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Quiz show

Stage 1
“Science” “Inventions” “Devices” “Clothes” “The best”

100 100 100 100 100

200 200 200 200 200

300 300 300 300 300

400 400 400 400 400

500 500 500 500 500

If the water is …, it boils.

“Science” - 100 points

If you leave … in the sun, it melts.

“Science” - 200 points

Water and oil do not …
if you combine them.

“Science” – 300 points

If you mix … and …,
it becomes a mirror.

“Science” – 400 points

Glass and silver

If you breathe in … ,
your voice goes funny.

“Science” – 500 points

Who invented the first
functional telephone?

Inventions – 100 points

Alexander Graham Bell

Which biologist proposed the theory
of evolution through natural selection?

Inventions – 200 points

Charles Darwin
What was invented
by Thomas Edison?

Inventions – 300 points

What was invented by
Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen?

Inventions – 400 points

What was invented
by Alan Turing?

Inventions – 500 points

What is it?

Devices – 100 points

What is it?

Devices – 200 points

MP3 player
What is it?

Devices – 300 points

What is it?

Devices – 400 points

What is it?

Devices – 500 points

Where were jeans invented?

Clothes – 100 points

In the USA.
What is the most popular items of
clothing in the world?

Clothes – 200 points

After its modern debut, …
was banned in Belgium, Italy,
Spain, and Australia, and it was
declared a sin by the Vatican.
Clothes – 300 points

It is thought that the average woman
will buy 145 … during her lifetime.

Clothes – 400 points

What colour of clothes was only
worn by emperors
and other aristocracy in Rome?
Clothes – 500 points

The tallest building in the
world is …?

“The best”
best – 100 points

Burj Khalifa
The longest river in the
world is …?

“The best”
best – 200 points

Nile River
The biggest bird in
the world is …?

“The best”
best – 300 points

The smallest country in
the world is ...?

“The best”
best – 400 points

Vatican city
The biggest tree in
the world is ...?

“The best”
best – 500 points

Giant sequoia
Stage 2
“The Olympic
“Animals” “Containers” “Body” “Feelings”

200 200 200 200 200

400 400 400 400 400

600 600 600 600 600

800 800 800 800 800

1000 1000 1000 1000 1000

… are known to be extremely
intelligent creatures and can
interact with humans.

Animals - 200 points

… are incredibly emotional
and actually get jealous
when they see the human getting
friendly with another
human or animal.
Animals - 400 points

… belong to the cat family
and are the biggest of their species.

Animals - 600 points

Countries like Singapore, Ethiopia,
England, Bulgaria, the Netherlands,
and Albania have named the …
as their national animal.

Animals - 800 points

… are the only members
of the cat family unable to roar.

Animals - 1000 points

What is it? Name a container
and its content

Containers 200 points
A bottle of water
What is it? Name a container
and its content

Containers - 400 points

A packet of biscuits
What is it? Name a container
and its content

Containers - 600 points
A can of beans
What is it? Name a container
and its content

Containers - 800 points
A carton of milk
What is it? Name a container
and its content

Containers - 1000 points
A slice of pizza
Where did the Olympic Games

“The Olympic Games” - 200 points

They began in ancient Greece.

How often are the Olympic
Games held?

“The Olympic Games” - 400 points

They are held every fourth year.

What does the Olympic
rings signify?

“The Olympic Games” - 600 points

The world’s 5 major regions:

Africa, the Americas, Asia,
Europe and Oceana
In what city were the first modern
Olympic Games held?

“The Olympic Games” - 800 points

The first modern Olympic Games

were held in Athens.
… holds the record of
being the only city to have
hosted the event 3 times –
1908, 1948 and 2012.
“The Olympic Games” - 1000 points

Your … and … will never
stop growing until the day you die.

Body - 200 points

Ears and nose

Your … accounts for only
2% of your body weight, yet
it uses 20% of the total oxygen
and blood in your body.

Body - 400 points

A fever over …°C is
enough to damage the
brain and, if untreated, cause death.

Body - 600 points

41.5 °C
A human baby has 99 more
… than an adult.

Body - 800 points

A human eye can distinguish
up to 10 million different …

Body - 1000 points

Chocolate, fish, and tea are all known
for boosting levels of ...

Feelings - 200 points

If you want to stop feeling sad or anxious,
you should …

Feelings - 400 points

Sleep more
… has been known
to cause stomach aches.

Feelings - 600 points

The most difficult emotions
to fake are sadness and ...

Feelings - 800 points

Dodos died because they didn’t have such
an emotion as …

Feelings - 1000 points

What famous Italian artist
invented some things in
the field of medicine?

It was Leonardo da Vinci.

Thank you for
your work.

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