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• Tobacco is a big market in India majorly due to its

consumption and production and yet like any other
country even Indian tobacco industry has some threats
due to the changing laws and inflation on tobacco
products. Further to get more brief idea about the same
we will be doing pestle analysis on the same. (Ankish)

• In India like in many other countries the government

wants decrease the sales of tobacco products. It’s against
the law to sale tobacco products to people that are under
the age of eighteen years old. On every pack of cigarettes
there should be a warning followed by the text
CANCER” and etc. in both languages Hindi and English.
To minimize the use of tobacco products advertising is
forbidden by the law. Smoking is not allowed on public
places. It’s allowed only in special smoking areas.

• India take one of the first places in the world for

producing tobacco. The good climate is the main factor
for that. Based on that, they’ve produces 800 million
kg of tobacco in between the years 2013-2014.
According to World Bank Report, 33 million people are
engaged with the process of producing tobacco, 3,5
million are in India. (Nikolet)

• Although the advertisement of tobacco products in

India is banned by the law it’s123-136 in the ranking
among all 198 countries for weakest regime of raising
awareness of health consequences that tobacco
products cause death. According to ICMR (Indian
Council of Medical Research) mouth cancer and lung
cancer is the most common in both genders followed
by the fact that smoking causes dead and it’s the reason
for 42% of male deaths and 18.3 of female deaths.

• Major change in these past years would be vapes

getting more common amongst teenagers majorly and
this major change was seen majorly when juul
launched it changed the whole game. (Ankish)

• When we talk about legal changes there has been lots of

changes in the Indian tobacco industry
• Such as smoke free places, tobacco advertisement laws,
tobacco packaging and labeling, Roadmap to Tobacco
Control Legislation: The Cigarettes and Other Tobacco
Products (Prohibition of Advertisement and Regulation of
Trade and Commerce, Production, Supply and Distribution)
Act, 2003 (COTPA) is the principal comprehensive law
governing tobacco control in India. The Act was passed before
India became a Party to the WHO Framework Convention on
Tobacco Control. (Ankish)

1. Throughout the whole life cycle of tobacco — from

farming through to manufacture and consumption — there is
a pronounced threat to the environment.

2. The life cycle of tobacco causes deep and often

irreparable damage through deforestation, water
consumption and the use of pesticides. 
Greenhouse gases are emitted at every stage, contributing i
n no small part to climate change
[1]. The soil where it is grown is left weak and arid, 
often turning previously fertile areas into deserts [2].
for every product marketing strategy have major role behind its success and in the case of

tobacco price for the crop is much necessary to motivate farmers. In India marketing

scenario has changed very drastically for FCV tobacco after the establishment of Tobacco Board.

Area of improvements have been extracted through the study are very important to be lookedupon. The web of middlemen and
unscrupulous traders are so prevalent that farmers are not

getting the actual benefit to a certain extent. This situation is very grim and needs to be corrected

as soon as possible. As an opportunity FCV Tobacco segment gives India an edge in world

market, so every effort should be done to cash it on earliest possible.Cigarette industry gives a lot of revenue to the government and growth
avenues of the industry

has to be explored in international market as there is supporting trend for Indian cigarette. It is

very harming on the part of Government to look on the industry as a cash cow and increasing /

imposing new restrictions on certain intervals. An Efficient and effective economic and

institutional mechanism always helps in catalyzing growth in different sectors. Definitely, not

only advertisement restrictions and tax collection but exploring new areas for tobacco

consumption (including export) should be the government priority for providing support to

tobacco farmers and the industry.

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