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Organizational Behavior
BBA 6 TH Morning

• Haleema Khan BB-18-67

• Sabeed Ejaz BB-18-60

• Kainat Sadiq BB-18-76

• Sidra BB-18-32

• Malaika Afzaal BB-18-33

• Aira Malik BB-18-69

• Iqra Amjad BB-18-35


After years of promise, more and more businesses are realizing the benefits of artificial intelligence (AI)
and machine learning. A 2018 survey showed that 47 percent of companies have integrated at least one AI
capability into their business process – up from 20 percent in 2017 – and 71 percent plan to increase their
AI investments in the coming years.
What is Artificial Intelligence ?

“AI can do what traditional analysis, scoring or even human capabilities can do, but 10 or 100 times faster,
more efficiently and with lower error rates,”
Applying AI, organizations can find patterns and draw insights from data to make better decisions.

AI can help transform the process of identifying and developing necessary talent. Using data generated by
detailed questionnaires, AI can help companies pinpoint external prospects. It can also identify current
employees who would be suitable for new roles.
AI’S Growing Role will Aid, Not Replace, Human Decision-Making:

There are going to be disruptions in business models and the creation of new ones. “Things that can’t be
done today will be possible in the future. You’ll have a much broader spectrum of communication that’s
available at much higher speeds, allowing you to better analyze more information, make decisions and take
AI Adoption: Digital Transformation And Preventing The Data ‘GARBAGE IN, GARBAGE OUT’

To make AI work most effectively for an organization, it cannot be a sole function of the IT department.
Instead, AI adoption must be done in partnership between IT and the entire business in order to apply it in a
way that provides real benefits. The most effective adoption outcome requires a transition to a digitally
enabled business model that adjusts to an organization’s unique needs. That’s when companies unlock AI’s
true potential: it can revolutionize how they conduct their business.
Pros of Artificial Intelligence

It is the ability of a computer program to learn and think. The advantages of Artificial intelligence applications are
enormous and can revolutionize any professional sector.

 Reduction in Human Error

 Takes risks instead of Humans
 Available 24x7
 Faster Decisions
Cons of Artificial Intelligence

As every bright side has a darker version in it. Artificial Intelligence also has some disadvantages. Let’s see some of
 High Costs of Creation
 Making Humans Lazy
 No Emotions
Artificial Intelligence potential in



• AI can help transform the process of identifying and developing necessary talent. Using
data generated by detailed questionnaires, It can also identify current employees who would
be suitable for new roles.

• For example, an AI-enhanced approach can help a company identify candidates who are
most likely to do work effectively and in a fuel-efficient way.
• We can identify Employees who possess the right characteristics to fill those positions. Internal hires can be more
efficient and cost-effective than sourcing external candidates.

“We can identify what drives performance within these various roles, and then assess whether an organization has
talent that can be trained or grown into certain roles”

• The data can help identify which people are most able to change, which people can learn faster and better, which are
more curious, which are more agile or resilient.
• The main benefits of using AI include saving recruiters’ time by automating high-volume tasks and improving
quality of hire through standardized job matching.

• The major challenges of using AI for recruiting include requiring a lot of data, the potential to learn human biases,
and skepticism of new technology by HR professionals.

• The innovations in AI for recruiting are intelligent screening software that automates resume screening, recruiter
chatbots that engage candidates in real-time, and digitized interviews that help assess a candidate’s fit.
How Artificial Intelligence Can Transform Employee Training

• Expectations from employees are at an all-time high, in terms of skills, knowledge,

performance, and output.

• "doing more with less,"

• it is absolutely crucial for employees to feel comfortable and connected with the
organization in terms of both values and objectives. And, this means greater engagement.

• AI can offer a great value.

Improve Employee Satisfaction
◦ Collaboration and Flexible Work

◦ AI makes it possible for teams spread across geographies to seamlessly connect and
collaborate. Imagine automating meeting scheduling or recording minutes of the meeting
via an intelligent virtual assistant.

◦ In addition to this, as younger workers make it into the organization, AI can help deliver
differentiated employee experiences to drive real-time communication and collaboration
to improve employee satisfaction
AI and Employee Engagement

◦ Predictive Analytics & Behavior Mapping: Learning & Development (L&D) is a

major enabler of employee engagement.

◦ Using AI-powered data analytics or predictive analytics, organizations can develop

personalized training programs, aligning them with different employees’ learning
patterns and needs, and achieve a better synergy between the training programs and
employee engagement
Collaboration tools

• Collaboration means meetings, and time is often wasted in matching everyone’s timings, which ultimately results in lack of
productivity and engagement

• AI-powered tools for talent and performance management, monitoring productivity, boosting learning and development programs,
building capability and predicting trends, and identifying critical issues in real-time, the possibilities and potential of AI for employee
engagement are nearly limitless.

