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Direktorat Pembelajaran dan Kemahasiswaan

Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi

Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan

Konsep Learning Object (LOs) dalam

Inovasi Modul Digital (IMD)
Menunjukkan aspek keunggulan
inovatif dalam modul digital / Dapat dan mudah diakses
rancangan instruksional / secara daring dan terbuka
pemanfaatan teknologi / student
engagement / mengakomodasi
1 2 melalui laman SPADA
siswa berkebutuhan khusus

Memuat materi satu topik

untuk mencapai suatu Menunjukan target pengguna
capaian pembelajaran. 3 Kriteria IMD 4 yang prospektif

IMD yang dihasilkan Memanfaatkan beragam

sumber belajar digital (objek
merupakan bahan ajar
5 6 pembelajaran) yang
diproduksi sendiri (by
Flexible Teaching and Learning

Micro Credential

“…flexible approaches to teaching and learning refer both to an educational philosophy and
a set of techniques to teaching and learning. The term describes an approach to education
that is more a learner-centred and that increases the learner’s responsibility for his or her
own learning. Flexible approaches increase the degree of student control over when, what,
where, how and at what pace they learn. These include approaches to teaching and learning
which are less time and place dependent than more traditional forms of teaching”
(Johnston, 2001).
Definisi Module & Learning Objects
Program Studi (Programme)
 Asset (Wiley 2000);
 Component (Ip et. al.., 1997; Koutlis et. al.., 1999; Merrill, 1983; Quinn and Hobbs,
2000; Roschelle et. al.., 1999);
 Content object (ADL, 2003; OASIS, 2003; Shabajee, 2002; Slosser, 2001);
 Educational object (Ilich, 1971; Friesen, 2001; EOE, 2003)
 Information object (Wiley, 1999; Epsilon Learning Systems 2003; Wieseler, 1999);
 Knowledge object (Merrill, 1999; Paquette and Rosca, 2002);
 Learning object (generic) term credited to W. Hodgins (Jacobsen, 2001);
Mata Kuliah (Course)  Learning resource (IMS Global Learning Consortium, 2000; Papatheodorou et. al..,
2002; Koper, 2003; Paquette and Rosca, 2002);
 Media object (ADL, 2001; Shabajee, 2002);
 Raw Media Element (CanCore, 2003); Duval & Hodgins, in press);
 RIO (Reusable Information Object) ( CISCO, 1999; Wieseler, 1999);
Modul (Module)  RLO (Reusable Learning Object) (Cisco Systems, 2001; Barritt and Lewis, 2002;
MERLOT, 2002);
 Unit of Learning (Sloep, in press);
 Unit of Study (Koper, 2001);
Pelajaran (Lesson)

Source: Adopted from McGreal (2004)

LOs : “Web-based interactive chunks of e-learning designed to explain a stand-alone learning objective”
“Penggalan kecil materi ajar e-learning interaktif berbasis-web yang dirancang untuk menjelaskan satu
tujuan pembelajaran tunggal”
British inter-university Learning Objects Center
Ragam Pengetahuan
Ragam Media (LOs)

Teks Grafis Video Animasi Simulasi

Anatomi LOs

Digital1 Informatio Learning

Assets n Objects Object

Source: Adopted from Mishra (2009);

Aplikasi Ragam Pengetahuan dalam Ragam Media

Ragam Media (LOs)

Ragam Pengetahuan Teks Grafis Video Animasi Simulasi
Fakta (Fact)
Konsep (Concept)
Proses (Process)
Prosedur (Procedure)
Prinsip (Principles)

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