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Political Leadership Structure

Political Organization
- have informal leadership, connected by family ties and very much reliant on
communal decision making.
National form of human social organization based on a set of smallest groups ,having temporary
or permanent,political integration
Defined by common descent,language,culture,and ideology.
Viewed historically - known to be the social groups that existed before the emergence of nations
and States.
Are political organizations that rose out of the need to control larger population.
There is notable and centralized leadership.
Society ranked according to leader's and followers(also known as nobles and

State --the most formal and complex form of political organization.

-there is an identified governing body to look after the affairs of thousands of is a
wide range of institutions within the states which includes: Legislative, Executive, and
Judicial bodies.
Traditional Authority- is one where there is a
dominant personality that leads people based on
tradition and order.
The leader is dependent upon rules, norms and
principles that would govern the day-to day affairs
of the people.
CHARISMATIC- points to a type of leadership where an
individual possesses certain types of characteristics that draw
people in .
Such leader is capable of mobilizing people because of their
massive trust and genuine desire to follow.
Ex. Nelson Mandela
Mahatma Gandhi
Martin Luther King Jr.
RATIONAL AUTHORITY - also called lega- rational
authority, is a type of leadership where there are
clearly defined rules and laws which must be
People obey the leader not because of his/her
ability but because of the legitimacy of leadership
based on predefined rules and regulations.
Defined as the belief that a rule, institutions, or leader has the right to govern. It
is a judgment by an individual about the rightfulness of a hierarchy between rule
or ruler and its subject/s and about the subordinate's obligation toward the rule
or ruler.
It is a collective belief held by citizens to acknowledge and respect the leadership
to be legitimate.
Try to follow the rules and regulations imposed upon their day-to-day activities.
Allows a society to operate within the context of an organized political structure.

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