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Though he was

a good person,
his short temper
was his Achilles
• borrowing from another text
• adaptation (old becomes new)
• reuse
• reinterpretation
• reimagining an existing text and making it new
• is the way that one text influences another.
• this can be a direct borrowing such as a quotation or
plagiarism, or slightly more indirect such as parody, allusion, or

3 main types
1. Appropriation
2. Allusion
3. Parody
mona lisa, mona lisa
men have named you
you’re so like the lady with the mystic smile
is it only ’cause you’re lonely
they have blamed you
for that mona lisa strangeness in your smile

do you smile to tempt a lover, mona lisa

or is this your way to hide a broken heart
many dreams have been brought to your
they just lie there, and they die there
are you warm, are you real, mona lisa
or just a cold and lonely, lovely work of art

Selena Gomez donned a bindi,
a colored dot traditionally worn
on the center of the forehead by
Indian women. The bindi can
symbolize connection with the
"third eye" or as a way to
distinguish married women.
“The bindi is an auspicious
religious symbol that should not
be thrown around loosely,"
Rajan Zed. She said, “I think it's
fun to incorporate that into the
Kim Kardashian has gotten lots of
flak over the years for styling her
hair in fulani braids, or cornrows, in
what some have said is cultural
appropriation of a traditional African
hairstyle. “I know the origin of
where they came from and I'm
totally respectful of that," she told.
• Are you trying to get a laugh from your comment or costume?
• Are you dressing up as a specific person who happens to be a member of another
culture? or are you dressing up as a random person?

• Is what you want to wear or do considered sacred to another culture?

• Do people who belong to that culture say it's offensive?
• If you are influenced by another culture, have you given credit to your influences?
or are you claiming your work as your own?

• Does your costume involve blackface or brownface which is always considered


• reference to another text

• can also be a reference to a person, place, or event
• the reader/audience has to make the connection
• it does not describe in detail the person or thing to which it refers.
•Don’t act like a Romeo in front of her.
•You are a Solomon when it comes to making decisions.
•Hey! Guess who the new Newton of our school is?
•I didn’t have any bus fare, but fortunately some good
Samaritan helped me out!
•She turned the other cheek after she was cheated out of a
•You don’t have to be Albert Einstein to understand poetry.
•I’ll be your Romeo if you’ll be my Juliet.
•Well, I’m no Hercules, but I could open that jelly jar for you.
•Go ahead, ask me anything. I’m like google over here.
•a funny imitation of a serious piece of literature, writing,
art, or music
•pokes fun at something to entertain the audience/reader
•Parody\Catriona by Matthaios - JThree Cover.webm
•Parody\Kristian PH - Sermonia (Catriona Parody).webm
This place is like a
Garden of Eden.
You don’t have
to be William
Shakespeare to
write poetry.
When the volcano
erupted, the nearby
forest was swallowed up
in dust and ash like
• Look at the pictures (film cover photos) and observe the materials used
by the characters. if in case, you do not have enough materials, you
may look around and get everything you can get.
• Complete only the number of characters. no more, no less. if in case,
you have insufficient number of female or male which the cover photo
of the film requires, male members may play the role of female
characters and female members may portray being male characters.
• You have to make sure that you “pause to pose” what is seen on the
screen. when done, everyone who portrays should be in “freeze”
position until the teacher gives signal.
• After one group is finished in which the characters are in “freeze
position”, the teacher will give only 15 seconds for the other group or
else, they will not be given points. there will be a maximum of 20 points
for every portrayal.
Characterization of the selected characters 10 points
Resourcefulness of the group 5 points
Effort and Participation of the group 5 points
•Romans 12:2 
Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this

world, but let God transform you into a new

person by changing the way you think. then you
will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good
and pleasing and perfect.
•Romans 12:2 

and do not be conformed to this world [any longer with
its superficial values and customs], but
be transformed and progressively changed [as you
mature spiritually] by the renewing of your mind
[focusing on godly values and ethical attitudes], so that
you may prove [for yourselves] what the will of God is,
that which is good and acceptable and perfect [in his
plan and purpose for you].

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