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 Genetic diversity is defined as genetic

variability present within species.
 Genetic diversity is the product of
recombination of genetic material in the
process of inheritance.
 It changes with time and space.
 Sexual reproduction is important in
maintaining genetic diversity as it gives
unique offspring by combining genes of
 Mutation of genes, genetic drift and gene
flow are also responsible for genetic
• Genetic variation refers to diversity in gene frequencies.
• Genetic variation is the difference in DNA among individuals
or the differences between populations.
• There are multiple sources of genetic variation, including
mutation and genetic recombination.
• The mutation is the ultimate source of genetic variation, but
mechanisms such as sexual reproduction and genetic drift
contribute to it as well.
• Variation may be shown in physical appearance,
metabolism, fertility, mode of reproduction, behaviour,
learning and mental ability, and other obvious or
measurable characters.
• A person's skin color, hair color, dimples, freckles, and
blood type are all examples of genetic variations that can
occur in a human population.
• Examples of genetic variation in plants include the modified
leaves of carnivorous plants and the development of
flowers that resemble insects to lure plant pollinators.
• Examples of genetic variation in animals include albinism,
cheetahs with stripes, snakes that fly, animals that play
dead, and animals that mimic leaves.
 Variation between individuals of a species can be
grouped into two large categories such as discrete and
 Some of the features of the different organisms in a
species show continuous variation, and some show
discontinuous variation.
 Most characteristics are controlled by more than one
gene and are described as being polygenic.
 Polygenic characteristics have phenotypes that can
show a wide range of values, with each value following
on from the value before. This is described as
continuous variation (quantitative variation).
 Examples are body weight, height, or shape,
reproductive rate, and various behaviour traits.
 Continuous variation in a group of individuals can be
shown using a histogram.

 Variation that is clear cut and observable.

Sometimes referred to as dicontinuous.
 Characteristics controlled by a single gene (one
copy inherited from each parent) tend to have
phenotypes that fall into separate categories.
They show discrete variation.
 Discrete variation is either/or and is often caused
by the presence or absence of a small number of
genes. For example, our ability to "roll" our
tongues is determined by just one gene.
 Human blood groups are another great example
of discontinuous (discrete) variation. There are
only four possible distinct blood groups. There
are no values in between, so this is discrete
 Discrete variation in a group of individuals can be
shown using a bar chart.

 Non-synonymous DNA mutations that result in the replacement of one amino acid by another with a different electrical charge result
in slight modification of the net charge of the protein.
 These protein variants are called allozymes because they are encoded by different alleles at an enzyme gene locus.
 Allozyme variation is detected by means of protein electrophoresis.
 Protein electrophoresis is a test that measures specific proteins in the blood.
 The test separates proteins in the blood based on their electrical charge.
 The protein electrophoresis test is often used to find abnormal substances called M proteins.
 Protein electrophoresis also tests for other proteins and antibodies (immunoglobulins).
 The protein electrophoresis test is also used to diagnose other conditions affecting the plasma cells
 Protein electrophoresis can also be used to help diagnose:
• Thyroid problems
• Diabetes
• Anemia
• Liver diseases
• Poor nutrition or inability to absorb nutrients
• Certain autoimmune diseases
 Unlike sequencing, fingerprinting does not attempt to determine
 The goal of fingerprinting is to determine whether a sample of DNA-
containing material like blood came from a given individual.
 Certain regions of the genome are pretty similar from one individual
to another but certain other regions are highly variable.
 The most important variable regions for DNA fingerprinting are
called microsatellites.
 These microsatellites contain a short sequence that is repeated
many times. The number of repeats varies greatly from one
individual to another.
 By comparing the number of repeats in certain specific
microsatellite regions, forensics experts can determine with high
probability whether the DNA from two different samples is a match.

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