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Lesson Plan

Crystal Yu, Siyan Li,
Stefano Letran, William Nguyen
Objectives of the
● To establish nutritional priority
behind choosing which food to eat
everyday and which food to limit
● To educate on the formation and
process of cavity
● To demonstrate proper tooth
brushing habits
Our Audience ●

● St. Elizabeth Seton School

● 3-4 Kindergarteners per pair of 2 dental hygiene students

● Lesson is carry out on Zoom

Our Lesson Plan
Food Identification Activity

Let’s play a activity!

Help me determine the

different food as healthy
vs food that we should
limit (food that causes
sugar bugs).
Cavity Formation

How do we get sugar bugs?

● Food with sugar
○ Candy
○ Chocolate
● When you don’t brush your
● Bacteria (sticky, icky stuff)
*Show me your teeth*

Why do we brush our teeth?

How long?
● 2 minutes

How many times a day?

● 2 times

How do we brush our teeth?

● Fones (circular motion)
● Up, Down, Side to Side
● Responsive completion of the
Food Identification Activity
● High Material Retention on the
topic of Cavity Formation
● Positive Participation in
Toothbrushing demonstration
● Visual Aids provide effective
● Positive Post-Evaluation
● Successfully able to
accomplish lesson plans’
● Good amount of
participation during

● Kids looks like they enjoy

the presentation

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