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D E N T S !
STU dy for our English Class….
Please get rea
th e le s s o n , y o u m y de ar
At the end of
st u d e n ts s h o u ld b e a b le to :
stu ry read
● Dete rm in e th e g is t o f th e sto
f y th e c h a ra c te r s in th e sto r y
● Identify
it iv e a n d n e g a tiv e m e s sa g es
● Discerrnn pos
e y e d in a m a te ri a l v ie w e d
conv fe
s so n in th e s to ry in re a l-li
● Apply the le
is de f in e d b y th e
An ecossyystem
e e n th e li v in g a nd n on li v in g
interactions betw
a r e a . L iv in g o rg a n is m s
things in any given
e n v ir o n m e n t to su r v iv e .
adapt to their biotic
o rt a n t in o u r e c o s y s
e m
Spiders arree imp
ll o w in g re a so n s : (1 ) It is
because of the fo
e r s k il l 4 0 0 - 8 0 0 m il li o n
estimated that spid
M o s t o f th e m a re
r e sm
s m a ll
prey each year.
a re o v e r 4 0 th o u s a n d
insects. (2) therree
w h ic h p la y s a m a jo r ro le
species of spiders,
in the food chain.
so m e sp id er s ar e b ot h po is o nouuss and
(3) although
sc ie nt ists ar e us in g th em to create
venomous. Sti tilll,
h um an s. (4 ) Th ey ha ve a lif
lifee sp an of 2
medicines for hum
sp id er s ca n liv e up to 25 ye ar s in a suitable
years. Som e
or e in a sh or t p erio d th ey ac t as our
environment, ther ef
co n trol , gi ve us d es ign id ea s, he lp us in
friendly pest
so m e an im al s an d re as on to sh o ut
medicines, food for
out loud at night. nt/))
rtant/ spide
estco rs-im
iders- porta
(re eved
triev from
ed fro http
m ht s://w
tps:/ ww.r
/ww epes
By Akutagawa Ryunosuke
SP _D_ _’S T _REA _
L_ _U_
H_ _L
_UD_ H_
Motive Questions:

o u th in k p e o p le w h o d id
i d
a. Do y
i n g s d e s e rv e s e c o n d
bad thin
chances? Why?
h u m a n b e in g s , h o w
b. As
r t an t i s s alv a ti o n to u s ?
The Spider’s Thread by Ryunosuke Akutagawa
One day, the Buddha was strolling along the brink of the lotus pond
of Paradise. His eyes fell on a man named Kandata who was squirming
with the other sinners in the bottom of hell. This Kandata had done so
many evil things in his lifeline but he had to his credit one good action.
Once, while on his way through a deep forest, he had noticed a little
spider creeping along beside the road. He was about to trample it to
death when he suddenly changed his mind and spared the spider’s life.
Now, as he looked down into hell, the Buddha remembered this good
deed and thought he would like to deliver Kandata out of hell. Looking
around he saw a spider of Paradise spinning a beautiful silvery thread on
the lotus leaves. The Buddha took up the spider’s thread in his hand and
let it straight down to the bottom of hell which held Kandata securely
with the other sinners in the Pool of Blood on the floor of hell.
On this day, Kandata lifted his head by chance and saw a silver
spider’s thread slipping down toward him from the high heavens.
Kandata grasped the thread tightly in his two hands and began to climb
up and up with all his might.
After climbing for a while, he was finally exhausted and could not
ascend an inch higher. He stopped to rest and looked below him. What
he saw filled him with fear. For, below on the thread, countless sinners
were climbing eagerly after him up and up, like a procession of ants.
Kandata blinked his eyes at them with his big mouth hanging foolishly
open in surprise and terror. How could that slender spider spider’s thread
which seemed as if it must break with him alone, ever support the
weight of all those people? If it would break in mid air, even he himself
would have to fall headlong back to Hell.
So Kandata cried out in a loud voice. “Hey, you sinners! This thread
is mine. Who gave you permission to come up with it? Get down! Get
At that moment, the spider’s thread broke with a snap at the point where
Kandata was hanging. Without even time to utter a cry, Kandata shot
down and fell headlong into the darkness, spinning swiftly around and
around like a top.
e t h e c h a r ac te r s
1. Who ar
e d i n th e s to r y ?
D e sc r ib e e ac h .
d d ha w a n t t o
2. Why did Bu d
a a s ec o n
give Kandat h e
y o u t h in k
chance? Do
ec on d c h a n c e ?
deserves a s
d i s e a n d h e ll
3. How do para h e
base d o n t
s d es cri p ti o ns ?
narrator ’
instrument was
4. What
Buddha to help
used by
t he sp i der ’s
5. What caused
th r ead t o b r eak ?
e s s o n a s w e ll
6. What great l u
ut h s h a v e y o
as universal tr
f r om t h e s to r y?
This is Good to Know!
Group students into 2 groups. Let
them determine the positive/
negative messages in the picture
assigned to them.

Is it
Positive or Negative ?

Is it
Positive or Negative ?
Answer the following questions orally:
● Are there any circumstances in your life that you have been given a
second chance? What is it and what did you do with that second
● Why is salvation important? What are you going to do to achieve that
● Are you aware of the GCTA (Good Conduct Time Allowance) law in
the Philippines?
● Are you in favor that most prisoners with heinous crimes(such as rape
and murder) was released and will be released?
Defend your answers. ‌
1. He was a notorious thief and a murderer and he
was fascinated about the importance of life
bringing him NOT to kill the little spider along his
a. Buddha
b. Kandata
c. Lotus
d. Spider
2. He is a powerful man. He is also forgiving. He
seems to be affected by the righteousness and
sinfulness of the people.
a. Buddha
b. Kandata
c. Lotus
d. Spider
3. How did Buddha show an act of compassion to
a. Buddha takes the silvery thread of a spider in
Paradise and lowers it down into Hell.
b. Buddha takes the silvery ladder in Paradise and
lowers it down into Hell.
c. Buddha sent a silvery dove from Paradise to Hell.
d. Buddha gave an airline ticket to Kandata so that he
will go to heaven.
4. Why was Kandata pardoned by Buddha?
a. He paid Buddha to set him free.
b. He decided to spare the life of a spider
c. He confesses his sins.
d. His time in hell has ended.
5. What is the POSITIVE message conveyed by the
i. Think only of yourself.
ii. Learn from your mistakes and do good
iii.You only live once.
iv. Be selfish.
B. Essay.
What are the positive and negative
messages of the story of “The Spider’s
Thread”. Explain in 3-5 sentences.
Group students into 3 and let them do the assigned task to
Group 1- Write a short poem about the importance of doing
good things and recite it in the class.
Group 2-Draw your favorite scene /part of the story and
explain what is the impact of that scene to your group.
Tell them that they will be graded based on the following
Presentation- 50%
Relevance- 40%
Total- 100%

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