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TIU : Peserta didik mampu berkomunikasi tentang taking a history dengan sesama
teman atau dosen.
 Peserta didik mampu bertanya dan menjawab untuk mendapatkan informasi
tentang taking a history.
 Peserta didik menguasai kosa-kata yang diberikan dan dapat menggunakanya
dalam percakapan sehari-hari.
 Peserta didik dapat menggunakan simple past tense dalam percakapan secara

a. Dialogue

Read the dialogue together with the lecturer

Situation : The doctor made a conversation with Mrs. Aisyah
Doctor : Come in Mrs. Aisyah. Come and sit down here. I’ve had a letter from your doctor
and she tells me that you’ve been having pain, pain in your chest.
Patient : Yes, and in my arm, and also tingling in my fingers and...
Doctor : Yes, now when did you first notice this pain?
Patient : Er, well I suppose about six month ago
Doctor : And can you remember when it first come on?
Patient : Yes, well I remember, I got a bad pain in my chest when I was shopping. It was so
bad I couldn’t breathe and...
Doctor : And where, in which part of your chest did you feel the pain?
Patient : Well, right cross my chest
Doctor : And how long did it last?
Patient : Oh, about ten minutes.
Doctor : And what did you do when it hapened?
Patient : I had to stop and wait it to go away
Doctor : So, have you had this, then pain again since then?
Patient : Yes, I often get it when I overdo things.

b. Vocabularies

Chest : dada
I couldn’t breathe : saya tidak dapat bernafas
tingling in my fingers: kesemutan di jari-jariku
first notice : pertama merasakan
since then : sampai sekarang

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suppose : mengira
right cross my chest : dada sebelah kananku
first come on : pertama kali datang
overdo things : aktifitas berlebih
how long did it last? : sudah berapa lama
in good shape : dalam keadaan baik
free of charge : gratis
get rid of : musnahkan
out of reach : di luar jangkauan
untreated : tidak diobati
sneeze : bersin
a couple days : beberapa hari
applicant : pelamar kerja
hospitality : keramahan
resign : mengundurkan diri
reservation number : nomor pemesanan
steward : pramugara

c. Expression

Stretch out your tired legs and relax : rentangkan kakimu dan rilekslah
I’m very sleepy : saya sangat mengantuk
Do you feel drowsy? : Apakah engkau merasa mengantuk?
My heart bleeds! : Oh, aku ikut bersedih
I’m sure he will understand : Saya yakin dia akan mengerti
I hope you make it : Saya harap kamu berhasil
We did it : Kita berhasil
Please accept my apologies : terimalah permintaan maafku
Say sorry to her : katakan padanya aku menyesal
I’m sorry that I was angry with you : maaf, saya marah padamu
I’m sorry, I didn’t mean that : maaf, saya tidak bermaksud seperti itu

d. Grammar focus

Simple Past
Used for action which took place in the past and are finished by the tme of speaking. It is also
used for habitual actions and states in the past, in the same way as the simple present is used
habitual actions and states in the present.
 Last year I studied medicine
 I always went to Palestine for visiting my family
 She was on an early shift everyday last month.

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It is used with such words as: yesterday, last night, the other day, a few days ago, last week,
last month, a few moments ago, long time ago.

+ The nurse took him on at once to the hospital

- The nurse did not take him at once to the hospital ?
? Where did the nurse take him at once? To the hospital

e. Tasks

1. Role play the dialogue above with your partner

2. Change the following sentences into simple past tense orally
a. We are very tired (last night)
b. She injects antibiotic to Mr. Syaiful (two hours)
c. I don’t take his blood sample from Mr. Hanif (yesterday)
d. Is she off duty until 2 p.m? (last week)
e. Hasti has to work late (this morning)


QS. Al – Kahf : 30

Sungguh mereka yang beriman dan mengerjakan kebajikan. Kami benar-benar tidak
akan menyia-nyiakan pahala orang yang mengerjakan perbuatan yang baik itu.

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TIU : Peserta didik mampu berkomunikasi dengan pasien dan orang lain mengenai
“Measuring The Vital Signs”.
TIK : #Peserta didik mampu bertanya dan menjawab pertanyaan tentang “Measuring
The Vital Signs”
#Peserta didik menguasai kosa-kata yang di berikan dan dapat menerapkan nya
dalam percakapan dengan teman.
#Peserta didik dapat mengungkapkan kalimat dengan menggunakan “Adjective
Clause” dalam percakapan.

A. Conversation
Nurse : All right, Mr. Gunawan? Can you open your eyes? Can you hear me?
Mr. Gunawan : Mm..
Nurse : Hello. Can you see me now? Don’t worry, you’re at the hospital.
We’re talking care of you. Your wife’s here too. Everything’s going to
be all right. Just nod your head if you can hear me. That’s good. Well
done. We’re going to have a good look at your chest. I’m going to ask
you some questions as we go along, OK? Important to get some
information. Just nod your head. Good, OK. You thought you were
having a heart attack, is that right? Right. Did you take anything?
Mr. Gunawan : “Aspirin”.
Nurse : Aspirin? OK, How many? One? Two? Show me with your fingers.
Mr. Gunawan : Uh.
Nurse : Two. You’ve had angina? Your wife says. Yes? But never had a heart
attack, right? Did your doctor give you any nitroglycerine tablets to
take if you had chest? Yes?
Mr. Gunawan : Couldn’t find them. I don’t know where. Maybe run out. But it can’t
be. Haven’t used them all.
Nurse : But no pain now? All clear at the moment? Right. Well you did the
right thing phoning 999. I don’t think you’re having a heart attack,
Mr.Gunawan, but we’ll make sure everything’s fine. What we’re going
to do is, we’re going to give you an ECG. Do you know what that is?
It’s a tracing of your heart- it’ll tell us what’s going on- give us a
Nurse : So what were you doing when you had the pain?
Mr. Gunawan : Oh, just doing odd jobs. Some bending over but nothing heavy.
Nurse : “Uh huh”.
Mr. Gunawan : It started in the left-hand side of me chest and spread. Up here.
Nurse : It’s all right. Don’t move, lie as still as you can.
Mr. Gunawan : And I couldn’t breathe. Nurse, am I having a heart attack? Nurse?
Nurse : Here’s the doctor, he’s going to take over now.

