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Firearm Injuries

D. Mona Mohamed Ibrahim Ghonem

Estimation of distance of firing:

Type of weapons
Type of powder
Shots or bullets
Estimation of distance of firing:
• In short distance firing (near firing):
Depends on presence powder mark, associates
of projectile
• Gases (15 cm): tearing at inlet.
• Flame (distance half the length of barrel): burn
• Smoke (1-1 ½ the length of barrel): blackening
• Unburnt particle (2-3 length of barrel): tattoing
Estimation of distance of firing:
• Non-rifled weapons:
• Inner wad:
* penetrate body up to 3 meters
* hit the body up to 10 meters causing
abrasions and bruises
Estimation of distance of firing:
• Non-rifled weapons:
• Outer wad:
* penetrate body up to 1 meters
* hit the body up to 3 meters causing slight
Estimation of distance of firing:
In long In case of shots
(far firing)
Estimation of distance of firing:
• Up to 2m: one central hole.
• At 2 m and more: central hole with few
surrounding separate shots hole.
• At 3 m: central hole gets smaller.
• At 4 m: complete dispersion (diameter: 16
• At 10 m: space between shots increases,
diameter of dispersion 60 cm.
Chocking of non rifled weapons
In chocked weapons: complete dispersion
occurs at 6 m.
In non chocked weapons: complete dispersion
occurs at 4 m.
Estimation of distance of firing:
In case of rifled weapons:
In case of bullet

Amount of penetration if beyond the range of

associates of projectile
Point blank firing (0-15)
 The inlet is cross shaped
 Everted
 Burnt (flam).
 Blackening (smoke)
 Tattooing (unburned particles).
In contact firing
 Burning take the shape of the muzzle,

 Minimal blackening and tattooing.

Direction of firing and position of

Join the inlet and exit with an imaginary line,

when this line meets the ground indicate
approximately the position of the assailant
• Deviated bullet
• Retained missile
Identification of the weapon used
 Finger prints
 Smell of burnt powder
 Type and bore compared with projectile
extracted form the victim
 Swab from barrel to determine type of
powder and time since firing
 Experimental examination of the
suspected weapon by comparison
microscope to examine rifling marks
 Empty cartridge at the scene of the crime
Suicide , homicide or accidental
1. Circumstantial evidence

2. Scene of the crime

3. Examination of the victim

 Sex - Victims clothes - Cadaveric spasm
 Blackening of the victim's fingers
 Signs of resistance
Examination of the wound -4
 Site of the wound: reach of hand-against vital organ
 Number of wounds
 Direction of firing
 Distance of firing
5 -Examination of the weapon
 Presence of the weapon in the scene of crime
 Type of weapon Short – long
 Finger print – blood stain
 Defect in the weapon if accidental firing
6- Examination of the suspected assailant
 Signs of struggle, blood grouping, finger print
Fabricated firearm wound:
• Within reach of the hand
• He may ignite some powder over his skin or
burn the skin and push a missile into the lesion.
• Diagnosis:
• Circumstantial evidence.
• False story given by the fabricator
• Careful examination of the wound and clothes,
• No powder marks present at the wound.
Estimation of date of firing:
• Up to 2 weeks after firing: smelling burnt
powder at the muzzle
• Analyses the residue of combustion production
in the barrel.
• Rust at the barrel
Role of physician in firearm wounds:
• Make good notes of the original appearances
before any intervention (Draw and photograph
of each injury: distant and close-up).
• Preserve evidence carefully for the police.
• Swab the skin around the wounds for powder
Role of physician in firearm wounds:
• Look at radiographs before beginning the
surgery to identify types of the projectile and
their location.
• Look under the breasts, scrotum, axillae, groin
and perineum for hidden inlet, exit or reentry
• Differentiate between firearm injuries and
puncture wound by the presence of different
characters of firearm injuries
Role of physician in firearm wounds:
• Push probes through loose tissue because this
can result in artifactual tracks.
• Ever handle projectiles with metal instruments
to avoid distortion of rifling marks
• Forget to search for components not visible on
a radiograph such as fiber wadding.

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