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Our mother earth is

> The global warming has become a global warning

> Air pollution is a serious problem

> Water pollution is a problem

> We will run out of our nature resources

> As an individual we should do something

> Government neglect

Start form yourself and just do something right now

The global warming has
become a global warning
Our mother earth is crying. Do you hear that? She is
sweating because she feels too hot. Waste gas such as
carbon dioxide released by cars and factories have
begun to cause serious problems. The average
temperature of the earth is on the rise. Global warming
has become a global warning .Icebergs in Antarctica are
melting. As a result, the sea level will keep on going up
and some countries like Japan and coastal cities like
Shanghai will be flooded in the future. On top of that,
those climate changes will bring unexpected influence on
the whole bio-system. More animals and plants are
disappearing from the world and it could be also a
threat to the existence of humankind. Our mother
earth is crying. Do you hear that?
Air pollution is a serious
She is ill and coughing. The air has been polluted by
industrial smoke. An obvious example is that the color
of the sky is grey and more and more people are
having problems with their health like lung cancer.
Water pollution is a
Our mother earth is crying and do you hear
that? She is suffering from a serious
stomachache. Waste water from factories and
our daily life have made a great damage to our
environment. Toxic chemicals in waste water
have polluted the rivers and the underground
water. Many animals are disappearing from the
sea. What is more, the chemicals would go into
our body through drinking water and the
seafood we like eating.
We will run out of our
nature resources
Our mother earth is dying because she is
running out of her blood. Scientists argue that
the natural resources like oil will be used up in
about 40 years, so just imagine what the world
would be like if we do not have any cars, ships
and planes. We will have to walk to school and
goods have to be carried by camels and horses.
If we want to go abroad like America, we
probably need to row a boat with our own hands.
Do you think it sounds a little funny?
As you can see, we have so many problems, but
more importantly, we should find out solutions
to those problems.
As an individual we should do
As an individual we should do something. First of all,
please do not use those plastic bags from
supermarkets and shops any more. To produce those
bags would use oil and if you throw them, they will
pollute our environment. Just take one bag with you
when you go shopping. Secondly, use more public
transportation like buses and subway. Private car is a
major criminal for air pollution. Then, remember to
turn off the lights, air conditioner and other electrical
equipment when you leave home. If not, that would be
a waste of energy.
Government neglect
For the government, I think it should learn more
technology in environmental protection from
abroad. Countries like Japan and USA have very
successful experience in controlling all kinds of
pollution. On top of that, I think the
government should put more money and effort
in the research of alternative energy like solar
energy, hydro power and nuclear power. Then, it
should make more laws to regulate those
factories and motor vehicles like private cars
which must be responsible for the
environmental pollution.
Start form yourself and just
do something right now
Our mother earth is crying. Do you hear that ?
If we do not take some actions, the planet
where we are born and where we try to lead a
good life, will disappear forever from the
universe. Start from yourself and just do
something right now. Heal the world ,make it a
better place, for you and for me and the
entire human race. I believe we can make our
mother earth a better place.

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