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Teacher: Carlos Fernando

Gallego M.
Ingles Empresarial

A hunt for hidden treasures around your home. Basic

daily objects that are more precious than gold!

Teacher: Carlos Fernando

Gallego M.
Inglés empresarial

1. Your team must work together.
2. You must present your evidence in the correct order.
3. You must be ready with your answers at the time the professor tells you, you will lose points
every minute you send them late.
Starts at: 4:15 pm
Finishes at: 5:55 pm (If you send your answers after 6:00 your group is out of the competition!)
All your answers should be sent to this e-mail: (Miscellaneous and
video challenge category are shown separately at the next class)

note: You don’t have to do all the challenges but you have to complete as many as you can. The
winner group is the one with more points.
1. Winner group! (5.0 IN THE POP QUIZ) (They will have a surprised prize)
2. 2. Second place and third place group ( 0,3 – 0,2 in any grade each one)


1. What is teacher Carlos second last name? (2pts) Answer:
2. Mention one of Carlos expectative with this course(5pts) Answer:
3.What is carlos first activity at the begining of the class ? (2pts) Answer:
4.What’s the name of the topic that we studied the first day of this month? (2pts)
5. What´s your teacher telephone number?(3pts) Answer:
6. Where does your teacher work (2 places) ? (5 pts)Answer:
7.Name three platforms or web pages the teacher has used in class. (5 ponits)
8. Name one of your partners who is living right now in another city. (2pts) Answer:
9. How many girls are in this course? (2pts) Answer:
10. How is the students representative in this course? (2pts) Answer:


1. Of one of your team making a human pyramid with his family (4pts)
2. Of One of your team wearing clothes of the opposite sex (6 pts)
3. Of one of your team having a selfie with a pet and the pet wearing glasses (3pts)
4. Of a collage of photos of each member on the beach (4pts)
5. Of a collage of photo making a funny face (4pts)
6. Of a neighbor in the distance imitating Jackie chan with a surgical mask (10pts)
7. Of a team member wearing their school uniform and wearing a mask (3pts)
8. With someone older than 65 (with their ID in the photo) (5pts)
9. Of a team member shaking hands or bumping elbows with someone who has a beard (6pts)
10. of at least 2 members of the group wearing a costume with a surgical mask. (7pts)
11. Of one member of your group having a selfie with 15 different yellow objects (7pts)
12. Of someone in your group holding a message: Scavenger hunts winners! (6pts)
13. Of someone in your team holding 5 bills of 50.000 pesos (10pts)
14. Of someone on the bed having 10 books on his/her stomach and on top of that a fruit or
vegetable (8pts)
15. Of someone having a picture with at least 2 family members, imitating hip hop pose. (5pt)
16. Take a selfie of a license plate (car or motorcycle) that finishes with the same number of any identification card you or
any family member has (6pts)
17. Take the most creative team selfie with your family (10pts) (only for the most creative teams)
18. Take a photo of a team with 3 pets and wearing a surgical mask (8pts)
19. Of a member of the team inside a bathtub (5pts)
20. Of someone with a famous person (4pts)
21. Take a photo and make a collage with all the members of your team holding a very cute object. (8 pts)
22. Of a member on a piggy back ride with a member of the family wearing masks. (8pts)
23. of a member biting an onion (5pts)
24. Of a team member holding a poster of one of their best singer (4pts)
25. Of a collage of every team member having a picture of their happy place at home holding an antibacterial gel or
alcohol bottle. (10pts)
26. Of someone of your group having a selfie with 5 cellphones (6pts)
27. Of something that looks like the letter ‘C’ (3pts)
28. Of a team member walking the dog in a green area and wearing a mask (7pts)
29. Of someone of your team holding a nice drawing made by them (7pts)
30. Of your team holding a musical instrument (6pts)


1. Sing (30 seconds) of a song in English with someone else at home. Record it and send it to
the teacher. (9pts)
2. Have a male teammate or a male member of your family wear makeup and lipstick (8pts)
3. Convince a member of your family to read the following paragraph and record it for the
teacher Carlos: “I am helping in this scavenger hunt so they can win this awesome
competition this afternoon.” (9pts)
4. Send a picture in our whatsapp group with the following items (a stuffed bear, a toothpaste,
a mug, a paper clip, a ruler) (6pts)
Collect the following items and show them to the professor:
5. 2 passports (3 pts)
6. An unicorn (5pts)
7. A bancolombia debit or credit card (3pts)
8. A feather (4pts)
9. A shoe box. (4pts)
10. A wig (3pts)
11. An object (related to anime) (4pts)
12. Something shiny (3pts)
13. Something all purple (no clothes or fabric) (4pts)

Category N° 4. Video Challenges:

(you can only make 1 video on this category) (every video should be maximum
15 seconds long)

1. Get a video of one team member and at least 1 member of your family doing the
Macarena. Extra point for every person that joins you (10 pts)
2. One of you sing your favorite English song (only the chorus) in the balcony or outside
the window loudly. (At least 10 seconds singing) (10pts)
3. One of your team member and at least 2 members of the family dancing reggaeton
or bachata (10 pts)

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