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Head Girls Basketball Coach

Statement of Purpose!

Create a global readiness for all students that I teach and/or

coach, ensuring excellence within the educational community,
and generate an educational atmosphere via respect, dignity,
integrity, excellence, and accountability.

To be a championship program
that is the model for ALL other
high school basketball
programs in the state of Texas
through our performance on
the court, in the classroom, and
within the community.
Creating value for individual players
while developing an understanding that
preparation, serving others, strength in
character, self-confidence, and focusing on
the fundamentals and details that are key
ingredients to success on and off the court.
• To support teammates with encouragement, constructive feedback,
and unfailing dedication.
• To cultivate an environment for the individual athlete to thrive while
keeping the team first.
• To develop servant leaders who grow in faith through service in the
program and community.
• To develop self-confidence that breeds an attitude of perseverance on
and off the court.
• To progress fundamental skills and improve basketball IQ.
• To instill enthusiasm for the game and pride in playing for oneself,
their team , and the community.

Servant Leadership: The most powerful motivational leader is the person who practices what is called "servant leadership." The player who sees
herself as a servant to her teammates, and who does everything possible to help them perform at their best is practicing the highest form of servant
leadership. Servant leadership works when leaders honestly believe and act upon a desire to make their teammates successful. This occurs when
players lead by example and treat teammates as equal partners. The trust that results from this leadership encourages her teammates to grow as
servant leaders themselves, which in turn will cultivate a championship culture in our program.
“The amount of success you are capable of enjoying and the pleasure you are capable of feeling, is only equal to the number of people you are
willing to share it with.” –Coach Pat Summit
Work-Ethic: Maintaining a strong work-ethic is another attribute that all players in the program need to possess in order to reach our goal of
success. Like an enthusiastic attitude, work ethic has nothing to do with a player’s skill set. Intensity and hard work will be asked of all players and
staff each time we step foot on the court or the weight room. Our effort will never be questioned. Knowing the value of a strong work ethic will
help all of us be successful beyond basketball.
“Most people have the will to win; few have the will to prepare to win.” -Bobby Knight

Self-Confidence: Today’s society is extremely competitive. Now more than ever, it is important for young women to grow into confident individuals who
face challenges and adversities with pride and grace. True competitors realize the push for greatness through these obstacles grows self-confidence in
ourselves and our teammates. The best way to develop confidence in everything you do is to prepare yourself to exceed your own expectations – that is
through your development as a player, athlete, student, teammate, daughter, etc.
“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” –Proverbs 4:13
Perseverance: Our season will be full of challenges, and our life’s journey beyond the basketball court will be full of adversity. When we continue to give
our utmost effort despite our circumstances, that is perseverance. It is not easy, but by implementing all other traits listed above as well as persevering, we
are able to overcome. Being committed to a cause and having the strength to persevere in the end is a key to our ultimate success.
“Get a little bit better every day, and you’ve got something good going on.” –Coach Don Meyer
Enthusiastic Attitude: Displaying an enthusiastic attitude is displaying a positive attitude; however, enthusiasm takes positivity one step further. The joy
we get from surrounding ourselves with teammates we love while playing a game we love while serving the God we love should radiate in everything we do.
The enthusiastic attitude we display every day is a choice- a choice that entirely depends on each one of us individually and has nothing to do with
basketball knowledge or skill level. The best part of displaying an enthusiastic attitude is that it is contagious to those around us.
“Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm. Without enthusiasm you are doomed to a life of mediocrity.” –Og Mandino
Parent Involvement Theory for
Player Stability
Parental involvement in sports can be looked at as a continuum from not involved at all to
over-involved. It can range from low to high and from positive to negative.
• Positive involvement includes supporting your child through ways such as verbal
encouragement, your presence at a game, allowing your child to make his/her own
decisions about what sport to participate in, and providing financial and other
resources that enable his/her participation.
• Negative involvement refers to directive behavior, and pressure to win or perform up to
a parent’s expectations.
***without support, especially financial and emotional, it would be very difficult for a
child to be able to participate, and the pressure felt from the parent who is over-involved
could easily take out all the enjoyment of playing sports***
Managing Parental Expectations
From the first day as the Head Coach, it’s important to define and communicate
shared goals, values, and procedures to parents and players. You set the tone for
practices and play and can instill a positive ethic that signals zero tolerance for
difficult behavior.
• Our primary goal is to develop the technical skills, academic skills, and social
skills of young athletes.
• Winning is great, but it’s not everything.
• Learning to be a great teammate and working as a team is the most important.
• Having fun and getting physical exercise is key while developing a world readiness
for life success.
• Whether we lose or win, we do it as a team. During the first meeting, it’s also
important to outline clear roles for yourself, other coaches, parents, and players.
You should welcome the parents’ support and encouragement and call on the
players to work hard and do their best. Open communication through emails, phone
calls, and team and individual meetings should be welcome on all levels to
reinforce roles and responsibilities.
Positive Management of Parental Expectations
Try to maintain a positive attitude and remember you can only
control your own reactions and actions. When you speak with
the difficult parent, be sure to:
• Listen
• Empathize
• Explain
People are much more receptive to discussion and alternatives if
they believe you understand the reasons behind their actions,
whether it’s concern about a scholarship possibility, behavioral
concern, winning a game, avoiding injury, or wanting to be the
1. Communication is vital to success on and off the court: Without the act of communication, a team will most likely not work in unison and not succeed.
Depending on the situation at hand, a team may either use verbal or nonverbal communication: both are successful and have different purposes.
2. Attend all classes, practices, and workouts. The only excuse for missing will be an extreme emergency. Schedule doctor’s, dentist’s, etc. appointments
around practice time. If you do have to miss practice, let your coach know ahead of time. Do not relay messages through another player.
3. Follow all school rules as well as your teachers’ rules. If you cannot behave in class and at school, we do not want you in the program. It makes the
entire program look bad and the team is bigger than any one person is.

