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• Eating disorders are mental illnesses that
cause serious disturbances in a person’s
everyday diet.
• It can manifest as eating extremely small
amounts of food or severely overeating.
• The condition may begin as just eating
too little or too much but obsession with
eating and food over takes over the life of
a person leading to severe changes.
This is how a nutritious diet of an average healthy person must
• Anorexia nervosa happens when one is obsessed with
becoming thin that they reach extreme measures and
this leads to extreme weight loss.
• anorexia - refers to loss of appetite and nervosa -
indicates that the loss is due to emotional reasons.
• Women with anorexia nervosa are frequently diagnosed
with depression, obsessive- compulsive disorder,
phobias, panic disorder, alcoholism, and various
personality disorders
• Men with anorexia nervosa are also likely to have a
diagnosis of a mood disorder, schizophrenia, or
substance dependence
• Men with anorexia nervosa are also likely to have a
diagnosis of a mood disorder, schizophrenia, or
substance dependence
Signs, Risks and Treatment
of Anorexia Nervosa
Dramatic weight loss, Refusal to eat certain foods or food categories,
Consistent excuses to avoid situations involving food , Excessive and
rigid exercise routine, Withdrawal from usual friends/relatives
Heart failure, Kidney failure, Low protein stores ,Digestive
 Treatment Determine inpatient vs. day treatment vs. outpatient.
Multidisciplinary teams are ESSENTIAL! Primary care provider,
Psychiatrist, Individual therapist, Family therapist, Nutritionist
1st : weight restoration, 2nd : psychological, 3rd : maintenance
• Bulimia Nervosa is an eating disorder in which one
starts to consume large amounts of food at once and
then is followed by purging, using laxatives, or over
exercising to rid themselves of the food they ate.
• Bulimia is from a Greek word meaning “ox hunger.”
• This disorder involves episodes of rapid consumption of
a large amount of food, followed by compensatory
behaviour, such as vomiting, fasting, or excessive
exercise to prevent weight gain
• The DSM defines a BINGE as eating an excessive
amount of food within less than 2 hours.
• Bulimia nervosa is characterized by frequent episodes of
binge eating, from twice a week to multiple times a day,
followed by frantic efforts to avoid gaining weight.
During an average binge, a bulimic consumes 3,000 to
5,000 calories in one short hour.
Signs, Risks and Treatment of
Bulimia Nervosa
Wrappers/containers indicating consumption of
large amounts of food  Frequent trips to bathroom
after meals, Signs of vomiting e.g. staining of teeth,
calluses on hands, Excessive and rigid exercise
routine, Withdrawal from usual friends/relatives
Dental problems, Stomach rupture, Menstruation
irregularities, Acid reflux or ulcers Weakness and
dizziness , Chronic constipation from laxative abuse
Chronic sore throat Loss of menstrual periods,
Ruptured stomach or oesophagus, Tooth decay and
mouth sores, Broken blood vessels in the eyes,
Swelling of the hands and feet.
,Psychotherapy, changing unhealthy thoughts and
patterns, Antidepressant medicines for Bulimia,
breaking the binge and purge cycle
• Obesity is that, you have a high
amount of fat in your body, and from
that definition you can notice that,
obesity is not about more weight, it's
about more fat 
• Obesity is a complex disease involving
an excessive amount of body fat.
Obesity isn't just a cosmetic concern.
It is a medical problem that increases
your risk of other diseases and health
problems, such as heart disease,
diabetes, high blood pressure and
certain cancers.
• Overweight and obesity are defined
as abnormal or excessive fat
accumulation that may impair health.
Body mass index (BMI) is a simple
index of weight-for-height that is
commonly used to classify overweight
and obesity in adults. It is defined as a
person's weight in kilograms divided
by the square of his height in meters
Signs, Risk, Treatment of
The most visible sign of obesity is excess body fat, usually measured by
BMI. A BMI of 30 or more indicates obesity, while a person with a BMI
between 25 and 30 is considered overweight. You can calculate your
BMI using HealthTrust's calculator for adults. However standard BMI
calculations can inaccurately measure a healthy weight for people under
18 years of age, pregnant women, and people from certain ethnic
backgrounds. If you’re usurer, ask your doctor or dietitian if BMI
applies to you.
risk of developing health problems such as heart disease, stroke, and
kidney problems increases if you're obese and have these risk factors:
High blood pressure (hypertension), High blood cholesterol or
triglycerides, High blood glucose (sugar), a sign of type 2 diabetes
The healthy weight is the main goal for obesity treatment, and you can
reach that by making a good treatment plan with your doctor and may
be a big team of nutritionist, dietitian, obesity specialist and nurse. This
plan include: Dietary changes. Exercise and activity. Behaviour change.
Prescription medication. Weight-loss surgery.

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