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Mitosis and Meiosis

Significance and Applications

1. Mitosis builds Reproductive Organs

In multicellular organisms that have reproductive organs that
produces gametes through meiosis, the organs were built by cells
that underwent mitosis. Thus, in these organisms, meiosis is only
possible because mitosis made organs that nurtures the cells that
undergo meiosis. in human females, this organ is called the ovary
and in males, it is called the testicles.

2. The Reproductive Endocrine System

The human reproductive system is controlled by the brain. The sperm are
produced in the testicles while the eggs are produced in the ovaries, but both of
these organs receive commands from the brain. They also talk back to the brain in
a process called feedback. The brain and the reproductive organs talk to each other
by releasing endocrine hormones into the blood. Just as with the reproductive
organs, the brain was formed by cells that underwent mitosis. The cells that
produce the hormones in each organ were the result of mitosis, not meiosis.

3. Spermatogonia and Oogonia

Another importance of mitosis in sustaining meiosis is that
the cells that undergo meiosis to produce gametes can also undergo
mitosis. These cells undergo mitosis before meiosis so that they can
make more copies of themselves. The more copies there are of
them, the more gametes can be produced later on. Spermatogonia
are the male sex cells while. Oogonia are the female sex cells.
Meiosis Produces Gametes
Meiosis is what produces the gametes, the sperm or eggs that fuse after 2
organisms have sexual intercourse. Gametes only have half the normal number of
chromosomes, or strands of DNA that a normal cell does, so 2 of them must fuse in order
to form a new cell that will develop into a new organism. In sexually reproducing
organisms, gametes are only produced by meiosis, not mitosis. One advantage of meiosis
is that the gametes of some organisms can be released into the environment, such as into
the water. External fertilization is the process in which a sperm or pollen fertilizes an egg
while both are outside of the mother.
For this reason, meiosis ensures the continuation of species for future
Mitosis is a highly
dynamic process, aimed
at separating identical
copies of genomic
material into two
daughter cells. A failure
of the mitotic process
generates cells that carry
abnormal chromosome
Cancers are a result of
uncontrolled mitotic cell
division, which is
the division of one cell to
produce two genetically
identical daughter
cells. The problem is cased by
mutations or abnormal
activation of the genes which
control cell division. Lung Cancer Cells
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As a mass of cancerous cells
grows, it can develop into a tumor.

A tumor is an abnormal growth of Hand Tumor

cells that serves no purpose.
resection and
restoration in
hand and wrist
Down syndrome is a condition
known as aneuploidy, or trisomy
21. It is usually caused by an
error in cell division called
“nondisjunction." Non-
disjunction is due to an extra
copy of chromosome 21.
Children born with Down
syndrome experience
developmental, cognitive and
intellectual delays ranging from
mild to severe.
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Cri du chat syndrome is a

chromosomal disorder caused by a
partial deletion (monosomy) of a
varying length of the short arm (p) of
chromosome 5. Chromosomes,
which are present in the nucleus of
human cells, carry the genetic
information for each individual.

Infants with this condition often have

a high-pitched cry that sounds like
that of a cat.
Alzheimer's disease
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Through the detection of

proteins usually involved in
cell division.
The scientists found a
significant number of cells in
brain tissue from Alzheimer's
patients which had four
copies of chromosomes in
them, whereas normal cells
have two, and only two,
Alzheimer's disease
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Cells normally make extra copies

of chromosomes when they
divide, but the extra copies are
passed on equally to their
offspring cells.
The brain cells of Alzheimer's
patients apparently enter the cell
division process, make the extra
chromosomes, but never create
new cells to pass on the extra
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Klinefelter syndrome
It occurs when males have an
extra X chromosome. The
condition can inhibit growth of
genitalia, hormone production
and fertility. This is a random
error in cell division that
happens when a parent's
reproductive cells are being
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The missing genetic material

affects development before and
after birth. About half of
individuals with Turner
syndrome have monosomy X,
which means each cell in the
individual's body has only one
copy of the X chromosome
instead of the usual two sex
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Patau syndrome is a
syndrome caused by a
chromosomal abnormality, in
which some or all of the cells
of the body contain extra
genetic material from
chromosome 13. The extra
genetic material disrupts
normal development, causing
multiple and complex organ
defects. Patau
Mutation occurs when a DNA
gene is damaged or changed in
such a way as to alter the genetic
message carried by that gene.
Cystic fibrosis is an
inherited disease caused
by mutations (changes) in
a gene on chromosome 7,
one of the 23 pairs of
chromosomes that
children inherit from their
This disease is caused by
protein misfolding.
A skin tag is a small,
soft, flesh-colored benign
skin growth, often on a
Skin tags are probably
the single most common
bump on adult skin.
Skin tags are harmless
but can be an annoying
skin problem.
Polydactyly a birth defect
involving extra fingers on the
hand or extra toes on the feet. It
was found that a mouse version of
polydactyly results from a
malfunction of the cellular
machinery that processes one of
the cell’s internal transportation
vehicles. The condition appears to
result from a mutation in any of a
number of genes.

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