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Maths Puzzles

Molly has 3 cards. On one side they have a number, on the other
they have a shape. She places them in a row as shown.

She flips over some (maybe all) of the cards and mixes them up.
The new arrangement looks like this.

What shape is on the other side of the 3 card in the first
Maths Puzzles

How many triangles

can you see in this
Maths Puzzles

Sally asked her Grandad how old

he was. This was his answer:

“I have 6 children, and there are 4

years between each child. I had
my first child when I was 21. Now
the youngest one is 21 himself.
Can you work out my age?”

How old is Sally’s Grandad?

Maths Puzzles

A snail is at the bottom of

a 50cm high bucket.
Everyday, the snail climbs
10cm. At night when it
falls asleep it slides back
down 5 cm. How many
days will it take for the
snail to come out of the
Maths Puzzles

Place the numbers in the squares so that each row,

column and diagonal have the same sum. Use all the
Maths Puzzles

If you roll 2 dice and add

the spots are you more
likely to get an even or
an odd number? What if
you multiply instead?

Test out your theory.

Maths Puzzles

Can you put the

numbers 1, 2, 3, 4,
5, 6, 7 in each
circle so that the
total of every line
is 12?
Maths Puzzles

In a lake, there is a patch of

lily pads. Every day, the patch
doubles in size. If it takes 48
days for the patch to cover
the entire lake, how long
would it take for the patch to
cover half the lake?
Maths Puzzles

Remove just 4 matches

to leave 4 equilateral
triangles – they must
be all the same size.
Click on the picture to
find out the answer.
Maths Puzzles


How would you place 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 and 80
so that each side on the square adds up to 150?
Maths Puzzles

3 6 8
One number is correct and is in the correct place.

3 8 7
There are no correct numbers.

2 7 6
One number is correct but is in the wrong place.

4 7 1
Two numbers are correct but are in the wrong
Maths Puzzles

Place the numbers in the squares so that each row,

column and diagonal are divisible by 3. How many
ways can you find?
Maths Puzzles

In the city of Edinburgh

80% drink cola

70% drink coffee
50% drink tea

Is it certain there is someone

who drinks cola, coffee and
Maths Puzzles

1.6 2.3 0.9 1.2

Start the maze at 0 and
finish it with a total of 10. 0.6 0.8 1.7 2.1 0.7
You can move to the
right or down each turn. 1.4 1.9 1.6 0.3 2.2
Find 3 different ways to
do it. 1.8 1.7 1.5 2.4 0.4
0.8 1.6 2.6 0.9
Maths Puzzles

The alien says half of the aliens plus a quarter of them

plus me equals 100.
How many aliens are on the spaceship?
Maths Puzzles

Can you put the

digits 1 to 11 in the
circles so that every
line has the same
Maths Puzzles

The chicken is helping her

chicks across the road. She
has 16 chicks. She can
safely cross with 3 chicks at
a time . What is the least
number of times the chicken
can cross the road?
Maths Puzzles

All numbers powerful are!

Connected to the force they are.
When divided by 6 my number
remainder 5 gives. When divide by
4 remainder 4 it gives, and when
divided by 4 remainder 3 it gives.
Less than 100 my number is.
Can you work out Yoda’s number?
Maths Puzzles

You have 14 brown socks, 14 blue

socks and 14 black socks in your
sock drawer. How many socks must
you remove (without looking to be
sure) to have a matched pair?
Maths Puzzles

How would you place the numbers 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 and 16 so that
the numbers in the hexagon are equal to the 2 numbers in the circles
added together on either side?
Maths Puzzles

The astronaut found an alien on

Planet Zeus. He discovered that
every night the alien splits into two
identical aliens.
On May 22nd he found his
spaceship full with with 8400 aliens.
How many aliens did he take into
his spaceship on May18th?
Maths Puzzles

Neil places 3 cards in a row. The cards have a number on one side
and a shape on the other.

2 9
He flips over some (maybe all) of the cards and mixes them up.
This is the new arrangement of the same cards.

9 7
What shape is on the other side of the otherside of 2 in the first
Maths Puzzles

Paul throws a dart at a square

dartboard side length of 10cm. In
the middle there is a smaller square
with a side length of 4cm. If Paul
strikes a random point on the
dartboard, what is the probability
that the dart will land on the smaller 4cm

10 cm

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