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136044 Wendy Omondi

136381 Atishay Wason
134500 Julie Ochoro
122502 Emmanuel Shimoli
122269 Fahima Shariff
122265 Abdi Kaise


•There are six paradigms of human interaction, some of which are much more beneficial and effective than

•Win/Win: You and I Both End Up Happy

•It aims to find a solution that benefits both sides, where everyone is happy with the decision and committed to
the plan. Here people value cooperation over competition and believe that there is plenty — of money, success,
happiness, and good fortune — to go around. This paradigm is considered the most positive, and helps you
focuses on communication that requires listening, communication, and trust) Eventually both parties can reach
a solution that neither could have come up with on her own
•Win/Lose: I Beat You
•The Win/Lose paradigm makes everything a competition, making it seem that one person’s success must come at
the expense of someone else’s success. Leaders with the Win/Lose mentality use an authoritarian style of leadership;
people with this mindset tend to use their authority, power, status, or personality to get what they want. 
•Most people have a deeply embedded Win/Lose mentality that’s taught early on and reinforced through different life
experiences. It is likely to be the one of the six paradigms of human interaction that feels the most natural to you.
•Lose/Win: You Can Have Your Way and I’ll Deal With It
• People with the Lose/Win paradigm are more interested in taking the path of least resistance than getting what
they want. They generally want to appease and gain acceptance by the other person, and they tend to be
intimidated by others’ strengths and shy away from expressing their own wants and feelings. Leaders with this
paradigm of the six paradigms of human interaction have a permissive, indulgent style of leadership

•This is a situation where an individual gets so focused on their enemy losing that they are willing to take a hit
themselves as long as their enemy is losing as well. People focus more on the loss of the other person and ignore
everything else including their own well being just to ensure the other person loses. Lose/lose could also be the case
when an individual is over dependent on other people and has no personal direction in life
•This is a paradigm that only focuses on a specific individual. Your personal outcome from a
situation is what matters, whether the other person wins or loses that is none of your concern. It
is more like every man for himself kind of mentality whereby people focus on themselves only
regardless of what happens to another person.

•Win/Win or No deal

• This paradigm of human interaction aims at enhancing the fact that a relationship is more
important than a negotiation. This means that if both parties are unable to see eye-to-eye in a
specific situation they should be willing to walk away from the deal altogether so as to
maintain the relationship without any problems arising from disagreements
Question Two
•The 5 dimensions of Win Win habit of interpersonal leadership.
1. Character- This is the foundation of win-win, and everything else builds on that foundation. There are three character
traits essential to the win-win paradigm. There must be integrity in order to establish trust in the relationship. There must
be maturity which is the balance between courage and consideration and also the abundance mentality which flows from a
deep inner sense of personal worth and security.
2. Relationships- These are the focus on win/win. Whatever the orientation of the person you are dealing with, the
relationship is the key to turning the situation around.
3. Agreements-From relationships flow the agreements that give definition and direction to win-win.
4. Supportive systems- This is a key element in the win/win model and is achieved by developing individual achievable
goals and team objectives to be rewarded.
5. Processes- This is how we solve problems.
•From a personal experience, I applied the relationship dimension with my father who for me comes from a paradigm of win-
lose when dealing with me. In matters concerning myself for example the time when I get home or when to go out, I made
deposits into his emotional bank account through genuine courtesy and respect by explaining to him where I go and what I do
with my time. This created a win/win situation for both of us
Question three
A win-win situation is a situation whereby all agreements or solutions are beneficial to all parties therefore everyone
is happy. It is based on the paradigm that there is plenty for everybody and that one person’s success is not achieved
at the expense or exclusion of the success of others.
• Example: Mary and Lucy are long term friends. They have been friends since high school and are now 34 years old
and 35 years old respectively. They have endured a lot throughout the years which in a way has strengthened their
bond. Mary approaches Lucy with a business proposal and tells her that it is going to earn them a good amount of
money if they invest in it. Lucy agrees to it and contributes her amount without hesitation since she trusts Mary
and knows that she is smart and therefore would not want to invest in something that would not yield good profits.
After both parties contribute an equal share of money, they invest it and wait to see the results in a year’s time.
After one year, they receive the dividends from their investment which is quite a huge amount of money. This is a
win-win situation for the both of them since both have earned good money and in a way their relationship has
grown as they are not only friends but also business partners. The amount of trust that they have in each other has
also grown

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