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The Correlation between of Authoritarian Parenting Level of

Anxiety in Adolescents in Senior High School 72 Kelapa Gading

Name: Silvi Zakia

NIM: 2017720111
Advisor: Ns. Syamsul Anwar
• According to the World Heath Organization (WHO), about one fifth of the world's
population are teenagers aged 10-19 years and around 900 million are in developing
countries. Dermographic data in the United States shows the number of adolescents
aged 10-19 years is around 15% of the population. In Asia Pacific, the population is
60% of the world's population, one fifth of whom are adolescents aged 10-19 years
(Soetjiningsih, 2013). Based on a report from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS,
2020), the number of generation Z or adolescents reached 75.49 million people,
equivalent to 27.94% of the total population in Indonesia. Meanwhile, the second
most dominant population came from the millennial generation as many as 69.38
million people or 25.87%. Generation Z itself refers to people born in the period
1997-2012 or aged between 8 and 23 years. Meanwhile, the millennial generation
are those born in the 1981-1996 period or aged between 24 and 39 years.
• The results of research conducted in Indonesia in 2016 obtained data as much as
15.8% of individuals who experience social anxiety (Vriends, et. Al, 2015). There
is an increase of about 9.6% of symptoms of social anxiety in early adolescence at
the age of 10 years (Miers, et. Al, 2015). A form of extreme social anxiety in
adolescents is silence by only choosing to speak in certain situations by 70% to
95% (Deilbaz, et. Al, 2014). Social anxiety in adolescents is not only formed from
the school environment, but the environment at home such as the role of parents is
closely related to social anxiety in adolescents. There is a significant relationship
between the role of authoritarian parenting such as excessive control, lack of
attention and warmth towards social anxiety in adolescents (Rana, Akhtar & Tahir,
• Parents who protect excessively tend to reject children significantly increase
social anxiety in children, samples are taken from the general public (Aslam,
• The results of this study indicate that adolescents at 72 Senior High School (SMA)
Kelapa Gading have low authoritarian parenting scale results in 12 adolescents.
This case is smaller than the findings explained by Rahmania & Putra (2016) that
adolescents in Indonesia have an authoritarian parenting style of their parents as
much as 65%, and this reason is also used as a reference for the use of parenting
styles in this study. This study explains that strict parent parenting has a great
influence on social anxiety in adolescents. The positive direction of the
relationship between the strict parent parenting variables on social anxiety
explains that the higher the parenting style received, the higher the social anxiety
that occurs, this is in accordance with the theory previously explained.
• A preliminary study conducted by researchers at 72 Senior high school kelapa
gading on 12 teenagers, in which 7 of them said that their parents forced them to
follow their parents' wishes, adolescents also said they could not decide for
themselves what youth wanted in the future. The results of other interviews,
adolescents said that their parents gave freedom by the rules that had been agreed
upon between parents and adolescents. Adolescents said that given the freedom,
adolescents could better recognize their strengths and weaknesses and know what
they want in the future. Broadly speaking, it can be concluded that the process of
forming self-identity is one of them is the parenting style given by parents.

• Based on the above phenomena, the authors are interested in making a study on
"The Correlation between of Authoritarian Parenting Level of Anxiety in
Adolescents in Senior High School 72 Kelapa Gading "
Research questions

• Is there a The Correlation between of Authoritarian Parenting Level of

Anxiety in Adolescents in Senior High School 72 Kelapa Gading
Purpose of the research

• Based on the formulation of the problem above, the objectives of this study are as follows:
1.General Purpose
he purpose of this study was to determine the correlation between of authoritarian parenting level of
anxiety in adolescents in Senior high school 72 kelapa gading

2. Special Purpose
a. It is identified that the parenting style of the correlation between of authoritarian parenting level of
anxiety in adolescents in Senior high school 72 kelapa gading
b. Identified the importance of the role of parents for adolescents who experience levels of social anxiety
c.known that the parenting characteristics of the the correlation between of authoritarian parenting level
of anxiety in adolescents in Senior high school 72 kelapa gading
d. It was identified the the correlation between of authoritarian parenting level of anxiety in adolescents
in Senior high school 72 kelapa gading
Significance of the research

• The results of this study are expected to be useful for

1. For Schools
The results of this study can be useful for providing education, in this case the
teacher as information and knowledge about the correlation between of authoritarian
parenting level of anxiety in adolescents in Senior high school 72 kelapa gading
2. Educational Institutions
This research can be used as subject matter for literature reference to improve the
quality of education.
3. Professional Development
Enrich and expand knowledge, especially for community nurses so that they can
provide nursing services to adolescents properly
4. For Research
This study is expected to be a consideration and research development on the
relationship of parenting, authoritarian the level of anxiety in adolescents and
increase knowledge
5. For Teens
Providing input to the adolescent age group about knowledge and attitudes in
viewing authoritarian in adolescents in a positive way so that it can improve
parenting styles of parents in social anxiety.
6. For parents
Provide input to parents about knowledge and attitudes in providing or
implementing positive parenting styles for adolescents so that they can establish
healthy parenting styles.
Chapter 2
literature review

