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Short CV

Prof. Dr. Zulkardi, M.I.Komp., MSc.

1. S1: Pend. Mat. FKIP Unsri, graduated 1984

2. S2: I. Computer Science UI & Univ. Maryland, 1990
3. S2: Education Technology, Univ. Twente, 1999
4. S3: Math. Education. Univ. Twente, Belanda, 2002
5. Head of S3 Math Education FKIP Unsri sejak 2016
6. Supervisor PMDSU in Math Education since 2019 Tianemen Square
7. Vice President Indonesian Math Society since 2012
8. Indonesian representative in the ICMI since 2016
9. Founder of Math Literacy contest & workshop PISA since 2010
10. Founder & Chief Editor Journal JME Scopus Q2 since 2010
11. Award Top 500 Peneliti Nasional SINTA 2020 KemristekBrin
12. H-Index Scopus =13; Google Scholar = 22
Mathematics Literacy in the time
of COVID-19

Prof. Dr. Zulkardi, M.I.Komp., M.Sc.

Ketua Prodi S3 Pendidikan Matematika FKIP Unsri
Sabtu, 12 December 2020

 Actions Indo. Govt. to PISA score of low?

 Efforts in improving Math Literacy
 What is Mathematics Literacy
 Math Literacy = Numeracy?
 Task example of Math Literacy
 Q&A
PISA scores
of Indonesian students on Math,
Science & Reading(2000-2018 )
Efects of low PISA score
Mendikbud M Nuh (2014): PISA
items inserted in National Exam (UN)
Revise Curriculum 2013
Minister Anis Baswedan: Gerakan
Literasi Sekolah & Nasional started
Minister Muhajir (2018):
Sorry, but PISA will still in UN
Mas Nadiem (2019): PISA score low=>
Change National Exam with AKM Literasi
& Numerasi
Mas Nadiem (2020):
Five strategies to improve
PISA score
1) Transformasi Pimpinan
Sekolah(Kepala Sekolah dari Guru-
guru Terbaik)
2) Reformasi Pendidikan Profesi Guru
3) Penyederhanaan Kurikulum (fleksibel
& bebasis kompetensi)
4) UN diganti AKM literasi &
Numerasi berbasis Global (PISA,
5) Kemitraan dengan daerah dan
masyarakat sipil (POP&sekolah
Mendikbud: ‘AKSI’-
Indonesia version of PISA
Some efforts to increase
PISA mathematics score in
Keynote speakers about PISA
math in Indonesia
 2000 Prof. Dr, Jan de Lange (Ketud Expert Mathematics PISA
OECD dan Director Freudenthal Institute Utrecht University).
KNM X tahun 2000 di ITB Bandung
 2006 Prof.Dr. Fasli Jalal di Seminar Nasional PISA di Unsri
 2010 Prof. Dr. Zulkardi, di Konferensi Nasional Matematika Unima
Manado (dan setiap acara KLM PISA LPTK
 2016 Prof. Dr. Satrio S. B. tentang PISA- PIACC di Unsri
 2019 Prof. Muhajir & Sekjen OECD di Jakarta
 2019 Mas Mentri Nadiem, pengumuman hasil PISA 2018
 2020 Prof. Berinderjeet Kaur, pak Totok & Zulkardi online
PISA talk, August 22-2020
Effort ‘Unsri’ about PISA:
Website PISA (sejak 2010)
Effort on PISA:
Kontes Literasi Matematika (sejak 2010
pada 20 LPTK se Indonesia )
Effort ‘Unsri’ about PISA: National
semiar PISA
(sejak 2010)
Riset: Desain PISA-like task
(Buat soal tipe PISA)
Overview Math literacy & PISA
Apa PISA? Asesmen literasi matematika, sains,
membaca, dan finansial oleh OECD

Kapan? Tiga tahun sekali sejak 2000, 2003, 2006, 2009,

2012, 2015, 2018, 2021  2022

Siapa? Anak usia 15 tahun dari 78 negara(tahun 2018)

Tujuan apa? PISA mengukur seberapa efektif negara

menyiapkan siswanya menggunakan matematika,
sains, membaca dan finansial dalam setiap aspek kehidupan
mereka sebagai bagian dari reflektif masyarakat Abad 21.
Minister Mas Nadiem:
Indonesia crisis literacy
Numerasi: Reasoning menggunakan matematika
dalam menyelesaikan masalah dalam
kehidupan sehari-hari
Literasi: Kemampuan memahami teks bacaan
untuk memecahkan masalah kontekstual secara nalar
Framework PISA 2021, Focus on
Reasoning (Penalaran)
Examples of Contexts in the
COVID-19 in some countries
August 2020
Contexts: Tawaf in Masjidil Haram, Wed 29/7/20.
Sketch the top view. How many people?
Bentuk apa Ka’bah? Jelaskan
Example of Task on PISA /

Pada gambar: a) Apakah jumlah terpapar naik atau turun?

b) Berapa persen perubahan kasus baru?
c) Menurutmu situasi sudah aman? Mengapa?
Write a poem or a story based on
situation in the figure
Contexts: Position for sholat
Idhil Adha(31 Juli 2020)
Spreading of COVID-19
Total cases C-19 in ASEAN
(Kompas, 9 December 2020)
The Graph of Daily change of Data
Covid-19 in Indonesia
What is the trend?
Development of daily data COVID-
19 in Indonesia
Global Contexts
Blue sky in the
Dom tower
(Zulkardi, Utrecht, 2014)

(1) Jam berapakah photo itu

diambil? Jelaskan
(2) Musim apakah pada
waktu itu? Jelaskan
(3) Tunjukkan posisi
Matahari dan berikan
Pulau Malamber ‘2 Miliar’
Guru: Berapa luas pulau

Siswa: Pulau itu tidak

punya luas…

Guru: Mengapa begitu?

Siswa: Karena tidak

panjang dan
Numbers at Lift
What is the meaning? Explain
Zulkardi Z., Putri R.I.I., Wijaya A.
(2020) Two Decades of Realistic
Mathematics Education in
Indonesia. In: van den Heuvel-
Panhuizen M. (eds) International
Reflections on the Netherlands
Didactics of Mathematics. ICME-13
Monographs. Springer, Cham
Offers global insights into working on reform
in mathematics education

Explains how Realistic Mathematics Education

is used in different countries

Includes numerous examples of mathematics

tasks for teaching and assessing students

Covers all levels of mathematics education

Features both empirical findings, theoretical

considerations and personal experiences
Zulkardi, (et al.) (2019).
New School Mathematics
Curricula, PISA and PMRI
in Indonesia. Pages 39-49
Sejak 2010, 51% artikel tentang PMRI, penulis alumni hampir semua
Sept 2018 terindeks SCOPUS dan 11 Juni 2020, JME Scimago Q2
Terakreditasi SINTA 1 dan Rangking 3 dari 5350 Jurnal di Indonesia
Thanks for your attention
WA: 08127106777


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