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Integrity of Creation

Integrity refers to the rational use of creation, a use

that is respectful of its purpose and destiny and is
mindful of the needs of future generations.
Creation calls for an ongoing process and
contribution towards the realization of an
unfinished potential.

Biodiversity is the whole range of living

organisms that inhibit the earth. It is life’s varity,
nature in all its aspects. It includes every living
creature in the land surface, in the soil, in and
beneath the sea and in the air, insects, birds and
animals, animals and we ourselves, we too are
part of the great diversity of the planet.

There is a biodiversity crisis in the world today as

ecosystems and habitats everywhere are being
destroyed for cultivation, urban development and
transport infrastructure. Many species maybe lost
before they are even discovered by man, and
according to scientists, we have named only a
small percentage of species as yet.
Climate change is being caused by human activity
particularly the burning of fossil fues such as oil,
coal and gas to produce energy to our homes and
for industry, for our cars and for all transport
which are emitting excessive amounts of carbon
dioxide into the air causing global warming.

Climate change is a justice issue for the poor

since it is they who will suffer most from its
effect. Some of its affects are drought, flooding,
harvest failure and loss of livelihood. Climate
change also threatens peace and stability in many
regions as fresh water and productive lands
become scarse. It is also an ecological crisis as
the great ice sheets of Greenland and Antarctica
and many important glaciers melt at
unprecedented rates and many species are for
extinction as they loose their habitats too quickly
for them to adapt to new environment.
The ozone layer is a deep layer in the
stratosphere, encircling the Earth, that has large
amounts of ozone in it. The layer shields the
entire Earth from much of the harmful ultraviolet
radiation that comes from the sun.
Interestingly, it is also this ultraviolet radiation
that forms the ozone in the first place. Ozone is a
special form of oxygen, made up of three oxygen
atoms rather than the usual two oxygen atoms. It
usually forms when some type of radiation or
electrical discharge separates the two atoms in an
oxygen molecule (O2), which can then
individually recombine with other oxygen
molecules to form ozone (O ).
Biblical Basis
All of creation is included in the gift of freedom
offered by the Christ event: "…the whole created
world eagerly awaits the revelation of the children
of God….the world itself will be freed from its
slavery to corruption and share in the glorious
freedom of the children of God" (Rm 8,19-21). If
all things in heaven and earth were created in
Christ, the firstborn of all creation, and if in Him
they continue in being, then in His death and
resurrection Jesus Christ reconciles all things: the
entire universe, everything in the heavens and on
earth (cf. Col 1, 15-20).
Ecology Action:
In the beginning little concern was shown for
ecology. In 1967, however, the same could be said
for society in general. The first United Nations
Conference on ecology was held in Stockholm in
1972. The book The Limits to Growth was
published in the same year, and raised a world-
wide alarm. Yet the ecology theme was not very
evident in the pontificate of Paul VI. It was in the
time of John Paul II that the Church developed a
greater sensitivity to the issue
What to do?
Segregate your rubbish
Use recycled paper
Avoid buying plastics- they are hard
to recycle.
Don’t buy over- packed goods
Never buy products made of tropical woods,

i.e mahogany
Don’t buy imported flowers,birds or animals
Don’t litter
Use less energy by switching off lights when
rooms are not used
Use a bicycle or walk instead of using a car for
short trips
If you spot pollution, report to authorities
Try to by environmentally-friendly products such
as organic foods
Avoid using styrofoams
The greenhouse effect
Don’t waste electricity
Car fumes produce CO2 and NO2 so try to cut it
down by not using cars. Walk to exercise!
Recycle rubbish
Cut down on meat intake. Meat concumption has
risen and farm animals esp cattle produces
methane. Not only that the cattle are being fed
with soya beans which is often grown in land
where rainforest had been destroyed.
Endangered habitat and wildlife
Make a pond
Make a wildflower meadow
Feed the birds

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