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summer and autumn

continental climate.
Hungary has a __________
It means that …
there are 4 seasons:
winter, spring, summer and autumn
Summer begins in June and ends in August.

In the S…..
outhern Hemisphere of Earth it
starts in December and ends in March,

that’s why we see Australians celebrating Christmas in bathing

suits and sunglasses.
This is the hottest season of the year with longer days.

The average temperature

30 degreesis
or higher, the sun shines warmly.

People wear skirt shorts T-shirt sandals

We can experience
heat stroke dehydration diarrhoea

We must consume a lot of water and eat a lot of fruits.

Rivers, ponds and lakes…

dry up in regions where the
temperature is very high. This affects
not only humans but also animals and
Summer has health benefits. When skin is
exposed to the sun, our body makes VITAMIN D,
which helps
absorb calcium for
stronger bones.

strengthens our
immune system,
Vitamin D
protects us against cancer.

BUT on the other hand too much exposure to the

ultraviolet rays can cause skin
cancer, and eye problems.
There is no school at this Families go on holiday and spend
time of the year, some quality time together.

Summer brings back lots of outdoor activities like

picnics water sports, excursions go to beaches

relax under the clear blue sky.

A lot of people like gardening at the

they grow In summer we

fruits and can enjoy a cold
vegetables ice-cream
The nature is gorgeous, we see flowers everywhere like
rose lily dandelion tulip sunflower, forget me not

We are happier during the hot months,

we smile more because of the sunlight.
AUTUMN begins in September, when
a new school year starts.

The weather is cool and windy, it often rains.

The chilly cold gets the warm clothes out of the closet.
This season is called ‘fall’ in the United States
because leaves fall from the trees
The trees change

their color from green to yellow

and brown.
In autumn people
harvest grapes

in order to prepare wine.

If the weather is sunny in this period
we call it Indian summer.
For animals to store food for the winter
now it’s time

to find a cozy place for hibernation.

migrate toward the Equator

Many birds to escape the cold

The trees are

soon going to be
Depression rate rises in this season
some people
lose a desire to
work or study,

go out with friends and This kind of Seasonal depression

participate in any social
comes and goes
with the grim

The cause is the lack of sunlight,

The treatment is light therapy.
Weather is unpredictable
we need to listen to the
weather forecast.

In other parts of the world there are natural disasters, for instance :
tornado hurricane flood volcanic eruption

earthquake forest fire


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