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Machine Learning

Vishnu Sankar
Roll no 51
• What is Machine learning
• Evolution
• Why it is important
• Machine Learning VS Artificial Intelligence
• Machine Learning VS Data Mining
• Who’s using it
• Types of methods
• Machine Learning Algorithms
• Limitations
• Key Takeaways
What is Machine learning
• Machine learning is a method of data analysis that automates
analytical model building.
• It is a branch of artificial intelligence based on the idea that
systems can learn from data.
• Identify patterns and make decisions with minimal human
Evolution of machine learning
Why is machine learning important?
• Machine Learning is the core subarea of artificial
• It makes computers get into a self-learning mode
without explicit programming.
• When fed new data, these computers learn, grow,
change, and develop by themselves.
• The nearly limitless quantity of available data,
affordable data storage, and more powerful
processing has propelled the growth of machine
Machine Learning VS Artificial Intelligence
Machine Learning VS Data Mining
• Financial services
– Use mainly for two key purposes, to identify
important insights in data, and prevent fraud.
• Government
– Agencies like public safety have a particular need
for machine learning since they have multiple
sources of data that can be mined for insights
• Health care
– The advent of wearable devices and sensors that
can use data to assess a patient's health in real
• Retail
– Websites recommending items we might like
based on previous purchases are using machine
learning to analyze our buying history.
• Oil and gas
– Finding new energy sources. Analyzing minerals
in the ground. Predicting refinery sensor failure.
• Transportation
– Analyzing data to identify patterns and trends is
key to the transportation industry, which relies
on making routes more efficient.
Types of machine learning
• Supervised learning 
• Unsupervised learning
• Semi Supervised learning
• Reinforcement learning

Two of the most widely adopted machine learning methods

are Supervised learning and Unsupervised learning.
Supervised learning

• Supervised learning algorithm uses labeled input and output data.

• It learns from the training dataset by iteratively making predictions
on the data.
• Require upfront human intervention to label the data.
• Goal is to predict outcomes for new data.
•  Ideal for spam detection, sentiment analysis, weather forecasting
and pricing predictions.
•  It is a simple method for machine learning, typically calculated
through the use of programs like R or Python.
• Supervised learning models can be time-consuming to train, and
the labeling requires expertise. 
Unsupervised learning
• Unsupervised learning models work on their own to discover the
inherent structure of unlabeled data.
•  They still require some human intervention for validating output
• Goal is to get insights from large volumes of new data.
• Ideal for anomaly detection, recommendation engines and
medical imaging.
•  Need powerful tools for working with large amounts of
unclassified data.
• Computationally complex because they need a large training
set to produce intended outcomes.
• Can have wildly inaccurate results unless you have human
intervention to validate the output variables.
Semi-supervised learning
• It  is a supervised learning where the training data contains
very few labeled examples and a large number of unlabeled
• It  falls between unsupervised learning (with no labeled
 training data) and supervised learning (with only
labeled training data).
• The goal is to make effective use of all of the available data,
not just the labeled data.
• A common example of an application of semi-supervised
learning is a text document classifier.
• It  allows for the algorithm to learn from a small amount of labeled
text documents.
• While still classifying a large amount of unlabeled text documents
in the training data.
Reinforcement learning

• Reinforcement Learning is defined as a Machine Learning method

• That is concerned with how software agents should take actions in

an environment.
• Reinforcement Learning is a part of the deep learning method
• That helps you to maximize some portion of the cumulative
• The applications includes
– Robotics for industrial automation.
– Business strategy planning.

– Machine learning and data processing.

– Aircraft control and robot motion control.
Machine Learning Algorithms
Here is the list of 5 most commonly used machine learning

• Linear Regression
– It is used to estimate real values based on continuous variables.
– We establish a relationship between the independent and dependent
variables by fitting the best line.
• Logistic Regression
–  It is used to estimate discrete values based on a given set of independent
– ie it predicts the probability of occurrence of an event by fitting data to a logit
• Decision Tree
– It is a type of supervised learning algorithm that is mostly used
for classification problems.
– Surprisingly, it works for both categorical and continuous dependent variables. 
• Naive Bayes
– Classification technique based on Bayes’ theorem with an assumption of
independence between predictors. 
– A Naive Bayes classifier assumes that the presence of a particular feature
in a class is unrelated to the presence of any other feature.
• Knn (k- Nearest Neighbors)
– It can be used for both classification and regression problems.
– K nearest neighbors is a simple algorithm that stores all available cases and
classifies new cases by a majority vote of its k neighbors.
• In some fields, machine-learning programs often fail to deliver
expected results.
• Reasons for this are numerous:
– lack of (suitable) data
– lack of access to the data
– Data bias
– Privacy problems
– Badly chosen tasks and algorithms
– Wrong tools and people
– lack of resources
• In 2018, a self-driving car from Uber failed to detect a pedestrian,
who was killed after a collision.
• Attempts to use machine learning in healthcare with the IBM
Watson system failed to deliver even after years of time and
billions of dollars invested.
Key Takeaways

• Data is the lifeblood of all business.

• Data-driven decisions increasingly make the difference between
keeping up or falling further behind.
• Machine learning can be the key to unlocking the value of
corporate and customer data and enacting decisions
• That keep a company ahead of the competition.
Thank You..

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