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B. Vocabulary

 Chest : Dada
 Odd jobs : pekerja sambilan
 Angina : Kejang
 Breathe : Bernafas
 ECG : Electrocardiogram
 Heart : Jantung
 Attack : Serangan
 Spread : Menyebar
 Nitroglycerin : Nitrogliserin
 Thought : Pikiran / berpikir

C. Expression

All right : Baiklah Uh huh : aha

Hello : hallo it’s all right : Itu benar
That’s good : Itu bagus/baik Here’s the Doctor : Ini dokternya
OK : Ya
Uh : oh
I see : Saya mengerti

NOTE: When you ask the present complaint of patient, you can use these useful
expressions below:

 Now, Mr. Brown, what can I do for you?

 Now, Mr. Nelson, what’s troubling you?
 Well, Mr. Ardi, what’s brought you here?
 Well, Mr. Faisal, what seem to be the problem?

D. Grammar Focus : Adjective clause

The example of adjective clause are who, which, that, whose, when, where.
 I saw the man who closed the door
 The movie which we saw last night was very good.
 The book that is on the table is mine.
Note : Who = used for people
Which= used for things
That = used for people and things
E. Tasks
1. Combine the two sentences, using the second sentence as an adjective clauses
 I apologize to the woman. I spilled her coffee.
 The man called the police. His wallet was stolen

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 The doctor examines the patient. He is very gentle.
 The professor is excellent. I am taking her course.

2. Make conversation with your friend based on the situation and the expression

Situation : Nurse comes to Ms. Citra’s room to take his vital signs.
You may use the expressions below:

 I am feeling terrible
 Would you mind laying down on your bed, please?
 Okay, Ms. Citra, let me check your temperature first?
 I’d like to examine you. Can you lay down on the couch, please.
 Can I have your arm?
 Do you have any else complaint, miss?
 No problem.


“Dosa itu segala sesuatu yang menggelisahkan perasaanmu dan yang

engkau tidak suka bila dilihat orang lain. (HR. Muslim)”

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TIU : Peserta didik berkomunikasi dengan pasien dan orang lain mengenai “Blood

TIK : Peserta didik bertanya dan menjawab pertanyaan tentang “Blood Checking”

Peserta didik menguasai kosa-kata yang di berikan dan dapat menerapkan nya dalam
percakapan dengan teman.

Peserta didik dapat mengungkapkan kalimat dengan menggunakan kata Kerja Bantu
(Modals) dalam percakapan.

A. Situation : A nurse comes to Mr. Jack’s room to take his vital signs.
Nurse Dian : Good morning Mr. Jack.
Mr. Jack : Good morning too, Nurse.
Nurse Dian : How are you doing now, Sir?
Mr. Jack : I am feeling terrible.
Nurse Dian : Terrible! What is going on with you?
Mr. Jack : I have pain on my head.
Nurse Dian : I see, do you have any else complaint, Sir?
Mr. Jack : And little stiff on my leg
Nurse Dian : Okay, Mr. Jack, let me check your blood pressure and your
temperature first?
Mr. Jack : Yes, please.
Nurse Dian : Would you mind lying down on your bed, please?
Mr. Jack : No Problem.
Nurse Dian : Can I have your arm, Mr. Jack?
Mr. Jack : Here it is.
Nurse Dian : Good… will you roll your sleeve up, please?
Mr. Jack : Yes.
Nurse Dian : Good, now, I want to put this cuff around your upper arm then I’ll
search your pulse (brachial artery) on your inner of lower arm.
Mr. Jack : Okay.
Nurse Dian : Now, I am gonna pump this bulb to inflate the cuff, maybe you will
have tingling on your fingers for while but it’s okay.
Mr. Jack : I see.

After the nurse pumps the bulb to inflate the cuff then she puts stethoscope over
brachial artery and listens the sound of artery from beginning to ending, after she
gets the result of B/P, she releases the cuff then put it back onto trolley.

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Nurse Dian : Well Mr. Jack, I am going to check your temperature now?
Mr. Jack : Okay.
Nurse Dian : Could you raise your arm because I’ll put this thermometer on your
Mr. Jack : Like this nurse?
Nurse Dian : Yes, thanks (then the nurse put it at her armpit) and now place your
left hand on your shoulder for moment.
Mr. Jack : With my pleasure.
Nurse Dian : Very good.

After 5 minutes, she takes thermometer back from Mr. Jack’s armpit

Mr. Jack : Well, Mr. Jack, your blood pressure is high enough, its about 160/90
mmHg and temperature 37.5oC, pulse 88 bpm, Rr: 20x/m, I will
report to Dr. Frank about your complaints. I’ll be back in few
Nurse Dian : Thank you very much, Nurse
Mr. Jack : Welcome.

B. Vocabulary

Sleeve up : Menggulung lengan baju

Cuff : manset
Pulse : Urat nadi
Brachial artery : Pembuluh darah
Pump : Pompa
Tingling : Rasa geli
B/P : Blood Pressure
Trolley : Baki / meja dorong

C. Expression

Good morning : Selamat pagi Thank you very much: Terima kasih banyak
I am feeling terrible : Saya merasa tidak baik
No Problem : Tidak masalah Well : Baik
Good…. : Bagus With my pleasure: Dengan senang hati
Very good : Sangat Bagus Welcome :Terima kasih kembali
Okay: Baiklah

D. Grammar Focus : MODAL

The examples of Modals such as:

Word Expressing Sentence

Can Ability and possibility Can you inject antibiotic?

