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Phineas and Ferb’s American

History Adventure
Sean Keegan
And Rachel Awesome Loder
One summer morning, Phineas and Ferb were sitting
underneath their oak tree. Isabella walked over and said
“watcha doin’?” in her squeaky, girly voice.
“We still don’t have any idea what to do today, and it’s
almost noon!” said Ferb.
“We could teach Perry how to roll over,” said Isabella.
“No, I don’t think he could learn. He’s a platypus. They
don’t do much.”
All of a sudden Baljeet comes running into the Flynn’s
backyard yelling, “Ahh, if I don’t ace my test in American
History tomorrow, I’ll get an A- in the course! I might as
well go unpack the shame curtains.”
“What is your test on?” asked Phineas.
“My test is on the Bill of Rights and the thirteenth,
fourteenth and fifteenth amendments,” said Baljeet.
Phineas turned to Ferb and said, “I know what we’re going
to do today.” Let’s go back in time to the year of 1789,
when the Founding Fathers were writing the Bill of Rights”
“What are you guys doing?” Candace yelled from inside the
house. “I have very important plans to sit by the phone all
day waiting for Jeremy to call.”
“We’re going to use the time machine to travel back to
1789 and learn about the Bill of Rights,” said Phineas.
“Bill of Rights? Whatever, I think I hear the phone! Later
losers,” said Candace.
“I guess we should start by going to the museum where the
time machine is,” said Phineas. “Hey, has anyone seen
“Good morning Agent P”, said Major Monogram.
“Doofenshmirtz has been rifling through costumes from
the late 1700’s and buying books online about the bill of
rights. Find out what he’s up to and stop him!”
Agent P went to Doofenshmirtz’s headquarters to spy on
him. Suddenly, Agent P was trapped in a cage unable to
escape. “Agent P,” said Dr. Doofenshmirtz, “Your timing
is uncanny, and by uncanny, I mean completely canny!
I’m guessing that you want to know what I’ve been up to,
so I’ll tell you.”
“I recently went to a convention of evil scientists. They’re
held at the tri-state area’s polka band headquarters most
years, but this year it changed to the home of Dr.
Doomette. I’m on the convention list every year, I swear,
but they didn’t let me in this year. I’m an evil guy right?”
Perry looked blankly at him. “Okay fine, so I’m not that evil.
Dr.Doomette said that I would only be put back on the
list if I did something really, really evil.”
“So, I thought of something really evil. I will go back in
time with my time-travel-inator to when the Bill of Rights
was being written, freeze time with my freeze-inator and
revise it for evil, putting in some perks for myself, thus
putting the United States in a state of constant panic!”
Meanwhile, Phineas, Ferb, Isabella, and Baljeet went to the
museum to use the time machine. “Everyone ready?”
Phineas asked.
“We’re all set,” said Isabella.
“What are you boys doing? I’m telling mom!” yelled
“What is she doing here?” asked Baljeet.
“She followed us. Didn’t you notice?” said Phineas.
Doofenshmirtz had already finished building his devices
and traveled back in time to rewrite the Bill of Rights. He
walked into the House of Representatives, froze time,
and took the Bill of Rights from James Madison. “What
is all this? Freedoms? I had terribly misunderstood what
this was supposed to be. Oh well, I’ll make it work.”
Doofenshmirtz went through and fixed every amendment
to his liking. Then he went forward to mess with the 13,
14, and 15th amendments just because he had the time
When Phineas, Ferb, Baljeet, and Isabella arrived, they all
left for the House of Representatives. There they found
many confused men looking at a document. “Would
that happen to be the Bill of Rights?” asked Phineas.
“I think it was supposed to be, but now it’s all messed up. I
guess we signed it though.” said James Madison.
“Let me see it,” said Phineas. “This isn’t right at all.”
Baljeet said, “What shall we do?”
“I know what to do,” said Phineas. “We’ll go through the
amendments and fix them as much as we can. Read off
what the first one says.”
“Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz will decide on the religion of the
United States. There is no free speech or press; all must
be approved by Doofenshmirtz. You cannot gather
outside of meetings planned by Doofenshmirtz. You
also may not petition the law,” said Baljeet. “Who is
Doofenshmirtz? This does not make any sense. I will
fail for sure.”
“Nonsense Baljeet,” said Phineas. “This isn’t right. The
first amendment says that people are free to have the
religion they want. We can say what we want and write
what we want too. People can also meet together and
ask for a rule to be changed freely.”
“That makes much more sense,” said Baljeet. “What about
number two? It says Doofenshmirtz is the only person
allowed to own a gun.”
“That should really be that people are allowed to own guns.
In the old times, they were used for protection,” said
“Oh. This is easier than I thought,” said
Baljeet. “Three says that soldiers can be
kept anywhere that Doofenshmirtz places
them. It should be that the government
cannot force people to keep soldiers
living in their houses.”
“Right!” said Phineas. “We’ll be done in no
“The fourth amendment should say that
police are not allowed to look through
your things without special permission,”
said Baljeet. “Hey, I’m starting to
remember these.”
“ The fifth amendment should state that people
cannot get in trouble for a big crime unless
a grand jury says that they did it. Also, it
says that people do not have to defend
themselves in court, and that if the
government takes your land, they have to
pay you for it,” said Phineas. “We’re halfway
through fixing the Bill of Rights.”
“ Amendment number six needs to be
changed too. It should say that people who
have to go to court should have a fair and
fast trial there, they are allowed to know
what people think they did wrong, and they
can talk to the people saying that they did a
bad thing.”
“Number eight needs to be changed to
say that people do not have to pay too
much money to get out of jail before
their trial, and people will not be
punished too harshly. Number nine
should say that these are not all of the
rights that a person has, and number
ten is that people have all rights that
were not given to the government!”
exclaimed Baljeet. “Ha! High five me!
We are done!”
“Let’s not forget about our other
amendments,” said Phineas. “They
could be messed up too.”
Phineas and Baljeet changed the thirteenth, fourteenth,
and fifteenth amendments so they were once again
correct. The thirteenth made slavery against the law, the
fourteenth said that people born in the United States are
citizens, and the fifteenth disallows people to not allow
people from other nations to do things because of the
color of their skin. Phineas was happy that order was
set again, and Baljeet was ready to take his test.
While this was happening, Agent P had escaped and was
waiting for Doofenshmirtz’s return.
Upon his return Doofenshmirtz looked outside the window,
excited about the chaos he would see, but was
disappointed to see everything was exactly the same.
“Well Agent P,” said Doofenshmirtz, “I’m a little
embarrassed to say that my plan just failed. There was
supposed to be screaming and running. I don’t really
know what went wrong. You should go now.”
Phineas, Ferb, Isabella, and Baljeet returned
in the time machine to the museum.
Candace and Perry were there waiting for
them. “Oh there you are Perry,” said
Phineas. “Candace, you aren’t trying to
bust us this time?”
“Boys, this would be my third time trying to
bust you using this time machine, and
Candace Flynn is no fool. It will disappear
as I am getting mom. I just want to see
how it goes, because it will. Oh yes, it will.”
“Okay Candace, well we’re going home now.”
“It will disappear! I swear! Just wait!”
After that, everyone went home.
“What did you do today boys?” their mother asked.
“We helped restore our nations security by establishing our
rights that had been tarnished by a man with the name
Doofenshmirtz,” said Ferb
“You boys have such good imaginations,” said their mom.
Phineas and Ferb both agreed that they had had yet
another awesome summer day.

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