01 02 03
AI Communications aims to Businesses are using artificial One of the benefits of AI for
enhance contacts and information intelligence to improve the business is that it handles
exchange between AI researchers productivity of their repetitive tasks across an
and developers, and to provide employees. organization so that
information to those concerned employees can focus on
with AI and advanced creative solutions, complex
information processing. problem solving, and
impactful work.

 AI is present in all aspects of life: When you ask Siri or Alexa to set an alarm for you, use Google Maps for directions,
or play what’s suggested to you by Spotify, you are using artificial intelligence.

 With social media, AI is omnipresent as it is a core component of the algorithms of platforms such as Facebook and
Instagram. From self-driving cars that take you wherever you want to go with the push of a button to computers that
see images in order to recommend similar pins to a Pinterest user, AI is everywhere.
In 2018, 61 percent of businesses
are already using AI, and this
number will absolutely increase
with time. With scientific methods
such as machine learning, AI is
gaining intelligence, with
applications from finance, to sales
and procurement, and to

◦ AI Can Maximize Effective Communication

◦ AI Can Maximize Efficiency
◦   AI Can Maximize Innovation
• AI fosters strong workplace communication. Using various analytics, AI can indicate the
success rate of presentations and anticipate the types of interaction that are most suitable
for your target audience.

• A diagnostic evaluation of your skills can help you see your areas of strength and
AI Can Maximize
weakness, and measuring individual factors such as your team’s response to the Effective
presentation content, style and length optimizes your method of transmitting information.

• The feedback you receive from these AI programs encourages an understanding of what
techniques resonate with your audience, leading to more personalized and targeted
communication in the workplace.
AI Can Maximize
 Artificial intelligence does and will
continue to increase workplace
efficiency. Using AI to complete
basic, time-consuming tasks, such as
data analysis and evaluation, let’s
teams focus on greater depth, such as
driving new idea conception.

 Instead of replacing our own

thinking, it takes care of smaller
tasks to make way for us to think
• AI promotes the rapid development of our existing knowledge, pushing the boundaries
of current workplace productivity. The collaboration between human and machine
presents a hybrid of biological and non-biological thinking, a combination that maximizes
intellectual discussion.

AI Can Maximize
• Moreover, AI expands the capabilities of the human mind by providing alternative insight Innovation
into new concepts. Concepts such as digital-breathing where AI will analyze living
networks and report on exact insights, real-time updates (up to the minute) and trend
assessments, create a path for constant innovation.
◦ In most of the business world today, not a day passes without advancement in Artificial Intelligence
(AI) sector as it has become mainstream. Few industry experts are of the opinion that Artificial
Intelligence is closely connected to popular culture thus driving the people to have improbable
expectations and unrealistic fears about how it will alter the life and workplace in general.

◦ So, before the higher level staff start using AI in motivating employees in their companies, they will
be left with a question of how to adapt to the Artificial Intelligence Revolution. So, the answer for
this is the growth mindset. Growth mindset has gained huge prominence in the Artificial
Intelligence workplace. It enables companies to maximize the benefits derived from AI.
Develop Growth Mindset in an Organization?

• The executive leadership in the company must support the growth mindset and sponsor its development. They must educate themselves
on the technologies that are emerging and the impact they have on business.

• The next thing to do is to offer employees with the same responsiveness, personalization, and ease of use in their corporate learning
experiences as in various other aspects of their digital life. The executive leadership must simplify the way the workforce gets trained by
providing consumer-grade, people-centric experiences that are empowering, self-directed, transparent.
• The third and final thing in promoting a growth mindset is personalizing and accelerating
skills through a learning ecosystem in order to enable employees to stay updated in
environments which are unpredictable. The goal here is to empower employees with cognitive
capabilities that they can leverage themselves for the development of perceptual skills.

• By matching the evolving needs of the business with the delivery of employee learning
opportunities, AI helps teams and individuals respond to continuous changes with agility
and speed. Various theories exist about motivating employees in an organization. One of them
is the motivation theory of Herzberg. This theory will enable companies to get the best
outcomes from their employees.
Automating Tasks:

• Work becomes more horizontal with more efficiency and better management. AI
enables employees to automate several tasks.

• For example, the tasks related to team coordination, employee administration and
management. Also, the most routine quality control and administrative tasks such as
following up on the arrangement of meetings and resource allocation will soon be
automated by AI.
Promoting Employee Engagement

◦ The sentiment analysis or opinion mining technology is making use of biometrics, text
analysis, natural language processing for seeking insights into motivations and behaviors of
employees thus going beyond conventional ways of determining employee experience.