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Could Ability and Possibility She could sing a song when she was
May and Might Possibility John may be sick
May and Can Permission A Nurse may examine me, now
Should Advice You should have studied last night
Have to, Must, Necessity I have very important test tomorrow
Have got to I must study tonight
I have go to study tonight
Do not have to Lack of necessity I finished al of my homework this
afternoon, I don’t have to study tonight
Must not Prohibition Mr. Tony, you must not smoke here.

E. Tasks

1. Complete the conversation below with the appropriate “Modal”..

Mr. Fajar : Good morning, Nurse.
Nurse Dewinta : Good morning, Sir. Is there anything I ….do for you?
Mr. Fajar :I …. meet Dr. Dahlia for checking my father condition.
Nurse : Have you make an appointment with her before?
Mr. Fajar : Not yet, Nurse.
Nurse : Okay. I will call her …. you wait for a while in the waiting
room, Sir?
Mr. Fajar : Absolutely
2. Match each sentence based on the conversation below and practice it with your
partner in front of the class.
Nurse Dian : Good evening, Mr. Jack.
Mr. Jack : Good evening too, Nurse.
Nurse Dian : Well, Mr. Jack, I just got a phone call from Dr. Andrew.
Mr. Jack :…………………………………
Nurse Dian : He is an orthopedic surgeon
Mr. Jack : I see, so?
Nurse Dian :……………………………………
Mr. Jack : What is that for?
Nurse Dian :………………………………….
Mr. Jack : I see, you can take it now.
Nurse Dian :………………………………………..
Mr. Jack : Okay.
Nurse Dian : Thanks and now will raise your arm, please? Because I want to put
this rubber sheet under your arm.
Mr. Jack : …………………………………..
Nurse Dian : Can I have your arm, Sir?
Mr. Jack :……………………………………………………….
Nurse Dian : The right one, Sir?
Mr. Jack : Here they are.
Nurse Dian : Thanks, now could you roll your sleeve up, Sir?

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Mr. Jack : Okay, Nurse.
Nurse Dian :……………………………………….
Mr. Jack : No, problem.
Nurse Dian : ………………………………………..
Mr. Jack : That’s good, Nurse.
Nurse Dian : Please don’t move when this needle is inserted into your vein, maybe
will feel little bit pain but it’s okay
Mr. Jack : …………………………….
Nurse Dian : Don’t worry.
1. Dr. Andrew said that I have to take some blood samples from you before you will be
2. No problem
3. Which one, left or right?
4. Be careful, Nurse, I am afraid of needle
5. And now I am gonna clean your skin by this alcohol
6. Good, and now will you first your hand and I wanna apply this tourniquet above your elbow
7. We want to know about your Blood Group, CBC, ESR, BT, CT, etc.
8. Good, thanks, now would you mind laying down on your bed, please?


“Seseorang yang melihat kebaikan dalam berbagai hal berarti memiliki pikiran yang
baik. Dan seseoran yang memiliki pikiran yang baik mendapatkan kenikmatan dari
hidup.(Bediuzzaman Said Nur)”

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TIU : Peserta didik mampu berkomunikasi dengan pasien dan orang lain mengenai
“Nursing Intervention”.
TIK : #Peserta didik mampu bertanya dan menjawab pertanyaan tentang “Nursing
#Peserta didik menguasai kosa-kata yang di berikan dan dapat menerapkan nya
dalam percakapan dengan teman.
#Peserta didik dapat mengungkapkan kalimat dengan menggunakan kata
Penghubung (conjunction) dalam percakapan.

A. Conversation between Riska and Nurse Maya.

Riska : Ow….ow….ow…
Nurse Maya : What happens?
Riska : Nurse, help me.
Nurse Maya : Okay, please sit down. Tell me why you can be hurt like this.
Riska : I fell down from motorcycle, Nurse.
Nurse Maya : Ow, how poor you are. Okay, I am going to take care of your wound.
Firstly, I will inject you, so you will not feel the pain anymore. May I
clean your wound? Please straighten your legs.
Riska : What are you going to do with that needle and thread, Nurse? (Seems
little bit panic)
Nurse Maya : Don’t be afraid. It won’t be painful. I am going to suture your wound.
Riska : How if the wound isn’t sutured? How if it is just only bandaged?
Nurse Maya : This is a long wound. If not sutured, it won’t be healed soon.
Riska : Oh, I see.
Nurse Maya :It is done… now I am going to apply a splint on your leg to
immobilize it. I suspect there is a fracture. After this, you’ll be
registered to be confined in the hospital if you agree.
Riska : Is my condition that bad?
Nurse Maya : Yes, it is. If you brake your leg. You have to be operated.
Riska : But I am just only the poor. How I can pay the operation?
Nurse Maya : You can get the poor card in the Kelurahan (village administered by
lurah village’s head)
Riska : Okay.

(After one day, the patient may go home)

Nurse Maya : Be careful not to wet your wound.

Riska : Okay, Nurse
Nurse Maya : Come back after two days, so I can clean the wound

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Riska : Yes, I’ll.
Nurse Maya : Okay, that’s all. You may go home.
Riska : Thank you, Nurse
Nurse Maya : You’re welcome.
(come back after two days)
Nurse Maya : Oh, Riska. Please come in.
Riska : What a sunny day!
Nurse Maya : Yes, it is. Please sit down. I am going to clean your wound… Well, it
is finished… Come back after one week for removal the stitches.
Riska : okay, Nurse. See you later.
Nurse Maya : See you.

