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power point kelompok 8

modul 8 unit 1 2 3

Nama kelompok:

~ Sofinar Diki Andriyanto

~ Eko Purwanto
Clothing and fabrics

1.clothes : what do we wear everyday?

2.buying clothes : cash or credit?
3.having a complaint
clothes : what do we wear everyday?

We wear clothes wherever we are,except when we are taking a bath

, of course.We wear clothes at home, we wear clothes at work,and we
wear clothes when we go somewhere. We wear different kinds of
clothes for different occasions. Kids wear uniforms when they go to
school. Do you wear uniforms when you are teaching? In this module,
we are going to talk about clothes, the things that we are very familiar.

Dalam pernyataan diatas terdapat pernyataan bahwa kita memakai

pakaian yang berbeda untuk setiap kesempatan yang berbeda ( We
wear different kinds of clothes for different occasion ).
Contoh kalimat :

> Mitra technically translate the design into patterns.

Kata yang berakhiran”-ly” biasanya berupa adverb.

Adverb adalah kata yang menjelaskan tenteng kata kerja(verb) yang biasanya
diletakkan setelah kata kerja.
Buying clothes : Cash or Credit?

Kata-kata ‘will have to ‘yang terdapat pada modul 8 unit 2 itu adalah
future tense yaitu kata kerja yang menunjukkan kegiatan yang akan
dilakukan dimasa yang akan datang.

Contoh kalimat future :

> bayu will have to go to school tomorrow

Having a complaint :

Dalam materi modul 8 unit 3 ini bercerita tentang

pengucapan kata “sweater”.
Ucapan kata ini adalah ( swete < r > bukan swite < r >).
Once I bought a sweater by myself in a departement store.
I bought it because it was so nice had I liked it very much,
and the price was not so expensive.
But I was so disappointed, because it was worn out only
two weeks .after I bought it so I went back to store and
had a com.plain
Didalam kegiatan yang telah diceritakan itu sudah terjadi
dimasa lampau.

Oleh karena itu menceritakannya dalam bentuk past tense.


* ega went to market yesterday

sekian terimakasih….

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