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Title: "The Top 5 Weirdest Guinness World Records"


We open on a shot of a host, JIM, sitting at a desk in front of a backdrop of Guinness World
Records books. He is holding one of the books and looks excited.

(to camera)
Welcome to our channel, where we explore the weird and wacky side of the Guinness World
Records. Today, we're going to be counting down the top five weirdest records in history. Are
you ready? Let's get started!

Cut to a montage of footage of various world record holders, intercut with sound bites of them
talking about their records.

JIM (V.O.)
Number five on our list is the record for the longest fingernails on a pair of hands ever. This
record is held by Lee Redmond of the US, whose nails measured a total of 8.65 meters. Can
you imagine trying to do everyday tasks with nails that long?

Back to JIM in the studio.

(to camera)
Number four is the record for the most tattoos in 24 hours by an individual. This record was set
by Hollis Cantrell of the US, who tattooed a whopping 901 tattoos in just one day.

Cut to footage of JIM talking to a panel of experts, including a world record adjudicator and a
representative from the Guinness World Records.

(to panel)
Can you tell us a little bit about the process of verifying and officially declaring a new world

Well, first and foremost, the record attempt must be measurable and verifiable. This means that
we need to have a clear and objective way of measuring the record and multiple witnesses to
verify the attempt.

Once the record attempt has been completed, we review all of the evidence and make a
decision on whether or not to officially declare it a new world record.
Back to JIM in the studio.

(to camera)
Number three on our list is the record for the most tattoos in 24 hours by a team. This record
was set by a team of tattoo artists in the UK, who tattooed a staggering 18,000 tattoos in just
one day. That's a lot of ink!

JIM (V.O.)
Number two on our list is the record for the most tattoos in 24 hours by a team. This record was
set by Hollis Cantrell of the US, who tattooed a whopping 901 tattoos in just one day.

(to camera)
And finally, the number one weirdest Guinness World Record is the record for the most tattoos
in 24 hours by a team. This record was set by a team of tattoo artists in the UK, who tattooed a
staggering 18,000 tattoos in just one day. That's a lot of ink!

(to camera)
That's it for today's countdown of the top five weirdest Guinness World Records. We hope you
enjoyed it, and don't forget to tune in next time for more weird and wacky records. Thanks for

The camera fades to black with the words "The Top 5 Weirdest Guinness World Records"
appearing on the screen.

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