B. Vocabulary
Straighten : Meluruskan
Bandage : Perban
Removal : Membersihkan
Suspect : menduga
Suture : Jahitan
Healed : Di sembuhkan
Splint : Membalut
Immobilize : Menghentikan
Fracture : Retak/Patah

C. Expressions

Ow….ow….ow… : Aduh…aduh…..aduh.
Ow, how poor you are : Aduh, kasihan sekali
Oh, I see.. : Oh begitu
Okay, please sit down : Baiklah, silahkan duduk
Don’t be afraid : Jangan takut
What a sunny day : Pagi yang cerah
Thank you : Terima kasih
You’re welcome : Terima kasih kembali

D. Grammar Focus : Conjunction

The example of Cojunction such as : For, and, nor, but, or, yet, so, on, in, when,
because, before, after, therefore
 My brother suffers from diarrhea and vomiting
 They are late because it is rain.

E. Tasks

a. Make a dialogue with your partner based on the topic “nursing


S1NR-/Nursing English Reading and work BookPage 21

b. Complete the dialogue below with the correct conjunction.
Conversation: Mr. Black has pain on his leg and calls a nurse.
Nurse Rita : Good afternoon, Mr. Black, is there something that I can do ….. you?
Mr. B : Yes, I feel pain, pain on my leg, Nurse.
Nurse Rita : I see, ……did the pain come on…off?
Mr. B : The pain come on …. I tried to move my leg.
Nurse Rita : How long the pain come on?
Mr. B : It’s about five to ten minutes.
Nurse Rita : Okay, Mr. Black, what does the nurse usually do to combat your
Mr. B : Yes, I was injected pain killer to relieve my pain by nurse Ayu
yesterday afternoon.
Nurse Rita : Where did her inject that medicine?
Mr. B : On my buttock.
Nurse Rita : Do you have any else complaint, Sir?
Mr. B : No, just pain on my leg.
Nurse Rita : Well, Mr. Black, I will call Dr.Frank….. tell him about your
Mr. B : That’s good nurse.
Nurse Rita : And let’s see what he says.
Mr. Black : Thanks, Nurse
Nurse Rita : Meanwhile we wait the instruction….. Dr. Frank, please take Ponstan
500 mgs to relieve your pain.
Nurse Rita : Yes, Nurse.
Mr. Black : And also I am going to give you oxygen 4 liter/minute … take your
vital signs soon


“Jangan memandang rendah dan remeh orang lain, Hanya karena tak lebih
pintar, tak lebih kaya, tak lebih beruntung Dan tak mempunyai pangkat
sepertimu. Kadangkala di mata Allah Swt, batubara yang terlihat legam. Terlihat
lebih berkilau dibanding dengan permata yang mahal harganya.”

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TIU : Peserta didik mampu berkomunikasi dengan pasien dan orang lain mengenai
“Giving an Injection”.
TIK : Peserta didik mampu bertanya dan menjawab pertanyaan tentang “Giving an
Peserta didik menguasai kosa-kata yang di berikan dan dapat menerapkan nya
dalam percakapan dengan teman.
Peserta didik dapat mengungkapkan kalimat dengan menggunakan “Future Tense”
dalam percakapan.

A. Situation : Nurse Rosalyn comes to Mr. Black room. She wants to give pain killer
injection to him.
Nurse Rosalyn : Good evening, Sir. How are you?
Mr. Black : I am feeling bad, Nurse. I still have pain on my leg. I can’t stand it
Nurse Rosalyn : Yes, I understand it, I come here to give you pain killer injection.
Mr. Black : Really! Oh… you’re very good nurse.
Nurse Rosalyn : Okay, I am going to prepare the instruments and wash my hands first.
Mr. Black : Please.

Then the nurse takes instruments for intramuscular injection, such as:

 Syringe 3 ml.
 Alcohol swab.
 Pain killer injection ampoule.
 Medication administration record.
 Disposable gloves.
 Kidney dish.

Then she withdraws 2 ml of Pethidine into syringe and comes back to Mr. Black room.

Nurse Rosalyn : Now, would you lay onto your tummy, please?
Mr. Black : No problem
Nurse Rosalyn : Very good, and now would you mind lowering your pant down,
Mr. Black : No, I don’t mind.
Nurse Rosalyn : Thanks, no I am going to put on this glove.
Mr. Black : Good.
Nurse Rosalyn : Firstly, I will clean the site of injection using this alcohol swab (on
dorsogluteal muscle), please don’t move while I am injecting this
medicine okay, Sir!
Mr. Black : Yes.

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Nurse Rosalyn : And now I inject this needle quickly and firmly with 90o angles and
then pulls back on plunger to aspirate medication, if no blood in
syringe and I will inject medication slowly. After that withdraws it
then applying alcohol gently over site and massage site lightly

Mr. Black : Is it finish, Nurse?

Nurse Rosalyn : Yes, Sir.
Mr. Black : Thanks a lot
Nurse Rosalyn : You’re welcome

B. Vocabulary

 Injection : Menyuntikan Tummy : Perut

 Instruments : Alat-alat Glove : Sarung tangan
 Swab : Penyeka Withdraws : Menarik
 Needle : Jarum Applying : Pemakaian
 Kidney : Ginjal
 Syringe : Alat suntik

C. Expressions

Good evening : Selamat malam Thanks a lot : terima kasih banyak

I am feeling bad : Saya merasa tidak sehat Yes, Sir : Ya, Pak.
Really! : Benarkah! You’re welcome: Terima kasih kembali.
Okay : Baiklah
Please : Tolong/silahkan
Very good : Sangat bagus
No, I don’t mind : tidak, saya tidak keberatan.

