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“Whatever mind can conceive and

believe, it can achieve”.

- Napoleon Hill

“Patience, Persistence and Perspiration

make an unbeatable combination for
- Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill
(1883 – 1970)
About the author
Napoleon Hill was born on the 6th of October 1883 on the American town of pound, Virginia. His mother
passed away when he was barely nine years old and two years later his father remarried. At the age of
thirteen hill began to write as a “mountain reporter” for the town newspapers in wise country. He used the
money he earned to enroll himself in a law school, but due to financial pressures he had to withdraw.
In 1908 hill had the opportunity to interview industrialist and philanthropist Andrew Carnegie for a series
of articles on successful and famous men. When Carnegie introduced hill his secret formula of success, he
believed that this formula should be accessible by all and entrusted hill with the task of collating this
information and studying successful people and their application of formula.
With utmost care and dedication hill undertook this herculean task and studied more than 500 self made
millionaires over the span of twenty years, his interview and research culminated the first fruit of his labour
and devotion was the “Law of success” published in 1928 . This was followed by “The magic ladder to
success” in 1930 and finally his life’s defining work THINK AND GROW RICH in 1937 - best seller
Hill also established the Napoleon Hill foundation a non – profit educational institution that would
perpetuate his philosophy and teachings on leadership and success…..
Author’s Preface
It is a short introduction, as I go through the book , that it deals with the facts and not with fiction it’s
purpose is to being to convey a great universal truth through which all who are ready may learn
WHAT TO DO, BUT ALSO HOW TO DO IT. He introduces the Carnegies' secret that is for all
those who are ready and determined for it.
Andrew Carnegie’s secret is about reprogramming our own mind and saturate it with faith and
perseverance to overcome the temporary defeat. Quitting is instinctive to man, however in our human
world ,quitting should not be considered as a means of self-defense but a barrier which stops us from
achieving our goals. We have to try again and again when encountering temporary defeat doesn’t
imply death, that is why we will need to develop self confidence.
At the same time, the mind of any businessman must work around a principle which is introduced
“As you are ready for the secret, you already posses the one half of it, therefore, you will readily
recognize the other half the moment it reaches to your mind.”


F.W. 500+…..

TRULY , “thoughts are things ,” When they are mixed with definiteness of purpose, persistence and a BURNING
DESIRE for their translation into riches ,or other material objects.
 With this Edwin C. Barnes discovered how true it is that men really do THINK AND GROW RICH , his discovery
did not come about at one sitting. It came little by little, beginning with burning desire to become a business associate of
the great Edison.
 The main thing is that his desire for success is definite. Two difficulties stood in his way ,he did not know Mr. Edison
personally and he did not have enough money to pay his rail road fare to orange, new jersey. Finally he reached there on
a freight train any how, these difficulties were sufficient to discourage the majority of people from making any attempt
to carry out the desire, but his desire was no ordinary desire!
 he presented himself at Mr. Edison’s laboratory and announced he had come to go into business with the inventor
,Edison rejects his proposal and allow him to work in his office at very nominal wage, doing work that was unimportant
to Edison, but most important to Barnes, because it gave him an opportunity to display his “merchandise” where his
intended partner could see it.
 after spending many years with same desire and determination in the Edison’s office. Finally the moment came across
to him from the back door that was “OPPORTUNITY”
 At that time Mr. Edison had just perfected a new device ,known at that time as the Edison dictating machine (now the
EDIPHONE) his salesman were not enthusiastic over the invention of that machine, they did not believe it could be sold without
great effort. Barnes saw his opportunity ,that was hidden in queer looking machine which interested no one but Barnes and the
inventor .
 Barnes knew that he could sell the Edison dictating machine. And he promptly got this chance, he sold the machine so
successfully that Edison gave him a contract to distribute and market it all over the nation and the new slogan came out “Made by
Edison installed by Barnes”. The business alliance has been in operations for more than 30 yrs. Out of it Barnes has made
himself rich in money but he has done something infinitely greater, he has proved that one really may think and grow rich …….
Three feet from gold….

Now let us look at a different situation and study a man who had plenty of tangible evidence of riches, but lost it, because
he stopped three feet short of the goal he was seeking. In this we come to know about the cost of habit of quitting, when
one was overtaken by temporary defeat . Every person is guilty of his mistaken at one time or another.
An uncle of R.U.DARBY was caught by the gold fever in the gold rush days and went west to DIG AND GROW
RICH. He had never heard that more gold has been mined from the brains of men than has been ever taken from the earth.

After the weeks of labor he was rewarded with the by the discovery of the shining ore. To mine the gold from it he
needed the machinery so, he went to the home Williamsburg, Maryland convinced his neighbor and relative and purchased
machinery and went to the same site. And then the first car of ore was mined and shipped to the smelter, all is going
perfect then something happened the vein of gold ore disappeared !they drilled on and it was not there, finally they decided
to “QUIT”.
They sold the machinery to a junk man and get back to their home. Some junk men are dumb, but not this one! He called
a mining engineer and the engineer advised that the project had failed because the owners were not familiar with “fault
lines”. His calculation showed that the vein would be found JUST THREE FEET FROM WHERE THE DARBY’S
 The junk man took million of dollars in ore from the mine,
After quitting he move on with his new business, and this discovery came after when he started the
business of selling life insurance , remembering that he lost a huge fortune because he STOPPED
three feet from the gold.
 Darby profited by the experience in his chosen work by simple saying to himself, “I stopped three
feet from gold, but I will never stop because men say ‘no’ when I ask them to buy insurance.”

