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By :
sri wahyuni 1813010004
Velia s.p.p.a 1813010026

• Title : Prenatal anxiety and obstetric decisions among pregnant

women in Wuhan and Chongqing during the COVID-19 outbreak: a cross-
sectional study
• Journal : An international journal of obstetrics and gynaecology
• Volume and page : 12 pages
• Year : 2020
• Writters : X Liu, M Chen, Y Wang,L Sun, J Zhang, Y Shi, J Wang, H Zhang,
G Sun, PN Baker, X Luo, H Qi

• To investigate the mental status of pregnant women and to determine their

obstetric decisions during the COVID-19 outbreak.
• A cross-sectional study
• Reason : to evaluated among pregnant women in
• Wuhan (the hardest-hit area) and Chongqing (a neighbouring city) during the
COVID-19 outbreak, to investigate anxiety status and its influencing factors, to
determine and explain key prenatal decisions and, finally, to guide social and
medical practice.Reason : to know mental status of pregnant women during
pandemic covid19

• Factors that influence study : demographic, pregnancy and epidemic

information from our pregnant subjects, along with their attitudes
towards COVID-19 (using a self-constructed five-point scale), the
Self-Rating Anxiety Scale (SAS), and
obstetric decision-making
• factors that influenced anxiety : household income, subjective symptom, and
• factors that influenced obstetric decision-making : hospital preference, time of
prenatal care or delivery, mode of delivery and infant feeding

• Variable dependent : mental status in pregnant women

• Variable independent : COVID19
• Subject : pregnant women
First, the general
A total of 1947 valid characteristics of their
questionnaires were demographic background
received, 932 from were of families with a
Wuhan and 1015 from middle-level income and a
Chongqing. working pregnant mother,
although distribution
differences existed between

Third, information on Secondly, most pregnant

COVID-19 from women surveyed were in their
official media were second (32.8%) or third
widely accepted during trimester (62.9%). There were
this period in both more third-trimester women in
cities. Wuhan (79.8 versus 47.4%)

• Differences were observed between cities in some background characteristics

and women’s attitudes towards COVID-19 in Wuhan were more extreme. More
women in Wuhan felt anxious (24.5 versus 10.4%). Factors that influenced
anxiety also included household income, subjective symptom and attitudes.

• The outbreak aggravated prenatal anxiety and the associated factors could be
targets for psychological care. In parallel, key obstetric decision-making
changed, emphasising the need for pertinent professional advice. Special
support is essential for pregnant mothers during epidemics.

• (+) : journal identities that are complete, journal structure can be understood,
the author explains in detail, the flow or the stage of the research carried out.
• (-) : there is no volume journal
• Thank you

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