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All mankind...

being all equal

and independent, no one ought
to harm another in his life,
health, liberty or possessions.
John Locke
John Locke FRS (/lɒk/; 29 August 1632 – 28 October 1704) was an
English philosopher and physician, widely regarded as one of the most
influential of Enlightenment thinkers and commonly known as the "Father
of Liberalism"

Considered one of the first of the British empiricists, following the tradition of Sir Francis Bacon, Locke is equally
important to social contract theory. His work greatly affected the development of epistemology and 
political philosophy. His writings influenced Voltaire and Jean-Jacques Rousseau, and many Scottish Enlightenment
 thinkers, as well as the American Revolutionaries. His contributions to classical republicanism and liberal theory are
reflected in the United States Declaration of Independence.
Locke's theory of mind is often cited as the origin of modern conceptions of 
identity and the self, figuring prominently in the work of later philosophers
such as Jean-Jacques Rousseau, David Hume, and Immanuel Kant. Locke
was the first to define the self through a continuity of consciousness. He
postulated that, at birth, the mind was a blank slate, or tabula rasa. Contrary
to Cartesian philosophy based on pre-existing concepts, he maintained that
we are born without innate ideas, and that knowledge is instead 
determined only by experience derived from sense perception, a concept
now known as empiricism
John Locke (29 August 1632 – 28 October 1704), was an English philosopher and
physician regarded as one of the most influential of Enlightenment thinkers and
known as the "Father of Classical Liberalism". Considered one of the first of the
British empiricists, following the tradition of Francis Bacon, he is equally
important to Social Contract Theory. He developed his Social Contract Theory in
his famous book “Two Treatises on Civil Government (1690)”. His work greatly
affected the development of epistemology and political philosophy. His writings
influenced Voltaire and Rousseau, many Scottish Enlightenment thinkers, as
well as the American revolutionaries. His contributions to classical
republicanism and liberal theory are reflected in the United States Declaration
of Independence.

The new political theories which emerged as a result of renaissance, favored

absolute sovereignty of the State- undermining the importance of the
individual. Therefore, in order to support the rights of the individual against the
absolute power of the sovereign, a new interpretation of the natural law and
Social Contract theories became more or less necessary. John Locke had
witnessed the Glorious Revolution of 1688 and the wave of individualism in
England which greatly influenced the political and legal theories in Britain at
that time. He therefore, came out with a new interpretation of the Social
Contract rejecting Hobbes’ earlier concept of state of nature
Parliamentary democracy existing in the modern day India today is mainly influenced by John Locke’s idealism.
His ideas gave theoretical form to the reaction against absolutism and the preparation of parliamentary

Moreover, John Locke’s doctrines of liberty and equality have exercised a strong influence upon Fundamental
Rights as guaranteed under the Constitution of India. Liberty and equality of an individual are highly respected
and thus protected by the government and sovereignty resides in the people as per John Locke’s ideas.

Political power derived from Social Contract entails such power coming from the people and not from above,
whether from divine law or the grace of God. Thus, Social Contract Theory of John Locke is a forerunner of
democratic theory i.e. the government of the people, by the people and for the people. Thus, the modern
democratic government as we see in India, i.e., adhering to free and fair election principles have their basis in
social contract theory.

It can thus be said that Social Contract Theory is exercised in India through the elections of some people to form
the government. The major problem facing our country is non adherence by the governments to the Social
Contract principles as propounded by John Locke. The said principles require the government and the people to
exist under Pactum Unionis and Pactum Subjectionis with due respect and adherence to the duties and rights
arising there from. In every political community of people there is a Constitution and the Constitution is
supposed to reflect the WILL of the people. And since the Constitution of India reflects the WILL of the people, it
then enjoins every person to abide the provisions of this Constitution, that is, to live according to their agreed
procedures and respect the community. The jurisprudence behind Social Contract Theory is to promote peace
and harmony as that it is the bed rock of democratic societies such as India.

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