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Week 2-Lesson 4- Talk

1D. Skills for Writing

Different ways of learning
a. Write the words down/ write down the
b. Listen to the words while you go jogging.
c. Learn new words from flash cards.
d. Repeat the words you hear.
e. Read the words in texts.
How you learn vocabulary (share your ideas with your
partners-5 minutes)
1. What are your own ways of learning vocabulary?
2. Does/ Do it / they work for you?
3. In your opinion, what is the best way to learn new
words ? Why?
4. What are not good ways to learn new words? Why?
Listen to Maria and Gilberto talking about learning
vocabulary. Listen and answer the questions.
1. What seems to be the problem with Gilberto?
2. What about Maria?
3. How does Maria learn new words?
4. What does she do if she forgets words?
5. According to Maria, what is the most important thing in learning vocabulary?
6. How does Gilberto learn new words?
7. What does Maria’s sister use to learn new words?
8. How does the system work?
9. Why did Maria feel sorry for her sister?
10. Why can’t Gilberto learn vocabulary in the same way as Maria’s sister?
Listen to Maria and Gilberto talking about
learning vocabulary. Answers.
1. Remembering vocabulary.
2. Grammar
3. -record new words on her phone
• -listen to them while running.
• -make up sentences with them.
• -say them to herself.
4. check her notebook.
5. repeating new words/ remembering the sounds of the words
6. write down the words and look at them.
7. vocabulary cards
8. write new words on small cards with pictures, examples, definitions and sometimes translations.
It works very well/is very effective for a while./ for a short time
9. because she left her cards on the train.
10. Because he is / may be too lazy to write cards and keep them wherever he goes.
Which way of learning vocabulary do you go
for? Maria’s, Gilberto’s or Maria’s sister’s
Kinds of learners
1.Read the different
types of learners.
2.Match them with the
pictures on the right
3.What type of learners
are you?
Reading: What kind of learner are you?
• Read to yourself.
• Make notes on any new words.
New words
1.In order to+V
2.Visual (adj)= relating to seeing
3.Auditotory (adj)= relating to hearing
4.Kinaesthetic (adj)= relating to moving.
5.Image (n)=picture
6.Make a diagram= vẽ sơ đồ
7.Highlight= make st prominent so that you can remember it
more easily.
8.Technique (n)= a way of doing an activity that needs skill
9.Notes= what you have written down
Cover ST= hide ST
New words
11. Particular (adj)= specific
12. Podcast (n)= a radio programme that is stored in a digital form that
you can download from the internet and play on a computer or on an 
MP3 player
13. Include (v)=have
14. Concentrate (v) on ST= focus on ST= pay all your attention to ST
15. Remain interested = keep your interest in.
16. Guide (n)=something that helps you form an opinion or make a 
decision about something else
17. Eg: These descriptions are only a guide.
18. Mixture (n)=combination
19. Experiment (v)= give it a try.
Reading comprehension
• Match these statements with 3 types of learners: visual learners,
auditory learners and kinesthetic learners.
1. I can’t sit in one place when I study.
2. I use graphs and charts to get the information quickly.
3. I like watching programs on TV to learn new words.
4. I like going to university and make notes of what my professors say.
5. I can’t focus on my study for a long time. I need to have a rest from
time to time
Introducing a purpose
• Read the text again and find out the phrases that indicate purposes.
In order to find the most useful way to learn new information, ….
To learn new information, try to think of an image in your head…..
Knowing your learning style helps you study more effectively, so that
you remember what you have learned more easily.
Introducing a purpose
In order to + V, S+V
To + V, S+V
S1+V1 so that S2+V2
Complete the sentences
1. In order to remember new words, …………….
2. To pass the B2 exams,………..
3. In order to study English well,………………..
4. …………………………………………so that I can have more friends.
5. ……………………………………… that I could write everything down.
Writing: A guide
• Think of a skill you know how to do well
Writing: A guide
• Notes for “how to be a good cook”
1. Introduction: How to become a master chef.
• Try new dishes. Practise.
• Don’t repeat the same dish all the time.
2. Learn new dishes
• Buy recipe books
• Test on family/close friends first. Larger groups later.
• Ask family/friends for honest opinions. Make improvements.
3. Watch TV cookery programs.
• Easy way to follow recipe. Watch and write down the ingredients and recipe.
4. Share recipes/ learn from people you know who cook well.
• Ask them for recipes.
PET: Reading: Part 1
• How many parts are there in the Reading Test?
• How many questions are there in each part?
• What is the number of question in Part 1?
PET: Reading: Part 1
• How many parts are there in the Reading Test?
• How many questions are there in each part?
• What is the number of question in Part 1?
Reading Part 1 of the PET exam consists of 5 questions
• What does the candidate have to do in Part 1?
The candidate has to read the information on short notes or signs and
decide the correct answer from 3 multiple choice options.
• Learn new words. Summarise the reading texts about 3 types of
• Write a guide about one skill that you can do well.
• Workbook: 1D page 7.

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