◦ Take for example, AI can examine data which includes biometric and email communications
data and forecast particular actions to enhance employees’ connection to activities or sense
of belonging. Hadoop is used for analyzing big data and deriving valuable information from
Adapting Culture Personalized Learning
AI is helping companies adopt behavior and culture in a big • AI can serve as the guide for HR managers in analyzing and
way. From the perspective of the consumer, people today are providing the learning methods favored by an employee.
exposed to a wide variety of behavioral nudges and stimuli to • So, in the same way, HR managers can apply those principles for
encourage buys, likes, or views. creating an adaptive learning experience having a similar feel and
look, curating content for training from external and internal
sources depending on factors such as preferences, career goals,
personality insights, and job history.
Building Careers

• Cognitive technology enables companies to gather data around career progression of

each employee and present it in a personalized manner.

• Leading companies have realized that one of the ideal ways to encourage learning is
to offer their workforce with tools and clarity to make career shifts and connect their
learning with those paths.

• Thus, this is made easy by cognitive technology by integrating and customizing the
data for employees.
IBM’s HR function was one of the first to adopt artificial intelligence (AI) technology and this means it has a wealth of insights and learnings
to share to help others get started. In this report, the IBM Smarter Workforce Institute summarizes those learnings, which were gathered by
interviewing the senior human resource executives responsible for bringing AI to the HR function at IBM.

The executive interviews revealed AI is effective in HR because it helps:

• Solve business challenges

• Attract and develop new skills

• Improve employee experiences

• Provide analytical decision support

• Make more efficient use of HR budgets

IBM HR’s experience is that AI can be applied in almost any area of HR, including candidate attraction, hiring, learning, compensation,
career management, and HR support. This report includes use cases across the employee journey. In each area, we describe some of the
benefits IBM has seen since implementing AI. We also cover practical topics such as how to get started, the skills you will need, and
important issues about fairness and the broader societal effects of AI on jobs.

AI helps organizations in becoming highly successful in motivating their employees and promoting employee engagement by
introducing them to several levers of success such as effectiveness in decision making and learning, collaboration,
experimentation, and information sharing. So, businesses that are looking to remain competitive must adopt them in their
 Artificial Intelligence is changing the relationship between people and technology

 Artificial intelligence is the ability of a computer to do task that are done by humans because they require human intelligence.

 According to second annual AI at work study conducted by Oracle and future workplace, People have more interest in robots than their
A research firm preparing leaders for disruptions in recruiting, development and employee engagement. The study of
8370 employees, managers and HR leaders across 10 countries found that artificial intelligence has changed the
relationship between people and technology at workplace.HR teams and manager need to play in attracting, retaining and
Developing talent.
AI will impact jobs, employees, managers HR leaders across the globe. With technology adding great value to
organization function, people are excited about leveraging technologies like AI in HR. Organization need to work closely
with their HR team to meet the changing expectation of people.

The study also highlights with technology taking care of transactional activities, leaders and managers need to bring
more strategic value to management and use more of their soft skills with people.
Views of people about AI

• Artificial intelligence is becoming more prominent with 50 percent of workers currently using some form of AI at work place as
compared to 32 percent last year.

• Workers in China and India have adopted AI are 2 percent more than those in Japan and Srilanka.

• Majority of workers are excited and grateful about having robot co workers. Men have a more positive view of AI 32 percent than
women 23 percent.

AI is impacting the future of every industry and human being.AI has acted as the emerging technologies like big data,
robotics it will act as a technological innovator for future. The impact of artificial Intelligence is having on our present
day lives is hard to ignore:

AI powered robots work alongside human to perform a limited range of task and predictive analysis sensors keep equipment running fast.
Diseases are more quickly and accurately diagnosed. Drug discovery is sped up and streamlined. Virtual nursing assistant monitor patient
and big data analysis helps to create a more personalized patient experience

Textbook are digitized with the help of AI .early stage virtual tutors assist human instructor and analyze the emotion of students to help
determine who is struggling and better tailor the experience to their individual need.
“A Research Article by IBM Smarter Workforce Institute”
Diversity and Inclusion (D&I)

Diversity Inclusion
• Includes any compositional differences that lead • It is focused on an individual’s two fundamental needs: a
individuals to perceive that others are similar to or different need for belonging and a need for uniqueness.
from themselves in a work unit.
• In an inclusive environment, all individuals have access to
• Differences may be about beliefs or attitudes, knowledge information and resources, are involved in teamwork, and
and experiences, status, pay and position, or about gender participate in decision-making.
and race.

D&I leads to greater creativity, innovation and productivity

Bias as an inhibitor to D&I

• Biases adversely influence decision making across the entire employee lifecycle including in talent
attraction, hiring, promotion, training, performance appraisal, compensation, and even termination.
• Biases may also manifest in behaviors like microaggression.