What I experienced while reading this – before success comes in any man’s life, he is sure to meet
with much temporary defeat and perhaps some failure. When defeat overtakes a man, the easiest thing
to do is to quit. That is exactly what the majority of men do.
According to author he told that their success came just one step beyond at which defeat has over
taken them, failure is a trickster with a keen sense of irony and cunning . It takes a great delight in
tripping one when success is almost within reach ...


DESIRE : The starting point of all achievement
The starting point of all achievement And what you have to want it.
All of the super wealthy started with a certain amount of dreaming and desiring before they
became wealthy or riches they saw them in their bank accounts.
What hill explains regarding this context :
Wishing will not bring riches, But desiring riches with a state of mind becomes an obsessions,
then planning in definite way and backing those plans with persistence which does not
recognize failure, will bring riches.
This is not so different from the modern day of concept of visualizing a savings goal with a
specific price tag.
FAITH : believe that you can achieve your goal

Growing rich starts with your healthy mindset- with the belief and faith that you can
accumulate wealth. Riches begin in the form of the thought the amount is limited only by the
person in whose mind the thought has put into motion .
FAITH REMOVES THE LIMITATIONS …..As a self made millionaire and author Steve
Siebold writes, “being rich isn’t a privilege. Being rich is a right. If you create massive values
for others, you have the right to be as you want .”
AUTO –SUGGESTION : The medium for
influencing the subconscious mind

Auto suggestion is a term which applies to all suggestions (positive or negative) and all self
administered stimuli which reaches one’s mind through the five senses.
Our ability to use the principle of auto –suggestion will depend, very largely upon our capacity to
concentrate upon a given desire unit that desire becomes a burning obsession.
SPECIALIZED KNOWLEDGE : Personal experience
or observations
We have to Gain experience and continue learning because the knowledge has the potential
power, it helps us to reach the goal efficiently.
Successful men, In all callings, never stop acquiring specialized knowledge related to their
major goal or objective.
In modern day successful and wealthy people are such voracious leader : they never stop
learning and challenging their minds.
IMAGINATION : The workshop of the mind
Through imagination we come up with ideas and visualize our success Ideas are the beginning
points of all fortunes, ideas are the products of the imagination…
Author says : don’t be afraid to come with, and develop, ideas “Whoever you are, where ever
you may live, whatever occupation you engaged in just remember in the future every time you
see the words “coca- cola”, that it’s vast empire of wealth and influence grew out of a single
crystallization of desire into action
Once we have visualized our success, we need to take action and go after exactly what we
want . We must act with persistence and enthusiasm.
Author view : Opportunity has spread it wares before you. Step up to the front, select
what you want, create your plan, put the plan into action, and follow it with full
For example we started forming our financial plan, and determine exactly where we want
our money to go.
DECISION : The mastery of procrastination

We have to defeat the procrastination with decisiveness, a key trait that hill recognized in
all the individuals he studied who acquired great wealth was decisiveness. Those who
settle on decision quickly know what they want, and they tend to get what they want.
Decisiveness is not just a trait of the wealthy , but one of the most important qualities a
leader needs to possess at the end of the day , making bad decision is better than making no
decision at all.
PERSISTENCE : The sustained effort to
induce faith

Persistence is crucial when one trying to accumulate wealth, yet few people
possess the will power required to turn their desire for money into actual money.
Riches do not respond to wishes . They respond to only definite plans, backed by
definite desires, through constant persistence.
POWER OF MASTER MIND : The driving force

It means that you have to surround your people with the best, the wealthiest people
create a mastermind – they surround themselves with the talented people ,friends,
colleagues who share their vision.
No individual may have the great power without availing himself of the “Mastermind”
This is rightly said that “rich people tend to make friends with other rich people ,
exposure to people who are more successful than you have the potential to expand your
thinking and catapult your income.”
THE SUBCONSCIOUS MIND : The connecting link
We have to master the positivity and dismiss the negative emotions..
The subconscious mind will not remain idle! If you fail to plant desire in your subconscious
mind , it will feed upon the thought which reach it as the result of your neglect .
Positive and negative cannot occupy the mind at the same time. One or the other must
dominate. It is our responsibility to make sure that positive emotions constitute the positive
thoughts to our mind.
THE SIXTH SENSE : The door to the temple of
The final principle the –SIXTH SENSE – occurs only after you have mastered the other
principles, through the aid of the sixth sense, we will be warned of impending dangers in time
to avoid them, and notified of opportunities in time to embrace them.”
According to author : hill admits that although it takes a while to master the final step, you can
still get a lot out of the other above discussed principles.
We will have achieved a level of wisdom that will allow us to start make smart financial and
life decision naturally…..



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