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Module 10 :

Non-communicable disease (NCD)
 NCD is a medical condition that is noninfectious and nontransmissible.
 A communicable disease, on the other hand, is caused by an infectious agent
and is transmitted from one person to another.
 The effects of NCDs may alter the normal functioning of the individual for a
long duration.
 NCDs are a public health problem of great proportions. It is estimated that
75% of the total deaths can be attributed to NCDs 2012).
 In 2005, 49.9% of mortality in the country were caused by chronic lifestyle-
related noncommunicable seases (LRNCDs) such as cardiovascular,
cerebrovascular disease, cancers, COPD, and diabetes (DOH, 2005).
Topic 1: Noncommunicable Diseases
Top 10 Causes of Mortality in the Philippines (2009)
1.Diseases of the heart
2.Cerebrovascular diseases
3.Malignant neoplasm
8.Nephritis, Nephrotic syndrome
10.Certain conditions arising from perinatal period
Table 11.2 Classification of blood pressure
Cardiovascular disease (also Classification Systolic/diastolic blood pressure
called heart disease)
Normal < 120/80
Cerebrovascular disease or Prehypertension 120-139/80-89
 Hypertension or high blood Stage 1 140–159/90-99
pressure Stage 2 160-179/100-109
Stage 3 180/110
 Atherosclerosis    
Warning signals of cancer (American
Cancer Society)
• Cancer (malignant  
neoplasm) C- change in bowel or bladder
Cancer is one of the most habits
common causes of death A- a sore throat that does not heal
worldwide. U- unusual bleeding or discharge
Breast cancer - leading T- thickening or lump in breast
I- Indigestion or difficulty
cancer killer in both men and
women and 1st among women swallowing
O- Obvious change in a wart or
Lung cancer - was 2 nd cause
of cancer deaths for both sexes
combined and 1st among men N- Nagging cough or hoarseness
U- Unexplained anemia
S- Sudden weight loss
 Chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease (COPD) is
a disease of the lungs in which
the airways narrow over time.
 It includes chronic bronchitis,
chronic asthma, and
 Diabetes is a group of metabolic disease
in which an individual has high blood
sugar because the pancreas does not Complications associated with
produce enough insulin or the cells do diabetes include
not respond to the insulin produced. 1. Heart disease
Insulin is a hormone that regulates blood
2. Neuropathies
3. Amputations
 Symptoms of diabetes include: 4. Dental disease.
1. Increased frequency and amount of
urination (polyuria),
2. Increased thirst (polydipsia),
3. Constant hunger (polyphagia),
4. Weight loss,
5. Vision changes,
6. Fatigue.
 Many factors play a major part in the development of NCD.
 The public health nurse should assess lifestyle factors of individuals, families, and
vulnerable groups that predispose them to NCD.

1.Physical inactivity
2.Cigarette smoking
3.Unhealthy eating
4.Excessive alcohol drinking
Topic 2: Prevention of Non
communicable Diseases
• The best hope for protecting the public against these
diseases is for them to learn how to prevent them, or at
least how to delay their onset.
1.Promote physical activity and exercise
2.Promote health diet and nutrition
3.Promote a smoke-free environment
4.Stress management
• State of social well-being in which every individual realizes his or her own
potential (self-image), can cope with the normal stresses of life (resiliency), can
work productively and fruitfully (productivity and creativity), and is able to make a
contribution to her or his community (sense of purpose).

Mental illness or mental disorder - is A mental health problem, on the other

any illness experienced by a person that hand, does not hamper functioning and
interferes with his or her thinking, is temporarily experienced as a reaction
feeling, or social activities and even to life stressors. It is less severe and
shorter in duration, but it may develop
daily functioning. It produces a negative into mental disorders.
effect on one's life or the lives of the
4 Facets of Mental Health Problems:
1.Defined or direct burden- burden affecting persons with mental
disorders such as cost of treatment, quality of life, and disability.
2.Undefined or indirect burden- burden relating to the impact of mental
health problems to others such as family member or the community who
care for the patient.
3.Hidden burden- stigma and violations of human rights to persons
affected with mental health problems.
4.Future or health burden- burden resulting for the aging population or
increasing social problems such as the development of complication or
other medical illnesses or death.
• Conditions that can lead to mental illness:
1.Stressful life events like death of a loved one, financial problems, marital
conflict, and violence.
2.Difficult family background; for example, a history of neglect and violence may
result in an unhappy childhood.
3.Brain diseases like mental retardation and brain infections, AIDS, head injuries,
epilepsy, and stroke.
4.Heredity may be a factor; however, this is also influenced by environmental
5.Medical problems like kidney and liver failure, or medicines taken can alter
• The WHO (2010b) reported that more than one billion of the world's population
had some form of disability. However, local statistics (2000) registered 1.23%
persons with disabilities (PWDs), a rate which is below the prevalence rate
estimated by the WHO.
• The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health defined
disability as a general term for impairments, activity limitations, and
participation restrictions.
CRDP- Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
 The United Nations on December 13, 2006 adopted the Convention on the Rights
of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD).
 The CRPD supersedes the United Nations Standard Rules on the Equalization of
Opportunities for Person with Disabilities in 1993.
 Became the foundation for the paradigm shift toward understanding disability.
•R.A. 7277- Magna Carta for Disabled Persons requires:
1.A national health program for pwds,
2.Establishment of medical rehabilitation centers in provincial hospitals,
3.An integrated and comprehensive program for the health development of
PWDs that shall make

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