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lift off (a) = take off: to leave the ground and rise
into the air
Yuri gagarin


cosmonaut: a Russian astronaut (= a person trained to go

into space)
lift off (a) = take off: to leave the ground and rise
into the air
cosmonaut /ˈkɒzmənɔːt/ (n) : a Russian astronaut
lift off (a) = take off: to leave the ground and rise
into the air
cosmonaut /ˈkɒzmənɔːt/ (n) : a Russian astronaut
orbit /ˈɔːbɪt/ (n) :  curved path followed by a planet
or an object as it moves around another planet,
star, moon,…
Ex : My younger brother has lots of problems with Math. I
often help him to deal with these problems
lift off (a) = take off: to leave the ground and rise
into the air
cosmonaut /ˈkɒzmənɔːt/ (n) : a Russian astronaut
orbit /ˈɔːbɪt/ (n) :  curved path followed by a planet
or an object as it moves around another planet,
star, moon,…
deal with (v) = solve :  to solve a problem, perform
a task, etc.
venture (n) = risk
--> a risky or daring journey or undertaking.
lift off (a) = take off: to leave the ground and rise
into the air
cosmonaut /ˈkɒzmənɔːt/ (n) : a Russian astronaut
orbit /ˈɔːbɪt/ (n) :  curved path followed by a planet
or an object as it moves around another planet,
star, moon,…
deal with (v) = solve :  to solve a problem, perform
a task, etc.
tension /ˈtenʃn/ (n):  a feeling of worry and stress
lift off (a) = take off: phóng lên
cosmonaut /ˈkɒzmənɔːt/ (n) : du hành vũ trụ Nga

orbit /ˈɔːbɪt/ (n) :  quỹ đạo

deal with (v) = solve :  giải quyết

venture /ˈventʃə(r)/ (n):  việc mạo hiểm

tension /ˈtenʃn/ (n):  tình trạng căng thẳng

1. Read each heading 3. Read the first and last
sentence of the paragraph
2. Focus on headings that
are different or similar to 4. Differentiate between
each other main ideas and keywords
True or False
1960  1961
1 1

2 1-2

3 1-2
car accident
5 2-3  plane crash
Mutiple choice
1. How old was Gagarin when he became the first human being in space?
A. When he was 25 B. When he was 26
C. When he was 27 D. When he was 28
2. How long was he in space? (paragraph…line……..)
A. 108 minutes B. 105 minutes
C. 100 minutes D. 170 minutes
3. What question was raised before Gagarin’s space flight? (paragraph…
A. What would happen to a human being in space?
B. How would the body react to the extreme changes in temperature?
C. How would the mind deal with the psychological tension?
D. All of the above
4. What was the speed of his spacecraft in orbit around the Earth?
A. It was more than 17,000 miles per hours
B. It was 108,000 miles per hours
C. It was about 19,000 miles per hours
D. It was about 27,000 miles per hours
5. What was done after Gagarin’s death to honor this national hero?
A. His hometown of Gzhatsk was renamed Gagarin
B. The Cosmonaut Training Centre was given the name Gagarin to
honor this national hero
C. His name was renamed
D. A and B
1. How old was Gagarin when he became the first human being in space?
(paragraph…line……..) 2 1
A. When he was 25 B. When he was 26
C. When he was 27 D. When he was 28
2. How long was he in space? (paragraph…line……..) 4
A. 108 minutes B. 105 minutes
C. 100 minutes D. 170 minutes
3. What question was raised before Gagarin’s space flight? (paragraph…
line……..) 3 2-5
A. What would happen to a human being in space?
B. How would the body react to the extreme changes in temperature?
C. How would the mind deal with the psychological tension?
D. All of the above
4. What was the speed of his spacecraft in orbit around the Earth?
1 4
A. It was more than 17,000 miles per hours
B. It was 108,000 miles per hours
C. It was about 19,000 miles per hours
D. It was about 27,000 miles per hours
5. What was done after Gagarin’s death to honor this national hero?
5 3-5
A. His hometown of Gzhatsk was renamed Gagarin
B. The Cosmonaut Training Centre was given the name Gagarin to
honor this national hero
C. His name was renamed
D. A and B
Fill in the blanks

Vp.p / a
Pass the
teddy bear

lasted success



name after

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