .

1. If people didn’t have the plane, …..

2. If people didn’t invent the calculator, …..
3. If the refrigerator wasn’t invented, …..
4. If we didn’t have electricity, …..
5. If the computers wasn’t invented, …..
6. If the plastic wasn’t invented, …..
7. If we didn’t have paper, …..
Vocabulary competition!
Домашнє завдання:
Дати розгорнуту відповідь на запитання:
«What do I want to invent in future?»
(письмово та усно), повторити граматичну
тему «Умовні речення» та скласти 5
прикладів, використовуючи назви

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