D. Grammar Focus : Future Tense with be going to

+ Subject Am/Is/Are Going to Verb I

- Subject Am/Is/Are Going to Verb I
? Am/Is/Are Subject Going to Verb I

Note :
1. Use be going to for an intention (what we have decided)
2. Use be going to for prediction.
3. Adverb of time for future tense is : tonight, tomorrow, tomorrow after-noon, next
week, next month, next year, next summer, next weekend, by the end of this
The example She is going to prepare the instruments (+)
She is not going to prepare the instruments (-)

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E. Tasks
1. Complete the sentences with Future Tense orally
a. They … going to come Hospital tomorrow.
b. I …. going to vacation to Grandmother’s House.
c. Dr. Maya is going to (operated) her patient next week.
d. A Dentist is going to (examined) two patients tonight.
2. Arrange the sentences below to be a good conversation and practice in front the
Situation : Today Mr. Black will be operated and Nurse Rosalyn comes to his
room to make sure that everything is ready.
Mr. Black :
Nurse Rosalyn :
 By the way, when will you
 Good morning Mr. Black, How are bring me operating theater?
you feeling today?  No problem
 Don’t worry Sir, you will be brought  I will
to operating theater at 10.30 pm  I am pretty well, thanks.
 Good and today you will be operated,  Is it finish, Nurse?
won’t you?  Yes, you right.
 And now, I will inject you this  Yes, I am still off from food
medicine at you buttock. and meals
 Little, it just like ant’s bite, now  That’s relieve.
would you mind putting your body  Does it hurt me?
updside down?  On this bed? Okay .
 This medicine is called  Injected again! What that
premedication, we usually give this injected for?
injection one or two hours before  No problem.
operation begins.
 Very good.
 Thanks
 Yes, good, and would you lower
down your trouser.
 Well, Sir. I hope, you don’t move
when you I inject this medicine,
 Yes, and now could you change your
gown with this operation gown,

“Ya Allah,perbaikilah agamaku yang merupakan sandaran segala urusanku.Dan
perbaikilah urusan duniaku yang merupakan tempat tinggalku,dan
perbaikilah akhiratku yang merupakan tempat kembaliku..dan

S1NR-/Nursing English Reading and work BookPage 25

jadikanlah kehidupanku sebagai tambahan bagi kebaikanku dan
kematianku sebagai tempat istirahat dari segala kejelekanku.

(HR Muslim)”



TIU : Peserta didik mampu berkomunikasi tentang pre-operation dengan sesama teman
atau dosen.
 Peserta didik mampu bertanya dan menjawab untuk mendapatkan informasi
tentang persiapan operasi.
 Peserta didik menguasai kosa-kata yang diberikan dan dapat menggunakanya
dalam percakapan sehari-hari.
 Peserta didik dapat menggunakan present perfect tense dalam diskusi secara

a. Dialogue
Let me check the list

Read the dialogue and understand it

Situation : Nurse Mifta asks nurse Rizki about preoperation list of Ms.Fadillah.
Because Ms.Fadillah will be operated by Dr.Rahmad today.

Nurse Mifta : Nurse Rizki have you checked the preoperation list of Ms.Fadillah?
Nurse Rizki : Yes, I have. I’ve checked all the list of Ms.Fadillah this morning.
Nurse Mifta : Very good. But let us check again together.
Nurse Rizki : No problem nurse, what do you want to know about?
Nurse Mifta : Have her parents already given signature on the consent form?
Nurse Rizki : Yes, both of them have given signature on it.
Nurse Mifta : Good and what about identification band on his hand, have you applied?
Nurse Rizki : It was done.
Nurse Mifta : Does she have allergies or something?
Nurse Rizki : Yes, she does. She has allergy to penicillin and shrimp.
Nurse Mifta : Good. Don’t forget to tell it to the other nurse and what about the lab result,
have you had it?
Nurse Rizki : Yes, I have kept it in the file.

b. Vocabularies
consent form : surat izin operasi tattoing : menato tubuh

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shrimp : udang monogamus relationship : berhubungan
hanya dengan satu pasangan

PMTCT Prevention from Mother to Child Transmission Programs.:

Pencegahan Penularan HIV dari Ibu dan Anak yang dikandungnya.
Body piercing: menindik bagian tubuh tertentu
Breastfeeding : periode menyusui
suffer : menderita
Infectious agent: agen penyebab infeksi
Adequate : cukup
fatigue : kelelahan
Juvenile : anak-anak
eating habit : kesiasaan makan

c. Expressions
That’s odd : aneh
He is not here : ia tidak disini
Don’t get me wrong : jangan salah paham
You have spelled my name wrong :kamu salah mengeja namaku
Everything is all right : semuanya baik-baik saja
It is nothing to worry : tidak ada yang perlu dikhawatirkan
You look worried : anda kelihatan khawatir
Is something the matter? : apakah ada masalah?
What are ou worried about? : anda khawatir tentang apa?
He gets worried easily : dia mudah khawatir.
It was a tiring day : ini adalah hari yang melelahkan
Look! He is beginning to flag : lihat! Dia mulai lelah
Don’t exhaust yourself : jangan membuat dirimu kelelahan

d. Grammar focus
Present Perfect

1. For a completed action at an indefinite time in the past. The time markers usually used
are : just, already, yet, not yet.
2. For an activity or a state that has continued for a period of time, from a point in the past
until the present. The time markers such as: since 2014, for years, so far, up to know, in
all her life, until now, etc.

 The infection has already spread to all parts of her body.

 The physicisians have just left the hospital.
 Poor nutrition has affected his physical growth since child-hood.

e. Tasks

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1. Perform the dialogue above with your partner in front of class.
2. Make your own dialogue about operation with your friends and show it in the
3. Complete the sentences with The Present Perfect Tense orally.
a. The doctor .......... just (speak) ...... to the sister.
b. She (not, ask) ........for the patient’s notes yet.
c. The patients ........ never (have) .....operations before.
d. We ........ (see) ....... the operating theatre.


