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Nama : Juwita Lestari

Kelas : 1B

Tugas Bahasa Inggris

Translate these into communicative English

1.TASK 3
1. I check the patient's vital signs regularly
2. to determine a nursing diagnosis I have to assess the patient's health condition
3. I've checked the blood pressure of Mr.Peter Cathcart
4. Doctor, I already intravenous injection
5. I accompanied Mr.Ryan to go around in a wheelchair this morning
6. we must immediately resuscitate
7. have you written any nursing documentation for mr.cathcart ?
8. Have you finished assisting Mr.Cathcart's elimination ?
9. Doctor, I have finished giving the bandage to Mr.Satawar Hussein
10. We have to give him hot of local anesthetic
11. I've checked mr.johnson's condition
12. Sister, have you made a report on Ms. Lolita?
13. I want to check your blood pressure
14. have you sent the potty to Mrs.johnson
15. We have to move Mr.Johnson to the bed together

2. TASK 1
1. This tool is used for cutting
2. what is the name of the tool used to remove the stitches ?
3. I need a device to help a patient with a paralyzed leg get out of bed
4. in the endoscopy process we need a device to keep the patient's mouth open
5. could you please get me a digital thermometer ?
6. This tool serves to absorb fluid or blood during the operation process
7. To lift accident victims we need stretcher
8. to measure blood pressure we can use an aneroid manometer or
9. would you like to explain the function of the sling?
10. what is the name of the tool used for weighing in english?

3. TASK 3,2
1. V : I am Dr.Stewart's patient, what time can I meet him today?
N : briefly, I check the schedule first. well you can meet at 16:30 ( half past four)
2. V : what days are there a pediatrician?
N : pediatrician ? wait a minute, ma'am ... a pediatrician is available on Tuesday
and Friday
V : what time is the schedule ?
N : in the morning at 8 a.m( eight a clock am) . to 12 p.m( twelve a clock pm)
and in the afternoon at 4p.m (four a clock pm) to 6p.m (six a clock pm)
3. V : Nurse, when are Dr. William's patient scheduled visits
N : he has come, he will visit you at quarter past eight (8:15 am)
4. V : Suster, what time will my sister's operation began?
N : operation? Today's at ten o'clock (10:00 am)
5. V : sorry what time is the schedule of visits to this hospital?
N : in the morning at ten o'clock to twelve and in the afternoon at six o'clock to
eight pm (8:00 am - 12:00 pm) morning* (6:00pm -8:00pm)

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