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Computer Network

Sritrusta Sukaridhoto
Why Computer Network ???
 Stand alone Computer ….


Computer Network – Sritrusta Sukaridhoto

Something interesting from
Computer Network ???
 Easiness
 No distance
 Mobility
 Efficient

Computer Network – Sritrusta Sukaridhoto

Network Administrator,…
 Advantages  Disadvantages
 Good salary  ERROR, then people
 Control other peoples want to kill YOU !!!
 Faster than others
 Relax

Computer Network – Sritrusta Sukaridhoto

 Basic network theory
 OSI Layer
 Network devices
 Routing
 Network security
 Programming

Computer Network – Sritrusta Sukaridhoto

 Network Skill
 Operating system
 Server – Client
 Router, Switch, Cabling, etc (network devices)
 Hacking not Cracking
 Certificate
 Experience
 Time can answer ???

Computer Network – Sritrusta Sukaridhoto

Open System Interconnection
 A model defines the stages or
tasks of a protocol as it
prepares to send data
 Open meaning standards
available to all.
 The model is devided into
seven distinct layers
 Each subsequent layer should
perform a well-defined function
and the layer boundaries are
designed to minimize the
information flow across the

Computer Network – Sritrusta Sukaridhoto

OSI Model Layers
 Application Layer
 Provides a user interface (examples: HTTP, SMTP)
 Includes file, print, database, app. Services
 Presentation Layer
 Presents the data (example: JPEG)
 Includes encryption, compression and translation
 Session Layer
 Keeps different applications data separate

Computer Network – Sritrusta Sukaridhoto

OSI Model Layers
 Transport Layer
 Provides reliable delivery
 Performs error detection
 Includes end to end connection
 Network Layer
 Provides logical addressing
 Routing layer

Computer Network – Sritrusta Sukaridhoto

OSI Model Layers
 Data Link Layer
 Combines packets into bytes then into frames
 Performs error detection (not correction)
 Provides Media access addressing (point-to-
 Media Access Control and Data Link Control
 Physical Layer
 Moves bits between devices

Computer Network – Sritrusta Sukaridhoto

Keys Layers of the OSI Model

Computer Network – Sritrusta Sukaridhoto

OSI Model and Protocols

Computer Network – Sritrusta Sukaridhoto

Network Devices
 Wire  Wireless

Computer Network – Sritrusta Sukaridhoto

Router, Switch, Hub, Modem, …

Computer Network – Sritrusta Sukaridhoto


Computer Network – Sritrusta Sukaridhoto


Computer Network – Sritrusta Sukaridhoto

Network Security
 Firewall

Computer Network – Sritrusta Sukaridhoto

Operating Systems

Computer Network – Sritrusta Sukaridhoto

Computer Network – Sritrusta Sukaridhoto
Hacking NOT cracking

Computer Network – Sritrusta Sukaridhoto

if (setsockopt(sockfd,SOL_SOCKET,SO_REUSEADDR,&yes,sizeof(int)) == -1) {


my_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; // host byte order

my_addr.sin_port = htons(MYPORT); // short, network byte order
my_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; // automatically fill with my IP
memset(&(my_addr.sin_zero), '\0', 8); // zero the rest of the struct
if (bind(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *)&my_addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr))
== -1) {
/* exit(1);
** server.c -- a stream socket server demo }
*/ if (listen(sockfd, BACKLOG) == -1) {
#include <stdio.h> perror("listen");
#include <stdlib.h> exit(1);
#include <unistd.h>
sa.sa_handler = sigchld_handler; // reap all dead processes
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
sa.sa_flags = SA_RESTART;
#include <sys/types.h>
if (sigaction(SIGCHLD, &sa, NULL) == -1) {
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h> exit(1);
#include <arpa/inet.h> }
#include <sys/wait.h> while(1) { // main accept() loop
#include <signal.h> sin_size = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
#define MYPORT 3490 // the port users will be connecting to if ((new_fd = accept(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *)&their_addr,
#define BACKLOG 10 // how many pending connections queue will hold &sin_size)) == -1) {
void sigchld_handler(int s) perror("accept");
{ continue;
while(wait(NULL) > 0); }
} printf("server: got connection from %s\n",
int main(void) inet_ntoa(their_addr.sin_addr));
{ if (!fork()) { // this is the child process
int sockfd, new_fd; // listen on sock_fd, new connection on new_fd close(sockfd); // child doesn't need the listener
struct sockaddr_in my_addr; // my address information if (send(new_fd, "Hello, world!\n", 14, 0) == -1)
struct sockaddr_in their_addr; // connector's address information perror("send");
int sin_size; close(new_fd);
struct sigaction sa; exit(0);
int yes=1; }
if ((sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == -1) { close(new_fd); // parent doesn't need this
perror("socket"); }
exit(1); return 0;

Computer Network – Sritrusta Sukaridhoto

Server - Client

Computer Network – Sritrusta Sukaridhoto


Computer Network – Sritrusta Sukaridhoto

Network topics
 IPv6
 Mobile-IP
 Network Security, VPN, IPSec
 Quality of Service
 VoIP
 Wireless
 Web-base application
 Encryption Decryption
 Streaming

Computer Network – Sritrusta Sukaridhoto

EEPIS Computer Network
 Lab Jaringan Komputer
 Ka.Lab: Sritrusta Sukaridhoto
 Gedung D4 lt. 3
 UPT Jaringan Komputer
 Ka.UPT: Dadet P
 Network Admin: Sukaridhoto, Hendri, Firman,
 Gedung IT lt. 2

Computer Network – Sritrusta Sukaridhoto

Thank You…
Computer Network – Sritrusta Sukaridhoto

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