Wise word (kata mutiara)

bersungguh- sungguhlah
mencari ilmu, karena dengan ilmu
hidup jadi mudah. Dengan ilmu
pula manusia jadi mulia.

- Anonim

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TIU : Peserta didik mampu berkomunikasi dengan pasien dan orang lain mengenai “At Pediatric

TIK : Peserta didik mampu bertanya dan menjawab pertanyaan tentang “At Pediatric Clinic”

Peserta didik menguasai kosa-kata yang di berikan dan dapat menerapkan nya dalam
percakapan dengan teman.

Peserta didik dapat mengungkapkan kalimat dengan menggunakan “Asking Permission

and Request with Modals and Similar Expressions” dalam percakapan.

A. Conversation

Doctor : Good morning!

Patient’s Mother : Oh, Doc! At last you have come!
Doctor : How is your son?
Patient’s Mother : It’s bad. He doesn’t want to eat, both food and medicines. He also
refused to be infused
Doctor : Let me talk to your son.
Patient’s Mother : Please, Doc.
Doctor : Hello, Max. How are you?
Patient : Go away! I don’t like you
Doctor : How do you feel, Max?
Patient : I want to go home!
Doctor : If you want to go home, you must be recovered first. In order to be
recovered, you must eat the food and medicines. You must be infused
Patient : May I eat ice cream then?
Doctor : Yes, of course, but after you are recovered. Instead of ice cream, you
may drink fruit juice or electrolyte drink such as pediatric oral
rehydration solution.
Patient : Okay, I will eat, but I don’t like the taste of the food, moreover the
Doctor : I understand. You are sick, so everything tastes bitter. At least, eat the
food little. For the medicines, I’ll ask the nurse to add syrup to it. Here,
I’ll give you iv fluid drips.
Patient : Why do you have to insert the needle in my hand?
Doctor : It’s for your goodness. The fluid in this bottle will make you healthy
and it must be entered to your body through the vein of your hand.
Patient : Why can’t I just swallow it?

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Doctor : No, you may not. It’s not supposed to enter your stomach….. Please
let me infuse you and you will be better. Later, the infusion may be
removed from your body.
Patient : Okay.
Patient’s Mother : Thank you, Doc.

B. Vocabulary
 Refuses : Menolak
 Infused : Menginfus
 Recovered : Sembuh
 Pediatric : Kesehatan anak-anak
 Tastes : Terasa
 Stomach : Perut

C. Expressions

Good morning : Selamat pagi Yes, of course : Ya, tentu saja

Oh, Doc! At least you have come! : Oh, Dok! Akhirnya anda datang
It’s bad : Buruk Okay : Baik
Go away! : Pergi Thank you, Doc : Terima kasih, Dok
I don’t like you : Saya tidak suka anda
I understand : Saya mengerti
I want to go home : Saya ingin pulang
Please, Let me infused you : Tolong biarkan saya menginfusmu

D. Grammar Focus : Asking Permission and Request with Modals and Similar

Asking permission:

Polite requests with “I” as the subject.

 May I eat ice cream?

 May I take some tablets of medicine, please?

Request : Polite request with “you” as a subject.

 Would you please accompany me to the Hospital?

 Do you mind getting the apple? (Do you mind +Ving)
 Do you mind me opening the window? (Do you mind me +Ving)
E. Tasks

1. Make a short conversation with your friend based on the alternative themes
 You want to make an appointment to see Dr. Indah. You’re speaking to her

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 You are looking for surgical ward in Sudarso Hospital then you want asks to
Information Center.

2. Complete the conversation and practice with your partner in front of the class.
Situation : Priska (9 years old) got a fever and now she take care in the Pediatric
clinic. The Doctor will examine Priska.
Doctor : Good afternoon, Priska
Priska :………………………………..
Doctor : How do you feel, Priska?
Priska :…………………………………….
Doctor : Have you been feeling cold?
Patient :……………………………….
Priska’s mother : Doc, she has been feeling this since yesterday.
Doctor : ……………………………………
Priska’s mother :………………………………………
Doctor :………………………………………………

Wise words

“Barang siapa tidak dicoba dengan bencana atau kesusahan, maka tidak ada
sebuah kebahagiaan pun disisi Allah.(Adh-Dhahhak)”

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TIU : Peserta didik mampu berkomunikasi tentang Antenatal Care dengan sesama
teman atau dosen.
 Peserta didik mampu bertanya untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang
Antenatal Care.
 Peserta didik menguasai kosa-kata yang diberikan dan dapat menerapkanya
dalam percakapan dengan teman
 Peserta didik dapat mengungkapkan kalimat dengan menggunakan Present
Continuos Tense

a. Dialogue
Situation : Doctor Khadijah from Palestine is giving a talk a group of young
mother in her clinic.
Dr.Khadijah : Ladies, you all look fresh and beautiful. I am so pleased that you are
here again today.
Mother 1 : What is the topic today, Doctor?
Dr. Khadijah : Our topic today is antenatal Care. It means ‘before birth’, it is looking
after yourself before the birth. “You must eat well, sleep
well,..remember stay away far from harmful medicines.”
Mother 2 : What are the examples?
Dr.Khadijah : Do not ever touch alcohol and no smoking! If you all follow this
advice, your baby will have best chance of good start life. You will
get your strength back more quickly after the birth and have more
energy to make treatment. We in the clinic have the antenatal care by
our nurses for you just sign in for meeting like this.
Mother 3 : How early can one come here, Doctor?
Dr.Khadijah : Well, as soon as she knows she may be pregnant.
Mother 1 : What actually is it for?
Dr.Khadjah : To check and keep you are healthy that your baby is growing well. Of
course, to detect any problems earlier before they affect the health of
you or your baby. Beside that, to make sure that you stay health
during your pregnancy and then give a birth to a health baby. Please
come once a month and twice a week in the last month.
The audiences : Thank you, Doc

