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Name : Alvina Khairunnissa 1701046

Name : Heybi Waani 1701058

Class : Kontrak 3 B Keperawatan

Task 3

Translate this communication exchange into English (V : Visitor) ( N : Nurses)

1. V : Saya pasien dr.Stewart. jam berapa hari ini saya bisa bertemu?
N : sebentar saya cek jadwalnya dulu.baik,ada bisa ketemu pk .16.30

V : I am a patient of Dr. Stewart. what time is it today i can meet?

N: I'll check the schedule for a moment. OK, I can meet you at Sixteen past thirty

2. V : Hari apa saja ada dokter spesialis anak?

N : Dokter spesialis anak? Sebentar ya Bu...dokter spesialis anak pada hari Selasa dan jumat
V : Jam berapa jadwalnya?
N : pagi jam 8 sampai jam 12.sore jam 4 sampai jam 6

V : What days are there pediatricians?

N: Pediatrician? Wait a minute, ma'am ... a pediatrician on Tuesday and Friday
V: What time is the schedule?
N: morning eight o'clock to twelve.afternoon Four o'clock to Six o'clock
3. V : Suster kapan jadwal kunjungan pasien dr.william?
N : ia sdah datang. Ia akan mengunjungi anda kira-kira jam 8.15

V : When is Dr. William's patient schedule scheduled for visit?

N: he has come. He will visit you at about eigth past fifteen
4. V : Suster,jam berapa Operasi adik saya akan dimulai
N : Operasi? Hari ini jam 10 tepat

V : V: Sister, what time will my sister's operation start

N: Operation? Today is ten o'clock shar
5. V : Maaf, jam berapakah jadwal kunjungan dirumah sakit ini?
N : pagi jam 10 sampai jam 12 dan jam 6 sampai jam 8 sore.

V : Sorry, what time is the schedule of visits to this hospital?

N: morning Ten o'clock to twelve o'clock and six o'clock to eight o'clock in the
Tesk 2

Pratice this with your partner ( P : Patient ) ( N : Nurse )

7.P : Ask N about time she soulds see the pediatrician

N : Tell P abaout the Time

8.P : Ask N about when operation Will finish

N : Tell P about the time

7.P : Selamat siang suster kapan jadwal saya harus memeriksakan anak saya kedokter anak?

N : dokter anak? Sebentar yah Bu,,dokter spesialis anak pada hari Jumat jam 11.15

P : Terimakasih suster

N : iya ibu

8.P : permisi suster kapan operasi anak saya selesai?

N : selesai operasi sekitar jam 2.40 ibu

P : Baik suster Terimakasih


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