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Scenario 3 groub 3

Facilitator : DR.drg.Citra Lestari,MDSc, SP.Perio

Member of the Groub
• Kharisma Yulia K (1810070110008)
• Zahara Hijriani (1810070110011)
• Hesti Anwar (1810070110016)
• Laras Arisanti (1810070110033)
• Adiva Afnela Putri (1810070110065)
• Putri Ghina Elfia (1810070110066)
• Berliana Arzen (1810070110073)
• Alifya Andra Kamila (1810070110079)
• Melin Yosmiryanti (1810070110083)
• Nurhabibah (1810070110087)
• Rihan Fadla Afenda (1810070110091)
Dentures are getting lower

Mr. Abe, 60 years old, went to a dentist practice to make fake PP. Mr.
Abe complained that his dentures had been used for more than 3 years,
they felt uncomfortable when chewing and the surface of the dentures was
low. The dentist did an examination of the denture and it took a long time
to see the low vertical dimension of one of the corners of the mouth
dropping and the occlusal surface of the upper and lower teeth. The doctor
explained that a new denture should be made. Next, the dentist patiently
explained the stages of making teeth which were carried out with several
visits, the first was obtained after the working model, designed the guide
line on the alveolar ridge, then studied the tryin bite rim to match the face
with And how to determine the mandibular mxillo relationship with several
problem analysis
Patient 60 years

GTL surface is Occlusal wear in vertical

getting lower RA and RB dimension

New GTL creation

Pig Chicken
Procedure Vertical Try in MMR
dimension biterim

Line design
on the model
learning objectives
1. Student Able to know and analyze
the procedure of making GTL

2. Student Able to know and analyze

the line design on the model

3. Student to know and analyze

vertical dimension

4. Sutudent Able to know and

analyze try in biterim

5. Student Able to know and analyze

the maxillamandibulo relationship
1. Procedure on GTL
The process of making complete dentures needs to be done in several visits, the
following is the manufacturing process:

1st visit

Subjective and objective examination

Anatomical printing study model

Making SCP (Individual Printing
2nd visit

Muscle trimming:
border molding by placing a Green Stick
Coumpound 2-3 mm around the edge of the
Physiological printing working model

Designing guide lines on work models

upper jaw model design lower jaw design

postdam design
3rd visit

• Membuat garis pedoman

Meliputi garis tengah (mid
 Try in the plate and line), garis bibir terendah
galengan bite (bite rim) (low lip line), garis senyum,
garis bibir tertinggi (high lip
line) dan garis kaninus.

Determination of vertical dimensions and centric

Base and occlusal rim with vertical and dimensions
centric relation that has been determined, fixation
planted on a semi-adjustable articulator
• Arrangement of artificial teeth
and the concept of occlusion

In the arrangement arranged from the first from the anterior

region in RA starting from :
central incisor
lateral incisor

Furthermore, after the anterior is finished, continue

arrangement of the posterior region starting from RA
and finally on RB POSTERIOR
4th visit

Try in to patients who have done artificial teeth


Gum curving/ contouring gingiva

Laboratory making

Planting a cuvette model (Flasking)

• Wax elimination
• Acrylic filling (acrylic packing)
• Removing the model from the cuvette (Deflasking)
• Complete denture refinement
5th visit

GTL insertion (insertion) on the patient

Giving KIE

6th visit

2. work model design
The line design on the work model is made to provide
guidance in the preparation of artificial teeth later.
3. vertical dimension
The vertical dimension is a measurement of the face vertically
on the midline determined by 2 points arbitrarily where one
point is above the mouth and the other point is below the
mouth. There are 2 kinds of vertical dimension lines :

Physiological resting vertical dimension Dimensions of vertical ojkusi

How t determine Physiological resting
vertical dimension (VDF)
and Dimensions of vertical ojkusi (VDO)?
4th try in bite rime
After making the base and the bite ring on
the working model, we will then try to enter
the patient's mouth to see the placement of
the patient's bite.
Try-in stage

1. Align the upper bite rim

When performing alignment of the maxillary bite rim, there are
several things that must be considered:
Determination of the maxillary bite rim height and cervical line
which is 2 mm from the low lip line of the upper lip when the patient
labial fullness adjustment
determination of the alignment of the anterior and posterior
maxillary bite ridges to the Camper's line.
Before the bite rim is removed from the patient's mouth,
determine the guideline on the bite rim

1. Project the median line on the bite ring RA & RB

2. Project the canine line
3. Project a smile line on the RA . dental ring
4. Make sure the overjet of the RA&RB biting ring is
approximately 2 mm
5th Maksilo Mandibular Relantionship
MMR (maxilo mandibular relationship) is
the relationship between the upper and
lower jaws.

 Determining MMR (maxilo mandibular relationship)

The occlusal bite rim is installed with the provision that the posterior bite rim
must be made parallel to the chamfer line (the line that runs from the ala nasi
to the tragus porion) and for the anterior part of the upper bite rim parallel to
the pupil line. The height of the upper bite rim is 2 mm below the upper lip
line at the time of repositioning. The tool used is the occlusal guide plane.
The maxilo mandibular relationship (MMR) was recorded. At first the patient is
asked to sit in the dental chair, the occlusal plane is tried to be parallel to the
floor. Determine the chamfer line from the point below
• 4 mm from external acoustic meatus
• Right and left ears
• Anterior nasal spine
Then the three points are marked with a thread and isolated. Next, the record block
was placed in the maxillary bite rim position, visible 2 mm below the upper lip line
during repositioning.
1. When viewed from the front, the maxillary bite rim appears parallel to the
pupillary line (Viewed with the aid of the occlusal guide plane)
2. When viewed from the side, the maxillary bite rim appears parallel to the chamfer
3. If the mandibular bite rim is placed, the maxillary and mandibular bite rim must be
completely closed (there should be no gaps and should be in a straight line).

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