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Learning Outcome

At the end of this module, you should be able to:

1. Differentiate the Metric system from the English system
2. Determine the fundamental and derived quantities
3. Know the conversion factors
4. Compare the prefixes of measurement
5. Convert the different physical quantities

This module aims to explain the different systems of measurement, the

fundamental, and derived physical quantities, prefixes and conversion factors.
As you proceed,some conversion factors are listed. The conversion factors can
be used to change from metric to English system and vice versa. Since the
metric system is universally used, it is often referred to as the International
System of Units and abbreviated SI. The prefixes for measurements in metric
system are often provided as a useful tool for converting other basic units. The
quantities can be expressed in decimal or exponential form. In determining
other quantities, they can be computed by using formula such as: density,
speed, volume, etc.
We know that measurement is crucial in some science topic because it
quantifies things; it answers the questions: How much? How many? How high?
and others.
Measurement refers to the quantification of results obtained by means of
measuring instruments such as: a ruler, a weighing balance, a graduated
cylinder, a thermometer, and more. It is therefore understood that measurements
are considered an action within the meaning of the term “instrumentation.”

Two Systems of Measurement

1. Metric System – is a measuring system such as: meter for length; kilogram
for mass; liter for volume; as the base unit. Prefixes can be used with metric
units that may have the same value on the base unit (e. g. 200 mm = 20 cm,
4590 ml = 4.59 l, 3840 g = 3.840 kg). Metric units are also decimal-based units.
The SI units are metric-based (modern form) and are used to standardize the
measurement of scientific quantities.
2. English Systems – is the British and the old system of measurement
like: for the length; feet, inches, yard, for the mass; pound, tons, for the volume;
gallons, pint, and for the temperature; Fahrenheit.

Physical Quantities
Two Divisions of Physical Quantities

1. The fundamental quantities are the simplest physical quantities

Example: mass, length, time, temperature, ampere, mole, and candela.

These are given in the table below.
2. The derived quantities are the combination of two or more fundamental

Some Derived Quantities and their Metric Units

Some Derived Quantities with the Unique Names
Conversion Factors:
A. Length B. Mass C. Temperature

1 m = 3.28 ft. 1MT = 1000 kg a). Changing o C to o F

1 m = 100 cm 1kg = 1000g o
F = 1.8* o C + 32
1 m = 39.37 in 1 kg = 2.2 lbs.
b). Changing o F to o C
1 ft = 30.48 cm 1 lb. = 454 g o
C = (o F – 32) /1.8
1 ft = 12 in
1 in = 2.54 cm 1 lb. = 16 oz c). Changing o C to K
1 yd = 3 ft. 1 ton = 2000 lbs. o
K = o C + 273
1 mi = 5280 ft d). Changing o F to o R
1 mi = 1.61 km o
R = o F + 460
Useful formula for Conversion

Given Value x Conversion Factors = Required Value

a). Write the given value.
b). Multiply the given value to the conversion factor in fractional form to
cancel the undesired unit, the unit in the numerator must be the same as
the denominator. The desired unit must be left after cancellation c). Divide the
given value (numerator) by (denominator)
d). Write the answer and the unit.
e). Double-check the cancellation, and the answer.
f). Round-off and write the answer completely

1. Converting distance, 1238 ft. to m.
(from conversion factor 1m = 3.28 ft)
2. Convert the temperature, 358 o F to a) o C b) o K


a) t o C = (o F – 32) / 1.8 b) o K = 181.11 + 273

= (358 - 32) / 1.8 = 454.11 o K
= 181.11 o C

3. Conversion of the physical quantity with the fractional unit: 30 km/h to ft/s.

Conversion factor: 1km = 1000m, 1 m = 3.28 ft, 1h = 3600s

Convert 175 0C to 0F and 0R

a) F = (1.8*175) + 32

= 315 + 32
= 3470F
b) 0R = 347 + 460
= 8070R
4. The conversion of physical quantity with exponent in the unit.

Example: Convert 50 g/cm3 to lb./ft3.

The conversion factor: 1 lb. = 454 g, 1 ft = 30.48 cm.

Note: If the unit to be converted is raised to an exponent, also raised the

conversion factor to the same exponent.

5. The conversion using the formula.

a). Find the volume in cubic cm. of the box whose dimensions are the

L = 10 in. W = 5 in. H = 2.5 in.

Prefixes for Measurement
1. dg is decigram 4. hl is hectoliter
2. Gm is gigameter 5. Tb is Terabyte
3. nm is nanometer


1. The conversion with the prefixes.

Example: Convert 23500 decimeter (dm) to meter (m)

23500 dm x 10-2 m = 235 m
2. Convert 5 kg mass to hg (both has prefixes). Note: k, kilo is 103 and h,
hecto is 102.

Solution 1:
a. A 5 kg mass change to grams (kilo is103) = 5 x 103 g
b. A 5 x 103 g mass change to hg, the unit required. (Hint: h is
changed to opposite sign; h is 102 becomes 10-2)

5 x 103 x 10-2 hg = 5 x 10 1 hg = 50 hg

Solution 2
1 kg = 10 3 g
1 hg = 10 2 g
5 kg x 10 3 g x 10 -2 hg = 5 x 10 (3 - 2) hg = 5 x 101 hg = 50 hg
3. Compute for the following measurements

1. Find the floor area of your house in English and Metric measurements.

2. Determine the volume of your dining table in cubic inch and cubic

3. Find the volume of a sphere with 12.5 in diameter

Additional Problems

1. Determine the area of the rectangular shape whose width is 3 m and a

height of 4 m.

2. Find the volume of the cylindrical tank with a diameter of 4 ft and a

height of 10 ft.

3. Find the area of the isosceles triangle with base of 0.75 m and a height
of 2.2 m.
surface area

1. A = bh
= 3 m x 4 m = 12 m2
2. V = area of circle x height
= (πr2)(h)
= π(2 ft)2(10 ft)
= 125.66 ft3 x (m/3.28 ft)3
= 3.56 m3

3. A = 1/2 bh
= 1/2 (1.5 m)(2.2 m) 2.2 m

= 1.65 m2
1.5 m

A = 1/2(0.75 m)(2.2 m)(2)

= 1.65 m2

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