• Mitigating biases will lead to a diverse workforce and inclusive workplace and therefore can help
organizations to operate at their full potential.
AI as a tool to mitigate bias

 AI can :
◦ Remove the attributes that lead to biases

◦ Learn how to detect potential biases, particularly those unconscious biases that are unintentional and hard to uncover in decision-
making processes.

◦ Following detection, it can alert managers to the presence of the biases.

 AI can play a critical role in two critical areas:

◦ Ensuring all qualified candidates have equal access to job opportunities

◦ Supporting HR and managers in making fair employment decisions.

1) Equal access to opportunities

 Awareness of job opportunities

◦ AI can increase awareness of opportunities by recommending jobs that job-seekers might not have
considered for themselves through traditional job search mechanisms.
◦ For example, AI technology can be designed to interact with candidates and learn about their skills
and interests and then match those attributes to job openings.
 Inclusive job descriptions
◦ AI-enabled job posting review technology can detect bias in draft advertisements before they appear in front of potential

◦ The AI technology can highlight gender, age and ethnicity biased language to enable re-wording for a job posting.

◦ AI can also improve job postings through guidance on tone and voice to reduce biases.

◦ AI technology can help with the selection of only those skills and competencies for job postings which are critical to the
2) Fair employment decision-making

 Masking job-irrelevant cues in applicant information.

◦ AI can make recommendations to either remove or replace with neutral terms, any wording that may
lead to biased judgments (e.g. indicators of age, gender, ethnicity).
◦ It can provide unbiased ranking of applicants by matching the applicants skills and experience with
job postings irrespective of age, gender, or ethnicity.
 Detecting and minimizing bias across the talent lifecycle.

◦ For practices such as promotion, rewards, and termination, AI can detect and report potential discrimination across
different groups during the decision-making processes.
◦ AI can also provide personalized learning recommendations which help employees continuously develop their
skills. Skill development opportunities can bring employees a sense of belonging, an important element of
A cautionary word on AI & bias

• 23% of HR professionals surveyed concerned that AI can lead to increased biases

• Ongoing headlines about some AI tools showing biases

• AI is a judgment neutral at outset

• It relies on data collected by humans

• It is trained with machine learning(ML) algorithms created by humans

It is essential that datasets & model outcomes for mitigating bias are tested continuously & accordingly
appropriate adjustments should be made
Bias in AI Tools

• In 2015, Amazon realized that their algorithm used for hiring employees was found to be biased against women

• In 2018, Amazon was accused of sexism after an AI tool it was using to sort CVs learned to prefer male candidates
over female candidates

• In October 2019, researchers found that an algorithm used on more than 200 million people in US hospitals to predict
which patients would likely need extra medical care heavily favored white patients over black patients
•In 2019, Facebook was allowing its advertisers to intentionally target adverts according to gender, race,
and religion.

•Last year, Twitter was tarnished with allegations of racism after its picture-cropping algorithms sometimes
‘preferred’ white faces over black faces, making facial recognition for people with darker skin tones much
Evaluating your journey to inclusivity

AI technology can help to achieve this goal by mitigating bias

Few considerations for evaluation:

• Ensure equal access to opportunities

• Make fair employment decisions

• Build a diverse organization

• Create an inclusive organizational culture

Recommendations: 3 critical actions for success in
using AI to enhance D&I

01 02 03
Bring in the right Adopt frameworks for Use the right data & the
expertise fairness right algorithms
Bring in the right expertise Adopt frameworks for fairness

Involve both experienced industrial-organizational An AI-enabled framework can provide

(I-O) psychologists and data scientists.
 Clear
Psychologists bring expertise in data collection and  Core leadership
legal requirements, so the data used to train  Technical skill requirements
 Proficiency descriptions
machines can be free of biases and meet EEO
requirements. that may be used across functions, systems and
geographies to ensure a consistent and objective
Data scientists bring their expertise in model
benchmark for assessing employees and job candidates
building and algorithm creation to reduce any alike.
biases in models and algorithms.
Use the right data & the right algorithms

It is important to
 First collect a high-quality dataset
 Then test for and mitigate bias in the data being fed into the AI machine
 Algorithm outputs should also be checked, with model features adjusted as needed to
mitigate bias
AI Tools to reduce Bias
• AI Fairness 360
 IBM’s open-source library to detect and mitigate biases in unsupervised learning algorithms
 Enables AI programmers to test biases in models and datasets with a comprehensive set of metrics
 Bias detection and mitigation algorithms are designed for binary classification problems

• IBM Watson OpenScale

Performs bias checking and mitigation in real time when AI is making its decisions

• Google’s What-If Tool

 Test performance in hypothetical situations
 Analyze the importance of different data features
 Visualize model behavior across multiple models and subsets of input data, and for different ML fairness metrics

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