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Language Function     : Explaining interventions and giving instructions
Language Focus    : Would you + V1
Would you mind + V-ing

A. Words associated with breathing
Medical Colloquial Expressions

dyspnoea breathless, out of breath, puffed, short of breath, fighting for breath.

expectorate to bring up/cough up phlegm/spit

expiration breathing out

inhaler in puffer

inspiration breathing in

respiration breathing

sputum phlegm

B. Read the Vocabulary below.

Pulse rate            : jumlah denyutan
Rhythm or regularity    : irama denyutan/cepat-lambat
Tension or compressibility    : ketegangan
Beats per minute        : denyutan per minute
Patient’s chart        : lembar (penilaian) pasien
Normal pulse rhythm    : irama denyutan normal
Bradycardia            : denyut nadi dewasa di bawah 60 beats/min
Tachycardia        : denyut nadi dewasa di atas 100 beats/min
Bounding            : lompatan denyut nadi yang kuat
Thread/week        : denyut nadi yang semakin menurun


1. Explaining the Procedures 

1. Instructions and Expressions during the implementation

1. Nurse Responses


Activity 1
Complete the Conversation 
Activity 2. Translate the sentences below into communicative English.
1. Pak, sekarang saya mau mengukur tekanan darah bapak.
2. Silahkan berbaring di tempat tidur itu.
3. Silahkan lengan bajunya digulung ke atas.
4. Sekarang saya mau masukkan thermometer ini ke ketiak ibu.
5. Silahkan buka bajunya, saya akan mengecek pernafasan bapak.
6. Tarik nafas dalam-dalam, lepaskan nafas . . . tarik nafas . . . lepaskan . . . .

Activity 2:
1.Sir, now I want to measure your blood pressure.
2.Please lie down on that bed.
3. Please have her sleeves rolled up.
4.Now I want to put this thermometer in your armpit.
5. Please open the shirt, I will check your breathing.
6.Take a deep breath, release the breath. . . inhale . . . let go. . . .

Activity 3. Pair Work

 The illustration below show the implementation of checking vital signs.
 Choose one picture then make conversation exchange and give appropriate
instructions when you want to check patient’s vital signs according to the illustration.
 Take only one kind of the implementation of checking vital signs.
                                                    Picture 1                         Picture 2


        Picture 3                        Picture 4


        Picture 5                        Picture 6
Example : Checking Respiration (Picture 2)
Case     : A patient with persistent cough, suspect with TB

Nurse     : Good Morning Mr. Chan.

Patient     : Good Morning Nurse.
Nurse     : I need to do the routine tests. 
Patient     : Sure Nurse.
Nurse     : (checking the blood pressure).
      OK. It’s now the breathing. Would you please unbutton your shirt.
Patient     : OK.
Nurse     : Thank you. Now breath in, . . . . breath out . . . . , Fine. did you still cough last
Patient     : It was decreased. What is my breathing nurse?
Nurse     : I’m afraid there is still wheezing. OK. Mr. Chan, that’s enough. Thank you.
Patient     : You’re welcome. 

 Do the same as above for the rest of the pictures. 

 Note for Picture 5, the conversation exchange is aimed at the mother of the girl. 

Picture 1

Nurse: good morning sir

I'm Suster Yuni

Patient: morning nurse

Nurse: Excuse me, I want to check and count the radial pulse in FC1 minute, sir

Patient: please nurse

(Nurse starts checking in 1 minute)

Nurse: I've checked, sir, your pulse is strong and normal.

I've finished checking it

I'll say goodbye, sir

Patient: thank you nurse🙏

Picture 3

nurse : good afternoon Mrs. Linda

Patient : Good afternoon nurse.

Nurse : I will check mother's temperature

patient: yes nurse

Nurse: (checks body temperature)

sorry I checked the body temperature on mom's forehead.

patient : ok

Nurse : do you still feel fever?

patient: no nurse

Nurse : Ok, Mrs. Linda, this is enough, thank you.

patient: you're welcome.

Picture 6

nurse : good morning ma'am cia

Patient : Good morning nurse.

Nurse: I'll check mom's blood pressure

patient: yes nurse

Nurse: (checks blood pressure)

sorry, I checked the blood pressure on the right arm, ma'am.

patient : ok

Nurse : do you still feel dizzy?

patient: no nurse

Nurse : Ok, Miss, your blood pressure is normal, that's enough, thank you.

patient: you're welcome.

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