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2. UCI RAHMADANI (19033066)


4. WENI PURWITA SARI (19033138)
Past Continuous Tense

Definition : Past Continuous tense describe an action that was

happening in the past time. The action began before the specific
time and may or may not continuou after the specific time.
Time signal : time expression for past continuous tense are at
this time yesterday, at 7 o’clock last night, etc.
Past Continuous Tense Fuction
 Use the past Continuous tense to talk about an action that someone was in the middle of doing
something at a certain time.
Example : This Time last year I was living in Jakarta
 Use the past continuous tense when we talk about something was finished or not. Perhaps it was
finished perhaps no.
Example : Ani was reading an interesting novel. ( wedo not know when he started reading and
finish his reading.).
 Use the past continuous tense and past tense together to say that something happened in the middle
of something else. To combine the sentences use when and while.
Example : I was reading novel while my mom was reading magazine.
Past Continuous Tense Fuction

 Use the past continuous tense when we want to say thing happened
after another, use simple past. Two clauses in the simple past have a
very different meaning from past continuous tense. (when followed by
past tense and past continuous tense and while only followed by past
continuous tense).
Example: When Ani arrived, I was having breakfast. ( I had already
started breakfast before tom Arrived)
 Do not use past continuous tense for non action verbs.
Used Past Continuous Tense

 An action in the past which overlaps another action or a time. The action in the past
continuous starts before and often continues after the other shorter action or time.
01 02 03
Example : I was walking to the station when I met John. (I started walking before I met John, and
maybe I continued afterwards.)
 In the same way, we can use the past continuous for the background of a story. (We often use
the past simple for the actions.) This is really a specific example of Use 1.
Example : The birds were singing, the sun was shining and in the cafés people were laughing and
chatting. Amy sat down and took out her phone.
Used Past Continuous Tense
 Temporary habits or habits that happen more often than we expect in the past. We often use
‘always, constantly’ or ‘forever’ here. This is the same as the way we use the present

01 02 03
continuous for habits, but the habit started and finished in the past. This thing doesn’t happen
Example : He was always leaving the tap running
 To emphasise that something lasted for a while. This use is often optional and we usually use it
with time expressions like ‘all day’ or ‘all evening’ or ‘for hours’.
Example : I was working in the garden all day.
Formula Past Continuous Tense
Form Of Past Continuous Tense
Affirmative Sentences
Use was and were to form the past continuous tense by placing the appropriate form of to be before the past
participle (ing form) of the main verb.

S + Tobe ( was/were) +

Example : I was Walking back and so forth
Form Of Past Continuous Tense
Negative Sentences
We form negatives with the past continuous tense by placing not after to be.

S + Tobe ( was/were) + not +

Example : I was not paying attention to the lecture. I was sleepy

Form Of Past Continuous
Interrogative sentence : Yes / No and informative Question
 A form of be comes before the subject.
Tobe + S + ?
 Be comes before the subject in most information question.
Example :
1. Were they doing the research? (Answer : Yes I was / No , I was not)
2. Why was she taking so many classes?
3. When were they attending the sport school?
Form Of Past Continuous Tense
Rules of verb _Ing
Here are the spelling rules for-Ing verbs:
 Drop the –e and add- ing if the simple form ends in silent – e after consonant

Example :
Have - Having
02 03
Sneeze – Sneezing
 Change the –ie to y and add-ing if the simple form ends in –ie
Example :
Die – dying
Untie – Untying
Form Of Past Continuous Tense
 Double the last consonant (except –X) and add-ing if the simple form has one syllable and
ends in one consonant after one vowel.
Example :
Get – Getting
02 03
Run – Running
 The letters w and y at the end of a word are vowels, not consonant
Example :
Row – Rowing
Play – playing
Form Of Past Continuous Tense
 If the simple form ends in accented (stressed) syllable, follow the rules for one final
consonant after one vowel. If the last syllable is not stressed, just add-ing
Exampel :

Begin – Beginning 02 03
Happen – Happening
 Add-Ing in all cases to the simple form
Example :
Walk – Walking
Eat - Eating
Carry - Carrying
Play - playing
Terima Kasih

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