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My favourite food

by Naroa Zulaika
Why is lasagna my favourite food?
My favourite food is the lasagna because I like all the ingredients that it has, like
the mince, cheese, bechamel… and all the ingredients together they taste good.
Where does the lasagna come from?
The lasagna is a typical pasta from Italy, and most people from other countries like
it a lot. The word “lasagna” comes from the Greek “lasanon”.
When the lasagna was invented?
The first lasagna recipe is found in a medieval book and was prepared for the
King Richard II in 1390, and they thought that lasagna was an English dish.
With what ingredients can you make a lasagna?
The ingredients you can use to make the lasagna are:
★ Lasagna pasta
★ Tomato sauce
★ Mince
★ Bechamel
★ Cheese
★ If you want some vegetables

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