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b. Vocabularies & Pronounciation
stay away : jauhi pregnant : hamil
harmful medicines : obat-obatan terlarang
advice : saran to detect : memeriksa
best chance : kesempatan bagus gas station : SPBU
registered : terdaftar grocery : toko kelontong
monatery : wihara residence : tempat tinggal
stationery : toko perlengkapan kantor
Ied Al fitr : Idul fitri easter day : paskah
Vomit : muntah take a leak : buang air kecil
Take a dumb : buang air besar soak : merendam
Daily needs : kebutuhan sehari-hari

c. Expressions
I am so pleased : saya sangat senang sekali That’s cool: itu keren
It is a pleasure to meet you : senang bertemu denganmu
Keep the change : ambil kembalianya
That’s just common sense : itu adalah hal biasa yang masuk akal
This is logical choice : ini adalah pilihan yang logis
That’s good idea : ide yang baikwith pleasure: Dengan senang hati
Be a reasonable : bersikaplah masuk akal
He is very egocentric : dia sangat egois

d. Grammar focus
Present Continuous Tense for actions which are going on at the time speaking. It is
sometimes used with such words as: now, still, at present, at the moment, today, this
 What are you doing now? I am writing a letter
 She is washing the dishes
 Is she washing the dishes?
 Am I writing a letter?
 What is she reading? She is reading Qur’an

e. Tasks
1. What do you know about the dialogue? Answer the question orally
2. Change these sentences into present continuous tense orally
a. She usually works at pediatric ward this month
b. They carry out sterile procedure Now
c. Do Usman and Ali give injections? Today
d. We do not administer drugs At the moment

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e. This patient suffers from pneumonia Now

“Janganlah membuatmu putus asa dalam mengulang-ulang doa, ketika Allah
menunda ijabah doa itu. Dialah yang menjamin ijabah doa itu menurut pilihan-
Nya padamu, bukan menurut pilihan seleramu. Kelak pada waktu yang
dikehendaki-Nya, bukan menurut waktu yang engkau kehendaki. (Ibnu

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TIU : Peserta didik mampu berkomunikasi tentang vitamin & suplemen dengan sesama
teman atau dosen.
 Peserta didik mampu bertanya untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang vitamin &
 Peserta didik menguasai kosa-kata yang diberikan dan mepraktekanya dalam
 Peserta didik dapat membuat pertanyaan dengan menggunakan bentuk WH-

a. Dialogue

Read the following dialogue

This time a speaker from Pontianak, Luqman talks about vitamin supplements.
The nurses are eager to know more.

Luqman : As we all know, for the most part, healthy, newborns receive all the
nutrients they need whether they are being nourished on breast milk or
prepared formula. But there are few special considerations and
Nurse Fitri : What about the amount of vitamin D in the first year of life?
Luqman : Some pediatricians are concerned that not all breastfed babies are
receiving adequate amount of vitamin D. This nutrient is particularly
important in the first year of life to make sure bones are properly
calcified during this period of rapid growth.
Nurse Dita : I understand that vitamin D is also synthesized from sunlight?
Luqman : Yes, that's right. But many infants today are protected from the
elements parents may keep them covered up in the summertime.
Nurse Nisa : That is very amazing.

b. Vocabularies

Newborns : bayi baru lahir pediatricians : dokter anak

Nutrients : nutrisi breastfed : disusui
Nourished : memberi makan adequate : cukup / memadai
Consideration : pertimbangan particularly : terutama sekali / sangat
Exception : pengecualian properly : sebagaimana mestinya
Infants : bayi summertime : musim panas

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c. Expression

That is very amazing : luar biasa

It is so comfortable here : di sini begitu nyaman
Things will get well soon : semuanya akan baik-baik saja
You will be all right : anda akan baik-baik saja
Don’t tease her anymore : jangan menggodanya lagi
I can’t keep a straight face : saya tidak bisa menahan tawa
Lighten up! : santai saja!
Cheer up : ceria dong
His voice sounded deadly serious: suaranya terdengar sangat serius

d. Grammar focus: WH-Questions

Where do you work ? I work in Dr.Sudarso Hospital
What ward do you work in that hospital? I work at pediatric ward
What do you do there? I am a nurse
Where does Ms.Rida work? She works at STIK Muhammadiyah Pontianak
What does she do? She is a lecturer
How old is she? She is 25 years old

e. Tasks
1. Work with your partner to practise a conversation between a nurse and a
patient about nutrition.
2. Complete the dialogue below with appropriate words and practise it with
your friend
Patient : Good afternoon!
Doctor : Good afternoon ! Please sit (1.................)! Are you Mr.Khoir ?
Patient : Yes, I am.
Doctor :Good any complaint? `
Patient :I want to (2....................) you several questions to add my knowledge
(3................) nutrition. Maybe I (4........................)be healthier by doing
Doctor : You really will be healthier but you have (5.........................) do what
you know about how to be healthier.