4. Be on time for everything. On time means five or ten minutes early. Be dressed and ready to go at the scheduled time. This is a good habit for the
rest of your life. If you fail to be on time, you will be rewarded!
5. Show respect to your teachers, coaches, and teammates. We will not allow disrespectful actions. We will be a classy team in everything we say and
do. You will be representing your school, your community, your family, your coaches, and yourself.
6. No Swearing or Immature behavior will be tolerated.
7. Keep your body in the best possible condition. Smoking, vaping, drinking, drugs, and staying out late causes you not to perform at your highest level
which in turn hurts the team.
8. You will be expected to respect our facilities and equipment:

a. Come into the Gym or Weight Room with proper attire, shoes on and laced, and NO jewelry!
b. Do not sit on the balls or throw them against the bleachers or walls.
c. Do not hang on the rim or net.
d. Do not spit on the floor. Use the trashcan.

e. Do not leave trash lying around.

f. Return all weights and leave the weight room clean.
8. There should be absolutely no horseplay in the locker rooms or weight rooms.
9. Maintain a neat and clean appearance everywhere you go.
10. Always do your best and work as hard as you can on and off the floor.
11. Social Media Presence.
a. Be polite and respectful
b. Use appropriate language.
c. Do not reveal personal data (i.e. home address, phone number, or phone numbers of other people).
d. Remember that the other users of technology are human beings whose culture, language, and humor have different
points of reference from your own.
e. Users should be discrete when forwarding e-mails, tweets, instant messages, etc.
f. Always represent yourself, your family, your teammates, and your school with the best ethical standard.
12. Keep your life in order. Priorities should be:
a. Your Belief(s)
b. Your Family
c. Your Team, School, and Yourself.
Basketball and school will be a fun, exciting, and successful year for
us if we all do what is expected of us.
Assistant Coaches Expectations
1. Loyalty-The most important attribute is loyalty to your head coach. You are on the staff by his/her invitation. This is a privilege and an
opportunity given to you. Do everything you can to learn the head coach's system. Help sell the program and philosophy to the players,
parents and fans. Make the head coach's job easier.

2. Keep an open mind and always be willing to learn- Be a student of the game. If you keep an open mind, you can learn something
new almost every day... not only the coach's general system, but how to teach and conduct practices, run drills, motivate, deal with
players, parents and administration.

3. Be a disciple of the Head Coach- Just what is your job? What does your head coach want you to do? "Just learn and teach.". Your role
is defined by your head coach, and the number of assistants that he has. Your role may evolve over time as you are entrusted with more
and more responsibility. Be willing to provide contradictory opinion, ideas, etc. Don’t be a yes man. This also means being able to take
the good and bad from the Head Coach.

4. Positively interact with coaches, players, parents and fans- By far, my greatest reward as an assistant coach are the
friendships and relationships that I have enjoyed over the years with the coaches, players, parents and fans... oftentimes people I would
have never otherwise gotten to know. Respect and develop your special relationship with other assistant coaches. It's a lot of fun if you
are all on the same page and work together. It's no fun and it's detrimental if the assistants are at odds with each other.

5. Professionalism- Look and act professional. Be clean and dress neatly. Conduct yourself in a positive, friendly manner. Get along with
others. Do not be adversarial with opposing coaches, players and fans. Be cordial to the officials. Demonstrate good
sportsmanship. Always be on-time for meetings, practices, games, etc.
 To support teammates with
encouragement, constructive feedback,
and unfailing dedication  We will Improve Daily
 To cultivate an environment for the
individual athlete to thrive while  We will Win a tournament
keeping the team first
 To develop servant leaders who grow in  We will Win the District Championship
faith through service in the program and
community  We will Win the Regional Championship
 To develop self-confidence that breeds
an attitude of perseverance on and off  We will Advance in the State Tournament
the court
 To progress fundamental skills and  We will Win the State Championship
improve basketball IQ
 To instill enthusiasm for the game and
pride in playing for oneself,
Assumption, and the community
My Basketball Program is designed to allow Student-Athletes to play
basketball at the Highest level. We will do this by Sticking to our CORE
PLAYING HARD: Hustle, Effort, and Desire will be the identifying
trademark of our program. Talent does not dictate any of these qualities. We
Will always PLAY HARD.
PLAYING SMART: Playing Smart involves decisions on and off the
court. We will make intelligent choices both on and off the court which will
make successful as a program, and as an individual in life
PLAYING TOGETHER: We will be selfless rather than selfish. Together
Everyone Achieves More.
Style of Play
Functionally Fast:
● Increases the pacePlay as game
of the Fast as You Can Control
● High Scoring
● Requires full team effort
● The team will be in elite shape
● Team can’t prepare for this type of style effectively
● Constant pressure on the opposition
● Forces their Offensive Productivity to be their best
Player Evaluations, Practice Plans, Grade Check

Shooting Improvement Log

Strength & Conditioning Outline

Female Rest and Recovery for Peak Success

Jump Training

Program Mission

Parent Guidelines for Cultural Success

Scouting Form

Individual Report Card

Post Game Player Reflections

Assistant Coaching Expectation

Patrick Dane Buchanan
10 Moon Valley
Conroe, Texas 77304

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