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By mohamod mohamoud yousuf


Pathology is divided into general pathology, which is the

study of the actual processes of disease, and systemic
pathology, which is the study of diseases or lesions
within a specific body tissue (such as the liver). 
Pathology is the study of the disease
Hypertrophy is an increase in the size of the cell.
Atrophy is a decrease the size of the cell.
Hyperplasia is an increase number of the cells.
Peptic ulcer disease

 Peptic ulcer disease is a condition in which there are painful sores or

ulcers in the lining of the stomach or the first part of the small intestine
(the duodenum). Normally, a thick layer of mucus protects the stomach
lining from the effect of its digestive juices. But many things can reduce
this protective layer, allowing for ulcers to occur.
 Causes of peptic ulcer disease include:
1-Infection with a type of bacteria called _Helicobacter pylori (_H. pylori).
2-Use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as aspirin.
3-Excessive acid production from a condition called Zollinger-Ellison
syndrome (gastrinoma). 
 Symptoms of peptic ulcer disease include:
1-burning pain in the middle or upper stomach between meals or at
4-nausea and vomiting
 In severe cases, symptoms can include:
1-Dark or black stool (due to bleeding)
3-Weight loss
4-Severe pain in the mid- to upper abdomen
 Diagnosis of peptic ulcer disease are:
1- upper endoscopy
2- h.pylori test
Peptic ulcer disease can be treated by:
1-change life style"stop smoking and alcohol”
2- proton pump inhibitors such as omeprazole And medium.
3- antibiotics for h.pylori
4- surgery
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)

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