“Setiap orang di dunia ini adalah seorang tamu, dan uangnya adalah pinjaman.
Tamu itu pastilah akan pergi, cepat atau lambat, dan pinjaman itu haruslah

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TIU : Peserta didik mampu berbicara dalam seminar keperawatan


 Peserta didik mampu mengekspresikan pembicaraan formal diseminar

 Peserta didik mampu menguasai kosa-kata mengenai kesehatan dan
menggunakanya dalam seminar secara benar.
 Peserta didik mampu menggunakan tenses dalam percakapan aktif maupun pasif.

a. Seminar of nursing
Seminar of nursing usually done by students of Nursing Academy, nurse in
hospital or medical staff. Many people confess that holding seminar is difficult. In this
unit you will be explained how to make a successful seminar in English.

b. Vocabularies

Medical staff : staf medis

obsterician : dokter ahli kebidanan
Confess : mengakui
prescription : resep dokter
Holding seminar: mengadakan seminar
visitor hour : jam kunjung
General hospital : rumah sakit umum
scar : bekas luka
Health centre : balai pengobatan
wheel chair : kursi roda
Health officer : pegawai kesehatan
ward : ruang
Hygine : ilmu kesehatan
Hygienist : ahli kesehatan
sanitary engineering :teknologi kesehatan
Internist : ahli penyakit dalam
sanitary regulation : peraturan kesehatan

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Maternity clinic : klinik bersalin
Midwife : bidan
Medical sertificate : surat keterangan dokter
Medical examination : pemeriksaan medis
Ministry of health : kementrian kesehatan

c. Useful Expressions

First pertama
Ladies and gentlements saudara-saudara sekalian
The honorable yang terhormat
I would like to introduce saya ingin memperkenalkan
I’d like to thank to saya berterima kasih pada
In my opinion menurut pendapat saya
I think saya pikir
As far as I’m concerned sejauh yang saya perhatikan
In my point of view menurut pandangan saya
Based on berdasarkan
According to menurut
Frankly speaking terus terang
In the other hand di lain pihak
Consecuently sebagai akibatnya
I hope saya harap
On behalf of atas nama
Not only...but also tidak hanya...tapi juga
Before talking about sebelum bicara tentang
The last but not least yang terakhir tapi tidak kalah pentingnya
The conclusion is kesimpulanya adalah
Let me conclude that izinkan saya menyimpulkan bahwa
Finally akhirnya

d. Grammar focus
Tenses of speaking
1. I always wake-up early (saya selalu bangun pagi).
- She is a nurse (dia seorang perawat)
2. She is washing the dishes ( dia sedang mencuci piring).
3. He has written the letter (dia sudah menulis surat).
4. Yusuf went to Putusibau last week (Yusuf pergi ke Putusibau minggu lalu).
- My ex-boy friend did not give me an advice (mantan pacarku tidak
memberiku saran).

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5. Fatimah were reading Qur’an at 08.00 last night. ( Fatimah sedang membaca
al-qur’an pukul 08.00 tadi malam).
6. Abdul had visited his parents when I met him (Abdul sudah mengunjungi
orang tuanya ketika saya menemuinya).
7. My parents will go to Mecca next month. (Orang tuaku akan pergi ke Mekkah
bulan depan).
8. Ayub will be praying duha at 09.00 tomorrow. (Ayub akan sedang sholat
duha pukul 09.00 besok pagi).
9. Rizqi would meet her friends yesterday. (Rizqi akan menemui teman-temanya
kemarin). Kenyataanya tidak terlaksana.

kata kerja bantu (auxiliary verbs)

(kejadian) simple Continuous perfect
time (waktu)
present (1)do/does (2)am/is/are as  
past (4)did (5)was/were (6)had  
future (7)will/shall be    
past future uld      

tense of passive voice

(kejadian) Simple Continuous perfect
time (waktu)
present (a)am/is/are+v3 (c)am/is/are+being+v3 (d)have/has+been+v3  
Past (b)was/were+v3 3 (f)had+been+v3  
future (g)will/shall+be+v3   will/shall+been+v3  
would/should+be+v would/should+been+v
past future 3   3  

Basic concept of passive voice

BE + V3
 VISIT am/is/are+v3 (VISITED)

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 MADE was/were+v3 (MADE)
 IS WAITING am/is/are+being+v3 (WAITED)
 HAS BUILT have/has+been+v3 (BUILT)
 WILL KILL will/shall+be+v3 (KILLED)

a. Tehku diminum oleh Aisyah (my tea is drunk by Yuyun).
b. Buku Irfan dipinjam olehnya (Irfan’s book was borrowed by him).
c. Hajar sedang dikunjungi oleh ibunya (Hajar is being visited by her mother).
d. Kerudung ini sudah dibeli oleh dia (this veil has been bought by her).
e. Al-qur’an ini sedang dibaca oleh khusnul (this qur’an was being read by khusnul)
f. Gedung STIK Muhammadiyah sudah didirikan ketika saya kuliah bebrapa tahun silam.
(STIK Muhammadiyah’s building had been built when I studied a few years ago)
g. Saya akan dijemput ibu nanti sore. (I will be picked –up by mom this afternoon).
h. Bunga itu akan ditanam oleh nona annisa kemarin ( that flower would be planted by
ms.Annisa yesterday). “aktifitasnya tidak terlaksana”.
i. Buku ini dapat dibaca dengan mudah oleh adiku (this book can be read by my brother

e. Tasks
1. Give your opinion about these statements orally:
- AIDS is a dangerous disease
- Say no to drugs
- English is not important for indonesian nurses
- Lung cancer is caused by smoking
- A beautiful nurse is important
2. Make a mini seminar and perform it orally in front of your classmates in 5 minutes
about “Heart attack”


QS: Al – Jasiyah (45): 07

Celakalah bagi setiap orang banyak berdusta lagi banyak berdosa
Cinta terasa menyakitkan ketika Tuhan tahu bahwa kamu pantas
mendapatkan seseorang yg lebih baik daripada dia yg terus berimu luka.

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“Sesungguhnya Allah mencintai hamba yang banyak berdoa. Oleh karena itu,
berdoalah pada waktu ashar hingga matahari terbit, karena pada waktu itu pintu-
pintu langit terbuka, rezeki-rezeki dibagikan dan hajat-hajat penting dikabulkan”

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