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By kevintugano
1)Who is Socrates of Athens?
• The old Greek philosophy (born c. 470 BCE, Athens [Greece]—died
399 BCE, Athens], had a profound influence on western philosophy
with its way of life, character and thought.
2)Biography or Socrates
• The ancient Greek philosopher, Socrates (born about 470, Athens
[Greece)—died 399 Bce, Athens), exerts a profound mind, character
and way of life.
History of Socrates
• Socrates was born in Athens and lived almost all of his life. His father
was a stonemason, and Phaenarete his mother was a parent. His
mother was the stonemason. He showed a desire to learn as a young
person. The leading contemporary philosopher Anaxagoras describes
him eagerly and says that Aspasia, the talented master of the great
Athene leader Pericles, was taught to speak rhetorically.
Works and poem of socrates
• Dear Athens, Socrates dies, easy sleep;Socrates, too many, is found to
have asked questions;Socrates is fair and fair and open to our
judiciary;O Socrates dies, sleep easy, sweetie, because Socrates has
been found guilty and sentenced to death.Socrates drink and his
questions are dead and all our answers are safe and we can go to bed
with happiness because all our answers are safe and secure
Students of socrates
• Ancient Greek philosophy Socrates was a Western philosophy school.
Greek Classic PhilosophySpecial studentsPlato Plato The Sonorite
Antibiotics Alcibiads of Aristipus Reviews

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