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“The greatest weapon against stress is the ability to
choose one thought over the other”
What is stress
■ Stress is a feeling of emotional or physical tension. It can
come from any event or thought that makes you feel
frustrated, angry, or nervous.
■ Stress is the body’s automatic response to any physical or
mental demand placed on it. These demands are called
Identifying stressors
■ Stressor is the stimuli proceeding or precipitating a change. It
may be internal(fear, guilt) or external (trauma, peer
pressure). Examples of stressor
1. School
2. Work
3. Family
4. Relationships
5. Legal
6. Finances
7. Health/illness
8. Environment
9. Living Situation
Signs of stress
■ Insomnia
■ Loss of mental concentration
■ Depression
■ Extreme anger and frustration
■ Absenteeism
Causes of stress
■ Job insecurity
■ High performance demand
■ Bad boss
■ Personal or family problems
■ Career concern
■ Work overload
Positive results of stress
Types of Stress
■ Eustress or positive stress has the following characteristics:
Enables Energizes 1. Motivates, focuses energy
concentratio you into
n motion 2. Is short term
3. Perceived as within our coping abilities
4. Feels exciting
5. Improves performance
Negative results of stress ■ Distress or negative stress has the following characteristic :
1. Causes anxiety
Loss of Reduces mental and 2. Can be short or long term
motivation effectiveness behavioral
problems 3. Feels unpleasant
4. Decreases performance
5. Can lead to mental and physical problems
Stress Management
 Stress management involves controlling and reducing the tension that
occurs in stressful situations by making emotional and physical
 This can be done through stress management techniques such as :

Meditation Counselling Exercise

Physical activity can
A short practice for
settling the mind talk therapy help improve
your sleep

Reduces fear, Exercise also seems

anxiety, and stress Life coaching to help mood.

Laugh therapy Deep breathing
Yoga form of you turn on your
improves your
exercise, but it can body’s natural ability
also be a meditation immune system to relax.

slow calms the part of your 

lessens pain, and
movement, stretching calms system that handles
improves your mood your ability to relax.
, and deep breathing 

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