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Nama : May Damaiyanti

Tingkat : I Reg
DIII Keperawatan Sutopo
Trisha : Excuse me??
Marsha : Yes....What can I do?
Trisha : I want to go to the chemist. But I don’t know where .
Simple present tense
Marsha : It is easy. You go to the Harold building.
Simple present tense
The chemist is in the level 2. It is just near the canteen.
Trisha : Thank you
Marsha : You’re welcome. If you are not sure, ask the receptionist in
the lobby.
Beck : Jhon.....Do you think we need asking someone where is Dr.
Richard’s room Simple present continues tense
Harry : I guess so, darling. Look.....We ask that nurse. I go there and you
wait here Simple present tense
Beck : Okay...honey
Harry : Excuse me....
Nurse : Yes...
Harry : Well.....I get lost....I mean.....finding Dr. Richard’s room.
Simple present continues tense
I walk around and.....and...I don’t find it
Nurse : Anyway........Which Dr. Richard do you mean?
Harry : The Orthopedist
Nurse : mean Dr. Richard Tumberly?
Harry : are right.
Nurse : You go down this corridor, turn right.....his room is in right at the
Simple present tense
end of the corridor. Is that clear?
Harry : Sure.....thank you
Beck : So..???
Harry : It is the end of this corridor. Let’s go.....I am afraid we are late
Simple present tense
Beck : Hurry then
Ns. David : Good morning Juliet!!
Mr. Dunn : Morning Nurse
Ns. David : How is everything?
Mr. Dunn : I am fine
Simple present tense
Ns. David : So....What are you doing at the moment?
Simple present continues tense
Mr. Dunn : I am watching the news.
Simple present continues tense
Ns. David : News....what are they?
Simple present tense
Mr. Dunn : Some people are trying to break in to the Malaysian Consulate
General Simple present continues tense
Ns. David : Really??? What are they doing there?
Simple present continues tense
Mr. Dunn : I think...They are protesting the capture of Indonesian Fishery
officers. Simple present continues tense
Ns. David : Hmmm
Mr. Dunn : Yeah....The two countries relation is growing worst in a few
Ns. David : Simple present continues tense
Mr. Dunn : I think so....well..forget about it.....
Ns. Ann : Good after noon Mr. Cobb
Mr. Cobb : Good afternoon Sister
Ns. Ann : Let me check your wound
Mr. Cobb : What are you doing with my leg?
Simple present continues tense
Ns. Ann : I am taking out the old bandage
Simple present continues tense
Mr. Cobb : And then???
Ns. Ann : I am dressing your wound with new bandages and putting some
antibiotics. Simple present continues tense
Mr. Cobb : Good...
Ns. Ann : Anyway......I don’t see your wife. Where is she going?
Simple present tense Simple present continues
Mr. Cobb : know....I am getting bored sleeping all day. So I asked
Simple present continues
her to buy some magazines or newspaper.
Ns. Ann : So...She is going to the bookstore on the level one.
Simple present continues tense
Mr. Cobb : Yup......I am having my breakfast while she is away.
Simple present continues tense
Ns. Ann : Okay then....see you later
Mr. Cobb : Thank nurse
Nurse : Good morning miss Donna
Miss Donna : Morning Sister
Nurse : How is your backpain?
Miss Donna : Well.....Not much change...but I can sit longer than usual
Nurse : Sound terrific.....It’s good progress. Weather is beautiful, isn’t ....miss Dona
Simple present tense
Miss Donna : You’re right. Would you mind open that curtain? I need some sunlight.
simple present continues tense
Nurse : And also you need fresh air....I am doing it now.
Simple present continues tense
Miss Donna : Thank you.
Nurse : What are you doing at the moment?
Simple present continues tense
Miss Donna : Hmmmmm.....I am massaging my hips.
Simple present continues tense
Nurse : Are you putting some lotion on it?
Simple present continues
Miss Donna : Yes, I am. I think to take a walk on the corridor
Nurse : are. It helps to strengthen your backbone
Miss Donna : Really? Simple present tense
Nurse : Definitely,.......more practices make good improvement
Miss Donna : Yeah...I guess so.... I feel much better after take some walks for few yards
Simple present continues tense
Nurse : Good then...keep practices.

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