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English for Nursing 2 nama : irhammaksum

Topic 12 nim : 1019031068

Instructional objective
The students are expected to be able:

to act out the practice and therapeutic communication when applying an infusion, and
to write a nursing documentation after applying an infusion to a patient.

Direction. Read the nursing note below and get some useful informations regarding applying an
infusion. Then, answer the following questions.

Patients who can't take medication orally are usually prime candidates for this
kind of treatment. However, a person who may be able to take a medication
orally but whose disease doesn't respond well to that type of medication can opt
for IV infusion therapy instead. If they do opt for intravenous therapy, they
will be required to go to the hospital, therapy center, or have a nurse come to
their house every few weeks or so. Infusions can take anywhere from a few
minutes to a few hours, so many patients find themselves devoting an entire
day to their medication.
Since the infusions are administered through an IV, it may be very
intimidating. However, it's important for patients to understand that the
treatment isn't scary at all and is there to help treat the disease they are dealing
with. The nurses and doctors typically start off easy with the most common
infusion systems fluid (saline) just to get the ball rolling. (Source:

1. Who are usually prime candidates for getting an IV infusion?
Patients who can't take medication orally are usually prime candidates for
this kind of treatment. However, a person who may be able to take a
medication orally but whose disease doesn't respond well to that type of
medication can opt for IV infusion therapy instead.

2. How can patients get option for IV therapy?
Patients can get option for IV therapy if they to go to the hospital, therapy
center, or have a nurse come to their house every few weeks or so.
Infusions can take anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours, so many
patients find themselves devoting an entire day to their medication.

3. How if patients become very intimidating with IV therapy?

Since the infusions are administered through an IV, it may be very
intimidating. However, it's important for patients to understand that the
treatment isn't scary at all and is there to help treat the disease they are
dealing with. The nurses and doctors typically start off easy with the most
common infusion systems fluid (saline) just to get the ball rolling.

Related Vocabularies
Direction. The followings are the vocabularies related to applying an infusion. Practice the
pronunciation. Complete the blanks of some words with the proper pronunciation.

A. Needed Equipment

Syringe Tourniquet Alcohol Swab

/səˈrinj/ /ˈtərnəkət/ /ˈalkəˌhôl swäb/

Kidney Dish Band Aid Under pad

/ˈkidnē diSH/ /band ād/ /ˈəndər pad/

IV Pole Fluid Bag IV Catheter

/ IV pōl/ /ˈflo͞ oid baɡ/ /IV ˈkaTHədər/

B. Verbs
1. Apply /əˈplī/ : memasang
2. Lie /lī/ : berbaring
3. Insert /insert/ : memasukkan

Useful Expressions
Direction. Study the following useful expressions when applying an infusion and practice them.
Complete some blanks with an expression of the related step.
A. Greeting
 Hi, Paula. How are you doing today?
 Good morning, Sir.

B. Self-Introduction
 My name is Rudy. I am a nursing student at faletehan University.
 I am Shanti. I will take care of you today.
 Can you tell me your name, Sir?
 Can you tell me your birth date?

C. Explaining what you are going to do

 I am here to ....
 I am going to ....
 It is time for me to ....  I need to apply an infusion.
 I need to ....  I just want to apply this
 I just want to .... tourniquet round your arm.

D. Giving rationale
 To make medication easier
 To increase solution in your
 Etc.
E. Giving questions
 Do you have any allergy?
 Do you.. .?

F. Giving instructions  Lie flat on your back.

 (V1) ............  Would you roll your sleeve up?
 Would/Could/Can you..........?

G. Reassuring
 Don’t worry. It’s okay.
 It won’t take long.
 I’ll do this as quickly as I can.
 Everything will be okay.
 It shouldn’t be painful.

H. Giving cautionary
 This will give a little pain.
 You may feel a bit uncomfortable.
 You’ll feel a jab.

Listening Exercise
Direction. Listen and complete the conversation below.
Nurse : Good morning, Mr. Brown. You look
pale. Mr. Brown : Yes, Nurse. I had diarrhea last
Nurse : How many
times? Mr. Brown : Five
Nurse : Okay, Mr. Brown. I need (1) to apply an infusion.
Now, I’ll give you an injection into your vein.
Mr. Brown : Will it hurt?
Nurse : (2) You'll feel a jab, but it’s okay. I’ll do it quickly.
Give me your left hand, please.
I need to roll this around your upper arm.
Mr. Brown : Sure.
Nurse : Okay. That’s it.

Take a rest and don’t forget to drink as much water as possible.

Mr. Brown : Sure. Thank you,

Nurse. Nurse: Don’t mention it.

Communication Exercise
Direction. Choose a pair and write a complete conversation on the acts of applying an infusion. You
can use the useful expressions above. Then, practice and present your communication practice. Do not
read aloud your conversation text.

Nurse : Good morning

Patient : Good morning, Nurse.
Nurse : Can you tell me your
name? Patient : My name is anton
Nurse : Can you tell me your birth
date? Patient : 05 october 2001
Nurse : Where do you live?
Patient : I live in bayah
Nurse : Okay, your identity same with hospital bracelet. How are you

Patient : I have a stomach ache, fever that doesn't go down and nauseous

Nurse : Hmm... No wonder you look pale. How many times?

Patient : 5 times, Nurse.
Nurse : Okay. Let’s me introduce myself. My name is irhammaksum. I am a
nursing student at faletehan University. I need to apply an
I will explain the procedure first. So, I'm going to stab the vein in
your hand. I will give you Natrium Chloride infusion 0.9% for 4
hours with volume 500 mL. The goal is to enter fluids directly
into your body through blood vessels, and so you don't get
dehydrated. The time is about 6-10 minutes, are you ready?
Patient : Ready, Nurse.
Nurse : Okay. I will prepare the equipment
first. Patient : Yes, nurse.
Nurse : Do you have any allergy
drug? Patient : No, nurse.
Nurse : I will prepare the IV fluid.
Give me your left hand, please.
Okay, I will put under pad on your left arm.
I just want to apply this tourniquet round your arm.

Okay, I've found the vein
I will give alcohol swab so it doesn't hurt too
much Now, I will stab at IV Catheter. Don’t worry.
It’s okay. I will connect it with liquid NaCl.
Okay, it is done.
Patient : Okay, nurse.
Nurse : What do you feel?
Patient : I feel pain when stabbed with an IV catheter but now it's okay
Nurse : Okay. Take a rest and don’t forget to drink as much water as
possible. Patient : Sure, Thank you, Nurse.
Nurse : You are welcome. I hope you get better soon. I'm out of the
room. Bye
Patient : Bye

Nursing Documentation
Direction. Write a nursing documentation after applying an infusion to a patient. You can refer to the
questions below for jotting down what you have to write.
1. Mention the patient’s identity.
2. What drugs?
3. How many dose?
4. How long (hours)?
5. What for?
6. Mention the nurse’s name.
7. Mention the day, date, and time of the injection.
Patient Identity
Name : Mr anton Age : 20 years old

Report after giving an injection

 Given infusion Natrium Chloride 0.9%
 Given 500 mL
 Infusion given for 4 hours
 The goal is to enter fluids directly into your body through blood vessels,
and so you don't get dehydrated.

Time : 08.00 a.m.

Day, date: Tuesday, November 23, 2021.

Nurse : irham maksum


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