1. Definition of Parenting
• Parenting consists of two words, namely pattern and upbringing. According to the
Big Indonesian Dictionary, pattern means a fixed style, model, system, work
method, shape (structure). While the word foster can mean looking after (caring
for and educating) small children, guiding (helping; training and so on), and
leading (heading and administering) an agency or institution (KBBI).
• 2. Types of Parenting
Ayun (2017) divides parenting styles into 3 types of parenting, namely:
a. Authoritarian parenting
b. Democratic parenting
c. Permissive parenting
• 3. Factors that influence parenting
The factors that influence parenting are:
a. Environment
b. Level of education
c. Parents Culture
• 4. How to measure the applied parenting style
The parenting style was adopted and assessed with the guidelines for the parenting
style questionnaire (PSQ) that the mother would fill out. The parenting style
questionnaire guidelines were adopted from research (Ananta, 2018) which has
been developed and modified. The questionnaire guidelines used have 15 questions,
of which 15 questions are divided into three parts, namely 5 questions about
democratic parenting, 5 questions about permissive parenting, and 5 questions about
authoritarian parenting. The scoring of the assessment if one part of the parenting
has the highest score. This instrument is tested for validity first and tested for
B. authoritaring
• Jane B Brooks (author of "The Process of Parenting") also defines
parenting as a process that refers to a series of actions and
interactions that parents take to support children's development. The
parenting process is not a one-way relationship in which parents only
influence children, but more than that, parenting is a process of
interaction between parents and children that is influenced by the
culture and social institutions in which the child is raised.
The characteristics of authoritarian parenting

Hurlock (1993) suggests the characteristics of authoritarian parenting,

• 1. Children are required to obey all the commands and wishes of their
• 2. Often give physical punishment to children
• 3. Rarely give praise and gifts when the child achieves an achievement
• 4. Control of children's behavior is very strict
• 5. Lack of good communication with children
3. Influencing Factors
• There are several factors that can affect, namely:
• 1) The age of the parents
• 2) Parental involvement
• 3) Parental education
• 4) Previous experience in parenting
• 5) Parental stress
2. The impact of authoritarian parenting.
• Authoritarian parenting usually has a negative impact on children,
such as feeling unhappy, afraid, not trained to take initiative, always
tense, unable to solve problems (poor problem solving skills), poor
communication skills, lack of social development, not creative arising
and his courage to make decisions or take initiatives, likes to oppose,
likes to violate norms, weak and withdrawn personality. Children who
live in an authoritarian family atmosphere will inhibit their personality
and maturity (Marfuah, 2010).
3. Efforts to address authoritarian parenting.
• According to Edwards (2006), parents should teach their children in
four ways:
• a. Set an example.
• b. Positive response.
• c. No response.
• d. Punishment.
C. Anxiety

1. Definition of anxiety.
• Anxiety according to Syamsu Yusuf states anxiety (anxiety), namely
neurotic inability, feeling disturbed, immature and helpless in facing
the existing reality (environment), difficulties and pressures of daily
life. Agreeing with this statement, Kartini Kartono explained that
anxiety is a form of fear and worry about certain things without
definite clarity. It was confirmed by Sarlito Wirawan that anxiety is an
unclear fear of an object and does not have a specific reason (Annisa
& Ifdil, 2016).
2. Aspects of anxiety
• Gail W. Stuart (in Annisa & Ifdil, 2016) divides anxiety into behavioral,
cognitive, and affective responses, among others.
• 1. Behavior
• 2. cognitive
• 3. affective
3. Types of anxiety According to Freud (in Nida, 2014), anxiety has three
• 1. Anxiety neurosis
• 2. Moral anxiety
• 3. Realistic anxiety
4. Factors Affecting Anxiety Blacburn & Davidson (in Annisa and Ifdil,
2016) mention several factors that affect anxiety, such as the
knowledge they have in dealing with a threatening situation and being
able to know the ability to control oneself in dealing with this anxiety.
Then Adler and Rodman (in Annisa & Ifdil, 2016) state that there are
two factors that can cause anxiety, namely:
• 1. Negative experiences in the past
• 2. Irrational thoughts
D. Youth

1. Definition of adolescence
• Youth are Youth are the nation's next generation who are expected to
contribute to the nation and state. Especially in the current era of
globalization, youth readiness as part of potential human resources is
expected to play a role in participating in building the nation so that it
can compete with other nations in the world. Adolescence as a
transition period from childhood to adulthood, this term indicates the
period from the onset of puberty until maturity, usually starting from
age 14 in men and age 12 in women. The limit for adolescents in this
case is the age of 10 to 19 years according to the World Health
Organization (WHO) classification.
2. Adolescent Development Stage
All aspects of development in adolescence globally take place between the ages of 12-21 years, with the
division of 12-15 years of age being early adolescence, 15-18 years of being mid adolescence. 18-21 years are
late adolescence (Monks, 2009) according to the stage of development, adolescence is divided into three stages
of development, namely:
Early adolescence (12-15 years), with the following characteristics:
• a. Get closer to peers
• b. Want to be free
• c. Pay more attention to the state of his body and start thinking abstractly

Middle adolescence (15-18 years), with characteristics including:

• 1) Looking for self-identity
• 2) The emergence of the desire to date
• 3) Having a deep sense of love
• 4) Developing abstract thinking skills
• 5) fantasizing about sexual activity
Late adolescence (18-21 years), with characteristics including:
• 1) Self-identity disclosure
• 2) Be more selective in looking for peers
• 3) Has a physical image of himself
• 4) Can embody a sense of love
• 5) Ability to think abstractly
2. Factors that influence adolescent development
• a. Heredity
• b. Developmental environment This environment consists of:
1) The physical environment, which includes everything from the
molecules that are around the fetus before birth to the architectural
design of a house.
2) 2) Social memory, which includes all humans who can potentially
influence and be influenced by individual development.
3. Youth Development Environment Adolescent development environment
is "all physical or social phenomena (events, situations, and conditions) that
affect or are influenced by adolescent development". The development
environment of adolescents to be discussed concerns the family
environment and peer groups (Yusuf, 2012).
• a. Family environment
• b. Peer group

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