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Submitted by:
o Dipankar Shakya Udai
o Dikchhya Tamrakar
o Bijay Thing
o Deepa
o Ganesh Chand
Since studies have shown that companies that have been successful in the
market for a long time have had a strong organizational culture but also
adaptable, we will try that through this case study to analyze how culture
affects on an enterprise, giving the fact that culture has a significant impact,
both on the organizational effectiveness of competitive advantage or as a
controlling and integrated mechanism in a business organization
• Culture can be defined as the collective norms, rituals, beliefs and behaviors that a
group of people share , they accept generally without thinking them and passed
T along communication /through generation wise/cirlce influence.

TR • Organizational Culture is defined as the underlying beliefs, assumptions, values and the
O way of interacting that contribute to the unique social and psycholugical environment of
an organization.

DU • Organizational culture affects the way people and groups interact with each
• other like client , stakeholders, employee, employer

TI • Organizations Culture distinguihes the organization from other Organizaations.

• Main Facebook oragnizational culture is “what can we do to make our employee lives
ON easier so they can focus on the job

Facebook ‘s mission is to give people the power to share and make

world more open and connected.
Core vale: “Move Fast and break things”.
Helped the employees to take risk without worrying about the
Office Setup:
 Facebook ‘s mission is to give people the power to
share and make world more open and connected.
 Core vale: “Move Fast and break things”.
 Helped the employees to take risk without worrying
about the adversaries.
Organizational Culture Profile
Organizational Design

Little Job
Specialization Few layers of
management Decentralized
decision- making Not Much Direct
Types Of Organizational Culture

Bureaucratic Clan
Stable, Efficient, Traditional, Loyal,
Predictable, Enforces Rule Teamwork, Social Influence

Entrepreneurial Market
Creative, Risk Taking, Competitive, demand Goal,
Flexible, Innovative. Financial & market based
Types Of Organizational Culture

Bureaucratic Clan
Stable, Efficient, Traditional, Loyal,
Predictable, Enforces Rule Teamwork, Social Influence
Facebook is
considered as

Entrepreneurial Market
Creative, Risk Taking, Competitive, demand Goal,
Flexible, Innovative. Financial & market based
Facebook Organization Culture:

Facebook No Cubicles in
culture at
Facebook is Culture is excel the office , even
Facebook is
one of the in treatment of CEO Mark
strong full of Free from
world known their staffs, Zuckerburg
benefits, Hierarchy,
organization grown share desk
collabrorative office politics
whose culture opportunities space as the
and and
is known as freedom, others in the
transparent & departmental
“hacker responsibility, other
also their distinction and
culture” plus company deparment
Culture differntiation.
“Hip Geek atmospheres, & staff.
known as
Culture”. orgsnizes All
“Office For
hand meetings
Some More Facebook Culture/COMPANY VALUES:
1) Be bold & Emphasis creativity:
Facebook encourages to everyone to make bold decision even if that means
being wrong some of the time.Open Communication and sharing problems among
2) Focus on the impact & facilites innovation:
Focus on solving most important problem. Facebook expects to be good at
finding the biggest problem to work on.
3) Move fast/Pushes Employees to stive for improvement:
Build more things and learn faster less afraid of making mistakes then we are
of looking opportunities by moving to slowly. The power is in employee hands.
4) Be open:
Fearless and free presurre people can make better decision and have a greater
impact. Work hard to access as much as possible information about facebook to
5) Build social value:
Facebook expect everyone at company to focus everyday on how to build
real value for the world in everything they do.
• Mission statement:
To make the world more open and connected.
• Strategic hiring:
Each new employee fully understand the goals and direction of the business.
Equality of employees that have been hired.
• Competitive atmosphere:
Facebook attracts the best with this competitiveness among the employees.
Facebook ensures the competitiveness is positive by developing their staffs.
“Smart people generally wants to work with other smart people in hard
• Mark Zuckerberg is more of a democratic leader.
• Focusing more on group relations and subordinates.
• Leads to better job satisfaction and high productivity.
• A successful leader/entrepreneur always makes use of all leadership styles.
• Also illustrates transformational leadership in action.
• His leadership style is described as encouraging and aggressive. A person
who always demands constant innovation and growth, he loves debates and
• He is able to adapt quickly to situation and responds to complaints right
away from his users.
• Leadership
• Innovation and
risk taking Performance
• Attention to detail
• Outcome Organization culture
• People orientation
• Team orientation
• stable
Advantage of Culture in Facebook Office:-
 Its support for flexibility, especially in rapidly addressing issues and problems in the social media
 The culture facilitates Facebook Inc.’s continuous improvement essential in the context of online
social networking. For example, continuous improvement helps develop solutions to online
security issues arising from technological advances and changes to the Internet.
 Teamwork, Participation, Empowerment, Concern for ideas, Inovation, Task Focous, Efficiency

Disadvantage of Facebook’s organizational culture:-

 Difficulty in strictly implementing new mandates that impose limits on employees’ activities.
Such empowerment lead to continuous improvement.
 Due to continious Improvement follwing conditions emerges:
 Economic Crises
 Changes in laws and regulations
 Social developments
 Global Competation
 Technological changes
The only thing of real importance that leaders do is to create
and manage culture.” “If you do not manage culture, it
manages you, and you may not even be aware of the extent
to which this is happening.” (Edgar Schein).

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